Trump Administration Allowing States to Kick People off Medicaid

In a blatant reversal of Obamacare policy, of adding people to Medicaid, the Trump administration is allowing states to kick them off Medicaid by imposing new requirements to receive benefits.

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Author: phillynews215


30 thoughts on “Trump Administration Allowing States to Kick People off Medicaid

  1. Clearly America are the one living under the rock or you're_ simply dilatory. Germany,Sweden,France,Holland has PUBLIC HEALTH CARE is the best in the world.I pay only 30 dollars to be admitted in a hospital and it covers anything from influenza shot to a triple bypass heart surgery.You name it,what ever is your health problem,it will be fix at long as it takes and at no extra costs.. PENSIONS, MONTH LONG PAID VACATIONS as well as maternity leave, unemployment & disability insurance. German workers actually earn MORE hourly than American workers, so do Sweden & Switzerland. They're some of the biggest SOCIALIST democracies in the EU & they are showing RECORD GROWTH. What they aren't doing is BORROWING to accomplish all that. They pay for it with TAXES. Wake Up America your all being screwed,scammed and brainwashed.Your in a no win situation.

  2. Medicaid in its original form is the true single payer healthcare. That is why they want to destroy it. Insurance companies have nothing to do with healthcare. We do not need insurance companies. This is what Bill Clinton did. Doing so also hurts the medical profession as fewer people want to go into the field. Medicaid for all is cost saving.

  3. The goal of these policies is to kill poor, sick people. That's it. Trump's administration is on the way to fulfilling this goal faster than Hillary's might have (perhaps) but no one should forget it was Bill who gutted welfare. No one in government is on these people's side.

  4. If a person's life is put at risk by a politician, I approve their removing the politician with extreme prejudice . Clearly taking out the piece out shit politicians would be self defense.

  5. Zany did they only show pictures of diabetic black women on Medicaid? Not cool what about the poor white people who make up the bulk of Medicaid recipients in the USA.

  6. Generally, able-bodied adults aged 18 to 50 who do not have children and are not pregnant can only get SNAP benefits for 3 months in a 3-year period unless they are working or participating in a work or workfare program. There are a few exceptions. Seems to me that Trump is trying to implement similar requirements for one to qualify for Medicaid. From my perspective, food is equally important as healthcare. Shouldn't individuals who are able-bodied, meet income/resource requirements and are unemployed be eligible for SNAP benefits? Some would answer "no" because there are other ways that people can get food (i.e., food bank, churches) but churches can't provide healthcare, although there may be some free clinics that would do so and there's always the emergency room. In the final analysis, the question is whether Americans are willing to pay for a stronger safety net for those who are unfortunate enough to come upon hard times. As for me, I would support Medicare for All, although I have reservations about how much it would actually cost, particularly if there are no co-pays to discourage people from visiting their doctor unnecessarily which could create long lines, waiting lists and denial of services.

  7. Poor people have to work for government assistance while the rich lie around their swimming pools enjoying the military risking their lives to protect their corporate interests.

  8. "America is right" …
    Hope we witness 760 billions assigned for health sectors, and 760 for war mongering, mass murdering, …
    After all, these are the people's taxes which the same people paid for a better future, why not!

  9. The conservative mindset is a sick one when money has become more important than the welfare of us it's time to find a new way to live.

  10. YOU'RE GOD DAMN RIGHT, THEY DON'T!!! It's an absolute JOKE! …..SONS A BITCHES!!! THE COVERAGE, WHAT YOU CAN GET, IS BAD ENOUGH, AS IT IS!!! …BASTARDS!!!! I KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW this shit was coming!!!!!!

  11. This is a direct assault on the Declaration of Independence namely Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They are literally killing people.

  12. But oh please and I know my president Donald trump never going to be kicked nobody's out of Medicaid if that person really sick because my president Donald trump has very good heart, maybe governor Cuomo will do it and this is exactly why guys don't even think about to be vote for governor Cuomo anymore.

  13. And that's not fair at all for a lots of people don't even have no green card and has Medicaid card and also they don't even paying no tax at all oh please American people are first.

  14. The Real News,
    You all are heroic and fearless in
    getting us the News that many
    others don't cover.
    Could you do some research into the HERITAGE FOUNDATION in D.C. and their role in the Trump Administration. I heard they wrote
    out all of the EXECUTIVE ORDERS
    for TRUMP and all he had to do was sign them. He probably didn't
    even know what he was signing.
    Also, Ajit Pai is directly connected to them and they are responsible for his Net Neutrality Law.

  15. Someone should tell these morons in government that universal health care isn't a cost but an investment which pays for itself ten times over……..same goes for free education, pensions , and those social safety nets neoliberals say are a burden on society.

  16. This is the kind of mess that we got when you voted President "Son of a Bitch" Trump in office with his tax cuts for the rich .

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