Do you think climate change is an existential threat?

Paul Jay says the Trump administration is a reflection of the deep crisis that faces us; the drunken power of the financial elites is the underlying force that must be defeated

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


26 thoughts on “Do you think climate change is an existential threat?

  1. everyone loves deferring to perceived authority, as displayed by the pHARMa duped guinea pigs behaviour since 2020.

  2. The planet been here for 4.6 billion years you socialist communist gay Democrats can't save the planet . You can't even keep your home clean but you going to save and clean the earth because you gay Democrats are caring and good people and better than everyone else please . Get your head out of your asses

  3. Sure let's give the socialist communist baby killing the entire world economy because there are like God and have the power change the climate. Sure before you it was global warming when that frase didn't brainwash enough people let's change the name the to climate change. No matter what the weather is it's climate change because the climate never has stayed the same how can people be feed so much bullshit and eat it to

  4. With those methane releases, I completely agree, and there can be a lot more potential contributors that we have not learned about yet. I still think we can focus on ozone more than we do. I have done a lot of landscaping over the years and I have seen areas that are not short of watering, that are literally singed to a crisp. This has been happening in the past two years and it is has been unlike anything I have seen. There is evidence of more categories B & C UV radiation hitting earth and this is peer reviewed. Trump and main stream news casting, are taking a lot of awareness away from the most important issues, and it must stop.

  5. The Swiss political parties are trying to get the youth interested in carrying on their politics. They polled the youth and asked what was their greatest threat, and only 20% mentioned climate change. I wrote a letter to our local Neo-liberal paper and I said that I blamed the corporate journalists for this and they agreed to print it. Thanks Paul and TRNN for keeping me sane in this world.
    And I read the other commentors and I agree with Shamus. Estontin123 should hope he is receiving a paycheck from the Kochies since he makes a great corporate Whore. If he isn't, then he is a useful idiot.
    And FYI, we were heading into a cooling trend. There are too many hockey stick graphs out now about what we have done with CO2. And if we let the methane out, Au Revoir.

    I have a joke that the millenials won't understand. How can you tell a happy Texas motorcycle cop? Bug Stained Teeth. Bugs used to be small creatures that flew around in the air, often found on farmland. Today, the topsoild is dead. We have killed 75% of their population.

  6. Whether you agree with climate change or not, it is kind of in arguable to have any degree of contaminated water, air, land, and food that goes into children's mouth. How can it be a great idea to try your hardest to put all the petroleum that is underground into the sky…that makes no sence.

  7. Lets say we put as much CO2 into the atmosphere as during the Mesozoic with equivalent warming and etc… How exactly is that going to end the world for humanity? Coastal cities might be bye bye and climates will definitely _change_, some areas might go to shit but you are going to have entire other areas of the globe that will become more hospitable to life (far north, even Antarctica if it gets warm enough).

    Might suck for a lot of people but humanity will adapt. People hate change but its not going to be the end of the world (notice that you can find humans living in almost every type of environment on the planet).

  8. Idk why TRN even bothers making titles that imply they'll examine an issue without bias. They're heavily biased toward the progressive agenda. Everyone who watches knows this. Might as well call itself "The No Spin Zone"

    For the record, I know climate change is a serious problem, this channel is just annoying me.

  9. Who cares? Capitalism is a profit driven economy, so it's not for some poor scientists to decide what's harmful and what is not for the environment. The ones that have biggest wealth and profits make most of the decisions. Scientists are just to make some blah blah blah, to create an ilusion of choise for us

  10. Climate change and grand solar minimum.

    Is climate change anthropogenic? Without question. Any scientist will agree with that and the, supposed, ten or less percent that appears to disagree? I'd like to know what college they got their degree in so I could avoid it like the plague.

    That being said…

    There is much more to climate change then that. The effects on our weather do not simply exist within our atmosphere. They extend out to the sun and beyond. At the peak of "Global warming." The sun was at the appex of it's activity cycle. It had many sunspots ejecting coronal mass into the solarsystem and at earth.

    Today the numbers no longer add up. Official documents from the scientists we trust are being doctored before their release to the public. They thought we wouldn't notice, but we did. They were affraid? Maybe. Were they greedy? We all have bills to pay. But we can find the truth on our own. You need only look to the sun.

    For the last decade the sun has gone to sleep. The officials officially named this the minimum solar cycle. The amount of sunspot activity and solar flairing had dropped so low that it completely baffled scientists. Some even speculate that we are approaching a "Maunder minimum" which is the solar cycle where activity is so none existent, that the earth falls into either a mini or full on iceage. Hitting an iceage would cause global famine so just the possibility that this could happen is a problem that should be considered and possibly addressed.

    I'm not sure if it's just wishful thinking on my part, but I'm hopeful that the sun will wake up again. We have just recently seen a flurry of sunspots across the disc of the sun before going quiet. We may just get another cycle of activity.

