Most Ignored and Most Far-Reaching Supreme Court Ruling Yet: Anti-Trust Law Hollowed Out

A major Supreme Court ruling, Ohio vs American Express, was completely ignored by most media outlets, even though it will have potentially devastating repercussions for consumers in the so-called ‘platform economy’: Uber, Lyft, AirBnB, Facebook, etc. White collar criminologist Bill Black explains the consequences

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


32 thoughts on “Most Ignored and Most Far-Reaching Supreme Court Ruling Yet: Anti-Trust Law Hollowed Out

  1. A July 4 poem:
    Oh say can you see, by the dusk’s gloomy light,
    Where proud cities stood, the check points and blight,
    Of drug wars waged and generations locked up,
    A police state came of age but it was just a mock-up…
    Of worse to come.

    For traitors and thieves, skyscrapers once tall
    Were worth more insured in the snap of free fall.
    Arabs and Muslims who couldn’t fly at all
    Were used as patsies to violate Newton’s Laws.

    World Trade Center 7, see that smoking heap?
    Twenty minutes before, a shill told the sheep
    Of its demise, here was a third reason to weep!

    Within minutes and hours, Kagan and Bremer, with
    Script long prepared, yellow Post-it notes in hand,
    Screamed bomb Palestine!
    Bomb Iraq! Nuke Iran!

    Out of an old drawer came the Patriot Act,
    Drafted by lobbyists, voted yea by rats.
    The constitution now dead and a nation bamboozled,
    Brown men in turbans became the new accused.

    The NeoCon dream had finally coming true
    Endless wars on their behalf, fought by me and you and you!

    Archduke Obama sitting high on his throne
    NeoCons gathered ’round a power point to peak At
    Tuesday’s kill list, identities unknown,
    Of men, women and children to be dispatched by drone,
    While the Nobel Prize fake sings paeans to
    Bob Dylan’s Masters of War and the novels of Joan Didion.

    What’s that in your pocket? Said Mae West to AIPAC
    That’s Barack Obama, he’s got our back.
    Get your hand out of their pocket, said the cop to Barack,
    It’s a mutual arrangement, Barack smirking, shot back.

    Forget the lamestream media, turn off the rumour mill.
    Three towers were felled, great fear was instilled.
    Muslims were blamed and you played the fool,
    Terror is the NeoCon’s psychological tool.

    What had been a free press is only a shrill
    Parody in the hands of socio-paths who thrill
    In burning you and your republic at will,
    Leaving it for dead like so much road kill.

    A New Republic will rise where the dead
    One lost its way, when
    Americans answer the call Of duty to make right what is wrong!

    New National Anthem

    Stanza 1

    Oh say can you see, by the dawn´s early light,
    Our nation reborn and a country re-branded.
    Where once oligarchs stood and a clique ruled by might,
    The army rebelled and The People commanded:
    That a nation conceived, founded in Liberty,
    Stay true to her creed and reboot when there´s need!
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph did wave,
    In the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

    Stanza 2

    United we stand, divided we would fall,
    The great melting pot, made one nation of many.
    From all countries we came, to begin a new life, in
    ‘merica, the Land of Milk and Honey.
    The American Way, separates church and state,
    No temple, no mosque, will determine our fate!
    And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave,
    While the Land of the Free is the Home of the Brave!

    Stanza 3

    Oh let freedom ring, from the majestic heights
    Of all mountain tops, and from sea to shining sea.
    Safe and strong in our homes, in our cars, on the street,
    No fears we might meet, a rogue cop on the beat.
    No police state will stand, ‘ver the freedom of Man,
    While our Bill of Rights, is the law of the land!
    Black,beige,brown,white,red,yellow,rich,poor and in between!
    Formed one nation to be free and the home of the brave!

    Stanza 4

    Genius for industry, science, technology,
    Made true the promise, of long life and prosperity.
    Our best minds changed the world, to the marvel of all,
    Yankee novelty, redefined possibility.
    And the world did rejoice, with John Glenn´s soaring voice,
    One step for a man, is a leap for mankind!
    And Mars beckoned us forward to new frontiers of space,
    In the name of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

  2. Is it sad that I was surprised to learn there is such a thing as a white collar criminologist? Yes, it is. For a few different reasons, I suppose…

  3. This is a clear attack on freedom of speech, right to know, and a host of other expectations. The Supreme Court is saying loud and clear — Stop participating in the economy. It only exists to rip you off, and we are there to help.

  4. As much as I enjoy Dr.Black for the sake of our ability to appropriately appreciate and potentially challenge ideas a more an accurate read of the decissions would educate and lift the public.
    Its sickening to constantly hear how partisan or against individual rights our Courts have become. Are we to believe that Judges with the greatest freedoms and responsibility for our better angels to shape justice for all are somehow bent toward crushing individual inailienable rights? Are we to imagine they are lifted beyond everyman and completely comfortable looking down and trashing all liberty for individuals?
    Please consider the constant drone of such is untenable to our mental health. Mr. BLACK makes a living with his bent…We the people have to work with such rulings and cant afford his bleakness.

  5. Time for sober US citizens to throw out those judges for life who made them
    selfs unacountable for their behavior. None is saint rather the opposite.

  6. For the last 48 years Charles Koch and the Billionaire donor class have been methodically dismantling Democracy for the many and replacing it with Democracy for the few. Presidents and Politicians have changed but the donor class vision hasn’t. They now control all levers of power and under Trump’s Presidency the last pieces of the puzzle are being put in place. There are no longer progressive or conservative concepts or values everything is designed to place more and more power into the donor class’s hands. It doesn’t matter now who is in charge of the country because all the laws and regulations favor these elites. The system is collapsing from the weight of its own contradictions, this has happened before and it’s happening again. We have challenges facing us that aren’t going away and if we don’t confront them soon there will be no one left to control the levers of power.

  7. once again the 'supreme' court strengthens our corporate oligarchy in a split decision; five people have the power to make millions of lives miserable. every branch of government is captured by corporate interests at this point. i can't decide whether i am disgusted, infuriated, or despondent.

  8. The Republicans are knowingly engineering the conditions to cause a major economic collapse of the American economy. Cut up your credit cards and pay them off. Pay cash. If you cannot afford to pay for it, you probably don't need it.

  9. Why are the supreme court judges smiling? They must think they can't be toughed for there corporate complicity.

  10. American express is hardly a monopoly! It's one of the least used next to Visa and MasterCard! Fake news! Disliked.

    Not only that, but I believe they are referring to the fees the merchant pays, not the consumer. It's like no one on the channel or in the comments has ever excepted credit cards before.

  11. All brands of kitchen cleanser at the same time removed the abrasive quality of the cleanser, which was the reason we were buying it. Similar things have been happening to many other products for many years, every brand makes the same downgrade at the same time. I have just called it a monopoly, but maybe the Trust word may fit in better. Just for more info, more of you may have noticed, but a couple years back, and in this case, NOT ALL, but most brands made their toilet bowl cleaners close to useless. Fortunately I had a few brands or older bottles that worked in stock, and so could tell chemically how most of them changed at the same time. The couple who did not change then have been reducing dramatically the functional chemical, and now are nearly useless. One substitute that likely will be destroyed is bleach. It smells bad, but if you dump a bucket of water in bowl to cause the standing water to be gone (bleach does not have stick on the bowl chemicals like bowl cleaners do) and put in some bleach, and swish it over the surfaces a few times over a few minutes,.. Wolla! A clean bowl.

  12. ©™ ALX ⚖ Observations ✍✍✍🎥

    Transnational Corporations who are financing congressmen and White House campaigns and inturn leverage access to the military CIA NSA FBI and use them for access to resources and markets for the benefit of stockholders equity and dividends and capital gains are dictating foreign policy and domestic policy for Uncle Sam who's dictating foreign policy for NATO coalition and EU members to some extent.
    The Government is owned.

  13. Just when I start to get sick of the rampant liberal bias on this channel, they come through with something like this. I don't know how our legal system has been perverted to the point that the Supreme Court can rule that something inherently anti-competition is somehow not in violation of antitrust laws. Really despicable. Can't wait to see which corporate shills Trump picks to fill the seats.

  14. I remember hearing Libertarian arguments that we don't need government regulations and that the "magic" of the free market will balance itself out. Unfortunately, that requires citizens to be informed and to have alternatives to choose from. If there is no law requiring a credit card company to disclose it's fees why would they if it's more profitable to not disclose it and they can price fix? Even in the most ideal scenario, let's say there were good journalist (like the RealNews -_^) informing the public and it became an issue to people (which, let's be realistic, is unlikely). A new company would have to be made from scratch at a competitive disadvantage and it would take years for them to grow to be able to seriously push the market to change itself assuming a sizable portion of the market was informed and was able to switch over (which let's be realistic again, you know the companies profiting off of the status quo would do everything they could to stop this). All the while, the consumer is being charged extra in the realm of billions of dollars per year since there insignificant competition and transparency because there is a lack of anti-trust laws being enforced.

    Laws are effectively the basic rules of the game that everyone must adhere to for the system to run smoothly just like in a sports game. If you start taking out all the rules eventually it's just a free for all and the ones with the most power get to run rough shot and do what they want. The free market can not operate without some basic ground rules and this is one of them.

    The supreme court, ever since Citizens United, has been ignoring precedent more and more and has been more about serving corporations, not the American people. I'm afraid we may be looking at 100+ years before we get to a point where we can say we fully corrected the damage from the current generation of the supreme court. It'll be decades at the very least.

  15. Kumbayah… Free market wins and will finally rule itself… Even if a few corporate citizens are freer than a multitude of citizens made of flesh, blood, sweat and tears… But is it not a Law of Dame Nature… Hail the Supreme Court of Murica… Hail the Soviet Union of Corporate Murica and its enlightened corporate Happy Fews… Kiss the holy feets of the Supreme Court, for they are Justice incarnate… The creamy top of Murica's corrupt justice system working at the behest of the corporate Happy Fews… Now all the consumers of Murica,and the whole wide world (may we doubt the world outside these Murican bars will accept this?), can happily get F*d even harder each time they use their credit card… And it is legal. So shut up. Citizens of Murica unite and hail your benefactors for they're good enough to dump their holy shit on you…

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