Greece Exits its Bailout but Remains Shackled by Debt and Austerity

Former Greek MP Costas Lapavitsas says Greece has been reduced to a ‘weak and marginal Balkan economy’

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Author: phillynews215


23 thoughts on “Greece Exits its Bailout but Remains Shackled by Debt and Austerity

  1. What would Greece look like today if Syriza had grexited? And what actual options do the Greeks currently have other than saying, "No, we will not honor the debts foisted on us by corrupt politicians?"

  2. The economic Fascists (those who own the BIS, the Fed, and the ECB, etc.) probably caused the crisis in Greece, because they blame Greece for starting the Cold War. That's just the way those idiots think.

  3. Greece people are Supr but government is not playing well our their they have take care of their nation, I like Greece people from Pakistan

  4. Troika imposed austerity rules till 2060. Outrageous tactics by the Troika that just prove that Greece is surrounded by loan sharks calling themselves bankers.

  5. Its such a shame what the EU forced Greece to do Sipra's shouldn't have bowed to Merkel he should have lead Greece to leave the EU as austerity never works. It will only benefit and embolden the elites and the far right to claim anti establishment status.

  6. With a 20% unemployment rate after nine years o austerity imposed by the IMF, the EU, and the World Bank I'd say that Greece has hardly rounded the corner. Greece was pressured to take more loans on outrageous terms so Merkel and Hollande of France would not have to potentially face political suicide by going to their respective voters and telling them that one bank bail out that had taken place was not enough. That the banks came back asking for hundreds of billions of Euros more or they would default and take the totally intertwined global financial system with them. It was more convenient and easy to insinuate that 'Those lazy Greeks were just trying to get something for nothing". Greece is still in a depression by most economic indicators and is just trying to pay off all that debt imposed on them at high interest rates……………….It was that or watch as people like Junker of the EU would make sure that Greek banks would not reopen therefore leaving much of the country to no access to Euros to live on.

  7. Just saying, but Iceland put it's banksters in Prison. You should watch Marc Blythe on his talks about the Euro Zone. BTW, Greece never saw that money, it was on a plane to Berlin and Paris right away.

  8. Greece doesn't really have its own government but rather a government of foreign creditors (the so-called troika). They do not a answer to the Greek people and are callously indifferent to their suffering. What has happened to the Greeks is what happened in the Americas from the 1970's onwards under the neo-liberal Washington Consensus imposed by the USA through its proxies the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Same with Cyprus. And the other PIIGS – Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Spain

  9. Cutting pensions in 2019 and increasing taxes by 2020 means that Greece eviscerates the national populace.
    I have considered that the world bank agenda is to collapse the economy in all countries while the corporate few who control the farm crops, meat production, energy production, media and transportation remain safe behind government regulations.

  10. Primary surplus—-3.5% of GDP annually to 2022, which must be made BEFORE paying interest on its national debt. AND then 2% to 2060!!!!! Holy Cow. Shackled for life.

  11. wow, so sad to see Greek in this struggle. and I don't know why, and now next door going through the same. what is it that makes and creates the problem? what is the real problem?

  12. So Greece will still be poor until 2060 and worst of all will probably never ever get out of its debt. How is making a troubled country wallowing in more debt than before is helping? the ridiculous profit the world banks, IMF and troika are reaping from the usury imposed from borrowing more money is a never ending story for the Greek people who is the ultimate victim in the form of austerities. Greece should followed Malaysia’s use of capital control that would make Greece walk off with less debts.

  13. why has there not been a revolution there, they need one….so sad that this has all been accepted by the people….wow

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