Trump Will Be Acquitted but the Political Struggle Has Just Begun

When McConnell opened his mouth it was done; but impeachment revealed a lot: most Americans want him convicted and the possibility of a Giuliani indictment means this is far from over

Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino
Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


26 thoughts on “Trump Will Be Acquitted but the Political Struggle Has Just Begun

  1. Why allow a criminal like Biden run for President ? Then claim they are attacking a political party . It's the actions of Biden who is being attacked . If all a political party are behaving in a illegal way then they all should be charged regardless of political affiliation . Sedition acts are illegal ! Everyone who is attempting to destroy Mr Trump have broken the law !

  2. I'm searching for an unbiased news source and one website said yall would be it. However, the "reporter" in this video states "Trump and his minions"….. At exact moment I stop the video and now am on the search again. I cant fathom trusting anything you people say when you cant even show respect towards our President.

  3. The Sad Reality is that Corrupt Establishment Dems PREFER Donald Trump OVER Progressives like Bernie or Tulsi.

  4. be honest to the view…. change your name from the real news to to the real hacks…. show me the corruption!!!!! you haven't done it. just a bunch of Racheles

  5. Wish I could've rebutted A-H Dershowitz on TV right there.."Hitler thought his strategy was in his nation's interest, too, as did many of his followers. So by your reasoning, genocide was O.K???"

  6. Nope, the white house has suppressed Bolton's book because of "classified information", which is actually evidence that would not look good for our dear leader.

  7. Trump Remains a Tainted Commodity without the Full Trial Without Witnesses. In short a Criminal President no matter if the Republican Senate refuse to call witnesses for his Trial

  8. Dutch999

    2 days ago

    Americans believe in fairness. A trial without witnesses and documents is not a fair trial by anyone's standards. This was a rigged trial and the voters hopefully will remember this sham in November.

    tom htun

    Not merely rigged. It was a bald-faced collusion between the defendant (Trump) and Foreman of the Jury (McConnell) to a a cover-up plan and witness tampering/intimidation.

  9. It depends on the meaning of 'Mixed Motives'– ie: I am mixed (up) and can't decide how I feel; Or, I can hold contradictory feelings.
    And I DID NOT have sexual relations with THAT MAN- Zelinsky.

  10. Dershowitz is arguing for the Absolute power of a President. "we did the crime but we should not do the time" "What criminal does not have mixed motives"?

  11. This was part of the plan… Lefty works for the same rich guys that the right works for so there going to destory the progressives integrity to get trump re elected. One hand washes the other its all political theater

  12. The corruption is staggering and the MAJORITY wants them gone. We need to make sure of that by GREAT TURNOUT in 2020 and also voting for Bernie. However, NO MATTER WHO VOTE BLUE!

  13. Isn't the fact that President Trump started looking into Biden's corruption long before Biden was a candidate, exculpatory? Don't tell me he was going after Biden JUST IN CASE he ran?

  14. I couldn’t care less about Chump. And I think the impeachment is a joke and never should’ve taken place in the first place. But Derscherwitz argument is hilarious. It’s like a teenage boy who gets to use his father’s car for a date and comes home and says that they had to have sex with her in the car and get her pregnant because we weren’t sure that we were going to make it home alive in traffic and wanted to make sure that we carried-on your genes, dad.

  15. Folk keep clamoring, "vote in November!" Yeah go ahead and voluntarily state you're either for or against a puppeteered insane tyrant.

    Citizens voting didn't elect him INTO office, people! How do Americans miss that fact??? Trump was (s)elected by the very people he puppet serves.

    Some tie him to Russia – its rumoured he owes the Russian mafia loans money.
    We KNOW he's a netanyahu's regime bff full-on servant, he proves it everytime zionists say, "Do it now!"
    He's also on his knees for ANY thing Jews declare will benefit their religious existence.
    What American supporters get from him is self-justification talk, talk, talk and more talk!
    "Remain calm man-worshippers, I'm here…now let me hear it….Rah Rah Raaaah! MAIA! Make America Israel's Absolute! Now bow down to your leader!"

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