Is Jeremy Corbyn’s “anti-Semitism Crisis” a Smear Campaign? (Pt. 1/2)

UK Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn is accused of presiding over a surge of anti-Semitism inside the Labour Party. Author Norman Finkelstein and British scholar Jamie Stern-Weiner say that Corbyn’s foes have cynically concocted a fake scandal to sabotage his progressive agenda and support for Palestinian rights

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


49 thoughts on “Is Jeremy Corbyn’s “anti-Semitism Crisis” a Smear Campaign? (Pt. 1/2)

  1. it was a smear when Jermyn left as leader from the next day to this not one claim of anti semitic behaviour from being infested with it, to zero in 24 hours that's a great job you did there Keir do me a favour.

  2. You know a demonstration is not artificial when pre-manufactured, professionally printed signs are given out to everyone. LOL

  3. Anti-Israel =/= Antisemitism. Stop using them synonymously. Israel =/= Jews and criticisms about Israel has nothing to do with the fact that they’re Jewish. Worship whatever god in whatever way you want, as long as it’s not hurting anybody, idgaf. When you have a state that’s murdering, settling, terrorising and blockading another state, that’s not okay in any way. Neither is the constant fucking propaganda campaigns that a Israel organise against members of western society that speak out about these crimes of humanity. Israel has too much power and not enough regulation, just look at the fkn border expansion(invasion) onto foreign soil, it’s insane. We need an honest media that actually reports the truth, not the propaganda.

  4. I am beginning to worry for the likes of Sanders and Corbyn, the verbal and written attacks on the latter have been so intense that I do feel fearful now for his mortal safety. I just wonder if it will be a case of stop him at all costs. Politics today has got real real bad! It seems the really decent individuals are targeted.

  5. The elite and the Blairites will do every filthy kind of propaganda to smear the Labour Party and Corbyn by calling them anticimite but they only succeed to straighten Labour the majority of this country knows the truth,shame on those evil people Corbyn is not racist not anticimite he is a caring person that will help this country to achieve justice and social equality,he cares for the working class instead of the elite abusing them and using them to get their bank balance even bigger,he will help the NHS instead of privatising it to enrich the few so keep on with your brainwashing filth

  6. Jeremy Corbyn. A British Stalin was an anti-Semitic? What's up with this world we live in? Old Left-wingers was a Jews but Modern Left-wingers are anti-Semitic. Just like ANTIFA. I thought ANTIFA was supposed to be Anti-Fascists but no. They became Fascists. I going to kill myself.

  7. how can u call this the real news. If it was real news you'd have 2 guest one from each side of the debate and have them talk. Having 2 guys on the same side parrot eachother isn't news it's propganada

  8. Let's cut to the chase, Israel is an out of control state that murders with impunity and when you point that out you are branded anti Semitic (a ridiculous phrase). Its only people in the media who even debate this, everyone else knows just how evil Israel is and don't mind saying it. All this bullshit just draws more light on the racist, apartheid state of Israel and what people see is very ugly indeed.

  9. No one with a single brain cell really believes that Mr Corbyn is anti semitic!!! Of course it is a smear campaign…the anti semitic slur (just like political correctness) is a made up propaganda weapon used to shut down any alternative debate that doesn't fit the "sinister agenda" of the elite…the BBC supports and is paid for/owned by the very people who hate and despise good, honest, truthful people like Corbyn…he doesn't fit their "mould" …so "let's get rid of him".. What they need to realise is that the PEOPLE HAVE WOKEN UP AND WE WILL NO T STAND FOR THESE CONTINUAL "LIES" and character assassination tactics …it actually has the opposite effect… one of support for the person in the firing line!!!!

  10. The comments on this video are the best evidence of anti Semitism by Corbyn supporters and this is based upon hatred. The video itself focuses on Corbyn’s support for those Palestinian leaders that want to destroy Israel. And presents a classic Jewish conspiracy theory.

  11. In the United States, the cries of "anti-Semitism" raised against the foreign policy scholars Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, when they published a balanced, well-documented study of the impact of the Israeli lobby on American foreign policy back in 2007 produced a backlash, to the extent that the entire charge of anti-Semitism has lost its potency in U.S. political circles, due to its overuse.

  12. This Youtube is supposed to be about the Palestinian position. What is interesting about the comments is how little the comments are about them and how much they are about israel. It shows that support for Palestinians is primarily driven by hatred of a Jewish State rather than any concern for Palestinians.

  13. One of the characteristics of anti semitism is that it used standard memes, and has for centuries. One of the dominant memes is that of an evil conspiracy. This Youtube and its commentators demonstrate this meme perfectly.

  14. Yes, it is anti Semitic to focus on Israel but not on others who are orders of magnitude worse. Corbyn attacks Israel. Yet he supports the leadership of Venezuela, which has impoverished the country causing death and misery. He calls as friends Hezbullah, officially a terrorist organization, that fought for the Assad regime in Syria where hundreds of thousands have died and millions turned into refugees. He has worked for Iran, who similarly helped the murderous Assad regime. You can tell what he believes about the Jews by the hypocrisy that he displays over israel.

  15. I do not hate Jewish people. I do however have a problem with protesters being shot by snipers.

    Because of this I have a problem with the government of Israel, I also have a problem with the countless other governments/dictatorships around the world, does this make me a racist toward those countries?

    Because if we are only allowed to condemn certain countries for committing atrocities. Are we really a free society?

  16. Linton Crosby style smear campaign. Where were these Jewish leaders. When Cameron Osbourne ids and there media friends were slating ed milliband a man of Jewish.decent for making a hash of eating a bacon sandwich. And then going on to slate ed and Davids late father and I quote as a marksist Jewish trouble maker not a word of protest was heard at the time. I wonder why

  17. So this farce of a "investigation" is conducted using 2 anti semites as "guests" including Finklestein a known anti semetic conspiracy theorist Finklestien. Even I a atheist can see Corbyn is a anti semitie including the vile anti semitism in the comments, spouting the old anti semtic tropes about "jews , money and control of the media".

  18. They tried anti Semitism after the coordinated resignations failed to affect his popularity – indeed it made him look better. It was clearly a plot – front benchers resigning via the press, 1 or 2 per day over a few days, rather than all telling him they don't wish to serve in his cabinet and going once and for all.

  19. It makes me so angry how the media/government is leading people to believe that we have a major problem with antisemitism in this country, any worse than racism towards any other ethnic group. And it is all because of our political close ties with Israel, that as soon as someone start to point out how abhorrent, evil, Israel's apartheid system towards the Palestinians is, you are labelled an antisemite to shift the focus away from Israel. Aarrgh! What happened during the Holocaust was horrific and should never happen again but it has and still is, with ethnic cleansing, atrocities, and war across the globe. We can talk about them, but not israel.
    If it was another country doing what israel is doing to the palestinians, our government would be openly discussing it and taking action. This is about money and power, and it is not in our present government's interest to **ck that up.

  20. I will fight for the rights of any innocent Jew because of Mr. Finkelstein and other Jewish people that want equal rights for all persons.

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