    Cosmic rays are also another major player on, not only the earth's skies, but on the ground as well. They can do things like increase white cloud formation. An increase in the presence of white clouds would significantly contribute to cooler temperatures as it is the best way to prevent insolation. Cosmic rays trigger earthquakes. If a cosmic ray manages to strike a person, that person runs a very serious risk of not just suffering physical injury, but mental as well.

    Now that we have drawn attention to what really drives climate change, I would like to point you all to what I truly precieve as the most immediate threat to the human race.

    The north and south poles are moving. I hope many of you have heard of this by now and heard the general consensus that it would take thousands of years for the poles to completely reverse, but this hypothesis was made with the data they had at the time. The rate at which the poles move is always getting faster. There is no way to make an accurate model because the rate of acceleration never remains at a set pattern.

    The poles are going to reverse. We know this because we watch it happen on the sun on a regular basis and each time the same thing happens. The poles go on a collision course with the equator and destroy eachother, later they are reborn at opposite ends from where they started the ritual. Waiting to do it again in the future.

    The magnetosphere will just be a shadow of it's former glory. This is our safety bubble from the infinite flow of energy coming from space. As it weakens, differences in temperature will be higher. Wind will be stronger. Earthquakes will be much more frequent. Magma will boil up from volcanoes and the entire world will be cast into darkness by powerful electromagnetic storms like what has already happened in the Kerrington event.

    I know what you're asking, "But Jeremy, what can we possibly do about this?" If you really want my opinion? Learn how to survive on your own. Learn how to find fresh drinkable water. Grow your own food. (Though keep in mind you may have to "share" your harvest unless you have lots of guns.) But above all else show compassion and respect. The human race has survived a pole reversal before and at that time we were figuring out how to chip a rock into a hatchet. We survive because we do it together. All the wealth and power you think you have will mean nothing. It will be just you and all the other hungry bellies in the world.

    One final note. Chances are things won't get "bad" for quite some time. Worst case scenario is it happens within a human lifetime. This is not a time to be complacent. We need to develop the skills and tools to survive now. If it happens in two lifetimes instead of one? Great! We are doubly prepared. 3 lifetimes? Even better! Let's do this!

  11. Which scientists..oh ya, those who are funded to back the theories of the narrative of "Global warming'.
    There is no doubt the Earth goes through cycles. Yet the theories presented by the media/govt and their masters..
    unrealistic and full of holes..

  12. I think yall missed the elephant in the room. Will climate change be inconvenient for humans; yes. Will it harm the planet; no. With the Pacific Ocean dying from Fukushima – earth itself will be incapable of life as we know it. Get urgent all you want about climate change! It will not stop the poisoning of the Pacific. Shhhh…..we aren't supposed to be paying attention to this slomo nuking of the entire planet. May as well argue about 'other' things cause no one knows how to stop Fuku radiation leaking for 100 years. Course we won't be then; will our grandkids?

  13. The vast majority of climate scientists disagree. Science in fact disagrees. Climate change alarm-ism, global greenhouse warming, the imminent ice age, …whichever you may believe, have all been proven UN hoaxes designed to excuse or facilitate carbon taxation and eventually agenda21. Yet here we have the same bull-shit again. These globalist NWO banksters will never give up. They will always find another patsy they can bribe to mislead the gullible public. I don't think there are many believers left, most have woken up. And don't anyone dare ask me where's my evidence, simply note that liar Paul Jay gave NO evidence, only insults for people who disagree with him, and then DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH / HOMEWORK. This video is NWO globalist cabal propaganda or fake news.

  14. Not to the extent of a comet, asteroid, or meteorite that could send us into an ice age very quickly. I am troubled by people constantly saying its all man made cause and not mentioning volcanic aerosols as a contributing factor or any other naturally occurring event on earth. We have learned an extraordinary amount of geological history in a relatively short period of time and no one is really discussing it. Trump Trump Trump where ever you go. In regards to ozone depletion, we did the same thing. It is all happening from man, until in 1991 when Pinatubo and Hudson(Chile) eruptions happened and their combined aerosols devastated the ozone layer unlike anything we have ever seen. It revolutionized how we now see ozone depletion. volcanoes can also send us into a cold spell for a long duration. We need to talk more about earth and less about Hollywood stars and politicians, or we lose, period. No question about our CO2 contributions and how important it is to talk about, as that is something we can control, to an extent. Per Randall Carlson, in all of our history as we know it, the longest time we have went without a major celestial or terrestrial catastrophe, is now, and we better start realizing that. Your group does an excellent job and I appreciate your efforts a great deal.

  15. For entertainment, I just read the existing 26 comments, and with a few exceptions, these comments indicate just how ignorant people are. Deliberately stupid. Typical for this age of Trump. Climate Change is very real. We are in the Sixth Mass Extinction. It's probably too late to stabilize the Arctic, and when the ice fields melt, without that reflective surface, the sun will heat the water, and the permafrost sealing the 50 gigatons of methane in the Siberian Shelf will thaw, and the methane will be released into the atmosphere. It will end our civilization. