Right-Wing Reunion in Charlottesville, Portland and DC, Outnumbered by Anti-Racist

A year after Heather Heyer’s brutal murder, white nationalist rally in Portland and DC, but they are outnumbered by anti-racist opponents. We speak to  Eugene Puryear.

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Author: phillynews215


35 thoughts on “Right-Wing Reunion in Charlottesville, Portland and DC, Outnumbered by Anti-Racist

  1. Since this video names Heather Heyer who sadly died at Charlotteville, thought I'd name the five cops sadly murdered by a Black Lives Matter supporter in Dallas on July 7, 2016:

    In Solemn Remembrance:
    DPD Senior Cpl. Lorne Ahrens, age 48
    DPD Officer Michael Krol, 40
    DPD Sgt. Michael Smith, 55
    DART Officer Brent Thompson, 43
    DPD Officer Patricio "Patrick" Zamarripa, 32

  2. The Proud Boys was formed simply in response to the fact that conservative rallies and gatherings were being routinely violently attacked by antifa thugs. No antifa, no Proud Boys. The Proud Boys are multi ethnic and multi racial. If you support antifa attacks on and intimidation of conservatives, how can you legitimately deny the Proud Boys response?

  3. Patriotprayer isnt exactly racist on a whole but they are certainly fascist. Hyper nationalism, blind obedience to the government(trump) and police(blue lies matter flags), a reverence for violence (supporting pinoche), groups who will go out and fight people simply for disliking trump, hyper xenophobia, all this stuff is text book fascism.

  4. This is how we win, folks. We don't ban, censor, or resort to violence. We outnumber the fascist bastards in massive numbers with peaceful protest. If you want to resort to violence or destroying public property, YOU are part of the problem. Don't empower the right-wing fascists, PLEASE.

  5. This is happening now because Trump made a deal with Putin. It appears that all those unreconstructed Nazis who were sitting behind that iron curtain are now back. This is also sweeping across Europe and it is deliberate and is coming from the former Soviet union and Eastern Europe.
    America has always had her own white supremacists but the difference now is that right wing Christian fascist billionaire donors like Robert Mercer and the Koch brothers have made a deal with Putin himself to elect Trump. Trump is merely their latest puppet and he is a racist himself so he is happy to go along with this but the truth is that Dirty Donald only loves money and fame; the real problem is the coalition between the American far right and Putin's propaganda network.
    The Soviet block did not do multi culturalism or the sexual revolution. Russians and Eastern European people tend to be quite sexist and racist by our standards. Robert Mercer should be investigated as the traitor he is . Dirty Donald is just doing what he's told by his bosses Putin and the right wing American billionaire donors.

  6. Eugene is really well spoken, he has these analogies that are perfect. He speaks off-the-cuff with amazing eloquence and has a command of the facts at hand.

    You should have him on the real news more often.

  7. I come from New Zealand, and the UK… in the middle of virtually ever town in both of these countries is a big stone or concrete thing covered in hundreds an hundreds of names of people who died fighting Nazi scum…. they were all #antifa

  8. the fake news. charlottesville was an organized false flag. they were all actors. both sides exited from the same chartered buses.. If I know this, you know this

  9. The white supremacists rally was a gathering of 20 people total, and a good thing at that because nobody wants to see their faces. However, antifa demonstrations attacked police, blocked accessways, and overall made much more of a commotion that the white supremacists. Sad to see the say where demonstrators are actually causing more problems for police than the actual Nazis.

  10. The guest does make a very good point about addressing the roots of these di-affected working class people that have turned true reactionarism and Trump.

  11. After facing the fact that the proud boys Do not support racism, nor Nazis ( & openly welcome all races, sexual preferences & religions) the guest here is forced to move the goalpost and say that anyone openly supporting Trump is basically a racist and Nazi. Petrie prayer being a Christian group are likely homophobic and not welcoming of other religions I guess.

    So because one member of patriot prayer wore a Pinochet shirt they all support that? That’s like blaming anyone who is counter protesting for antifa related violence .These groups only get violent when they are attacked by my fellow out of control leftists. The facts bear out that the far leftists have in the majority of cases instigated the violence. I do not want to be defending these groups that I do not agree with ideologically but it’s just the truth.

    Again I do not support Trump & I’m not a fan of either of these reactionary nationalist groups but I do not think they are racist nor Nazis and it is a disservice label everyone on the right as such. From what I read These groups have been around since before Trump was elected but when they came out to show support for Trump publicly and openly that’s when they started getting physically attacked . Also it’s a verifiable fact that the proud boys founder completely condemned the unite the right rally last year months before the event & called for any club members to Not go. Same thing this year.

    However Marc, I truly do respect that you are addressing the nuances of these groups and questioning whether not all these groups are actually racists or Nazis & not simply reactionary macho, trump supporters /conservatives.

  12. As a leftist I'm more concerned about the antifa thugs. Racists are marginal, and pretty near everyone condemns them. Antifa is just as bad, and they're ours. Worry about antifa, the same types, posing as tough, but shit inside losers.

  13. Anti racists? Or antifa? ….oh great real news is no longer a realible source. Literally copying CNN word for word now

  14. Haha! The Portland Prayer group got their permit, marched, picked up their trash and left. The Portland Commie Anifa didn't get a permit, rioted and attacked police and destroyed hundreds of thousands in property and rightly got their collective asses kicked by Portland LEO's. Enough with your B.S.

  15. We need a third party with no corporate money at all. Fighting fascists, like fighting terrorists simply plays into their agenda. The game of violence is their game, and the whole apparatus of state violence (police + militia) will come to their side. A brawl will not appeal to most working people who need jobs, education, healthy environment, and our own leaders. The power to bring the system to heel is only in our labor and is not a "moral" test of who's got more fists, but a fight for who makes basic policy.

  16. I remember when I was younger and adults use to make fun of people who complained about something and did nothing about it, but not that they're doing something about it, they have a problem with it.

  17. "Bring guns and be ready to brawl" is inciting a riot and clearly illegal. Those stating this need to be arrested. These racist groups are pitiful people looking for attention and nothing more. They have no interest in this nation, only themselves.

  18. I'm half black, yet, I'd rather have a bunch of racist losers freely expressing their backwards beliefs than to subscribe to the idea that shutting them up and precluding their free expression will somehow benefit my own very ability to exercise and express a free thought of my own. Free expression does not guarantee an accord of opinions, but the very ability to express one's views is what truly unites everyone.

  19. Look up Jason Kessler professional provocateur. The guy who organized the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally is a fraud. That's why no one showed up to his DC anniversary event. He is a fake.

  20. It's the tactic of manufactured scarcity through wage suppression and offshoring that allows the elites to plant the idea that "THOSE people are getting what you and your children should be getting" in the middle and working-class mind. Divide and rule has been the overarching strategy since the institution of "white" privilege into law in the 1680's.

  21. What's more important to realize is that Heather Heyer wasn't killed by a car accident, she was 350lbs smoker who had a heart attack and died from being morbidly obese. The antifa and blm were fighting each other. White Civil rights movement was labeled hateful and that's why we are going to be even more united for White people And White Lives Matter. We are all against the jew world order and counter semetic.

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