Supreme Court TURNS AGAINST MAGA in Surprising Hearing


Even the right wing members of the Supreme Court believe that a law banning the Biden Administration from the public square and preventing its officials from lobbying social media platforms to take down medical and election disinformation, is too far and not a violation of the 1st Amendment. Michael Popok reports on the oral argument in Murthy v Missouri which went terribly for MAGA as the majority sees no problem with proper policy.

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Author: phillynews215


28 thoughts on “Supreme Court TURNS AGAINST MAGA in Surprising Hearing

  1. The last "plandemic" suppression of actual scientific / medical information on co* Vid 19 worked out so well, didn't it…?

  2. America, listening to this argument, I as a black American, if just talking to someone in conversation, this statement, regardless of color , would cause me to say …. Nigga please …. White or black. Definition says ignorance , not color.

  3. There are no more normal Republicans, only magas/autocract leaning dreamers.
    Therefore, in order to be a democracy and keep America from autocracy, we NEED to vote 💙💙💙💙 ALL THE WAY!!💯

  4. If is causing a lot disinformation that's why the insurrection if Jan 6 happened they were following what was being said on the media ; so yes they should be restricted.

  5. Wow, Michael Popok, I can't believe you don't see the implications of this. If Donald Trump becomes president again, God forbid, one of the first media outlets to be called 'disinformation' and kicked off the internet will be you, Meidas Touch.

  6. We need to enable our government with the ability to fine media platforms for propagating false narratives. LARGE fines. For each instance. This would at least deter the platforms from pushing propaganda that is detrimental to our society as a whole. Yes you have the freedom to lie. But there should be no protection for false narratives that harms society.

  7. Now that NBC actually appointed an Election Denier to be the moderator of Meet The Press, how will they handle her lies?

  8. Slander and mis information is not free speech. Free speech has consequences of responsibility. Freedom requires taking responsibilities. Ask Mom.

  9. The GOP has been systematically laying the groundwork for a fascist right wing regime while we all laugh at Donnie. Either we stop it now, or it will never stop.

  10. this lawyer is probably one of the same people that argue that tiktok should be banned in the USA. Isn't that a violation of the 1st amendment if his argument is true. I mean instead of telling a social media platform to take something down they can just ban it.

  11. One of YOUR followers reamed me out the other day because my comment pertained to covid. He told me "Covid is OVER. NO ONE cares about Covid anymore" Let me tell you something: EVERYONE who had objections to the entire "Covid PROTOCOL" was NOT full blown MAGA/QAnon followers! SOME of us DESPISE them as much as YOU do! But SOME of us had VALID objections and they were backed up by MEDICAL EXPERTS with just as many credentials as FAUCI and his bunch. ALL dissenters were told THEIR information was FALSE and some people even lost their JOBS because of disagreeing. FACTS have become KNOWN that PROVE many of us were RIGHT and have been available for almost 2 years. Y'all are SILENT on that! (I'm NOT MAGA and I HATE TRUMP but right is right and wrong is wrong and BOTH sides were SOMETIMES wrong about COVID! REFUSAL to EVER ADMIT MISTAKES shows me YOUR party is NO BETTER than the MAGA mob!)

  12. I wonder if the Tennessee AG even bothered to read the terms of service of the platforms. It says quite clearly they have a right to remove or terminate or ban an account if they find it violates the terms. And those terms are pretty broad in short if we don't like what you are saying we can stop you. And the contract that allows that is contained in the terms of service when you sign up. Freedom of speech does not extend to a private company.

  13. So according to the Sol Gens, the government ensuring proper information via all modes of communication is distributed to its population to ensure their safety is wrong? How does that attitude help and keeps safe the population they themselves represent? BS is BS that we can agree it is the obligation of the government to ensure the safety of its population, thus the reason why they need to clear the air of BS. As a citizen you do not want to follow it that is your right and your consequences. Time to register and VOTE for responsible government. If you do not like responsible government then leave the country, Russia, NK are always looking for cannon fodder

  14. If Congress was doing its job, blatant lies ESPECIALLY regarding Government should not be allowed on the internet. It’s origin was paid for, and the FCC has domain over control. PBS could not broadcast porn at eight Saturday mornings. I believe that is illegal? The “services “ that transmit have the right and ability to transmit information and or data at their own rules. My house, my rules. Put it in the fine print (ask Apple how to do it) and tell the AI at Facebook or whatever service being used to filter. Simple. And if the service doesn’t play fairly….the FCC is the authority determining what is acceptable, and what isn’t. Period.

  15. When agents of our government stand an say there's no problems at the border, who is going to suggest they stop telling lies to the American people, same ones who want to restrict free speech and thought, let the people decide what's true..

  16. Government interference in free speech plain and simple. Who decides what true or false, surely not Government bureaucrats. This guy's full of it.

  17. As a citizen of the United States I expect the government to protect me from lies and deceit from nefarious people. Or at the very least make a law that any "free speach" be noted as opinion verses fact.

  18. Do you know what’s really funny basically you’re talking about people lying because they know most people only read, headlines and lying is lying and you shouldn’t really be allowed to lie but if you’ve ever been in a court room, attorney stretched the truth all the time and this facecops are allowed to lie to you just because I stop all the lying and stop it all the way through the ranks. It’s disgusting and vile and it hurts in people so I’m all for it lies or lies and you should be liable for your lies.

  19. Governments allowing disinformation or misinformation are allowing risks to the national security of their country and citizens. The role of governments, in passing laws, is to (or should be to) protect citizens from harm, even if said citizens do not believe harm is being done to them. Think about cigarettes, alcohol, speeding laws, impaired driving laws. Laws banning pollution. That one was one of (maybe the only good thing) that Richard Nixon did. He formed or allowed the EPA to be established. I don't think Nixon was a leftist hippy either. 🤨

    That just shows you how far things have skewed to the right. Biden is about as leftist as Nixon was. Or at least until Bernie, AOC and the others forced his policies a bit more to the left. I think that probably helped stop the "red wave" that was predicted during the 2022 election cycle as well.

    I hate this timeline. 😒 Things were more liberal in the 60s and 70s in some ways, and I remember the "year of the woman" back in the 90s, when I was young and everyone thought that it meant women would start to have more power in politics, etc. Sure doesn't seem like women have a lot of power in 2024. That's why we have to vote. We have to continue to vote, and protest and get involved to take back our country.

    And once we get it back to "normal" we won't be able to stop. You can apparently never be sure your rights aren't at risk. The supreme court have put us all on notice. These fights will never be over because there will always be people who believe that women, people of color, LGBTQIA, disabled, poor people, and anyone else I am forgetting should not have rights.

  20. Which reprised the question, why has Clarence Thomas not been refused, brought up on ethical or illegal charges violating the emollients issue?? Or is accepting gifts and bribes for influence not wrong?? Is he not an officer of the court?? And bound by SOME RULES??? PLEASE ADDRESS THIS ISSUE!!!😮😮😮

  21. lying is not procted speech end of story….no need to argue abotu taking it down or not its not protected in the firstplace xD solvable int he veryfirst step of the asumptions…also even an "OR ELSE" is verymuch appropiated in an ermgency situation 🙂

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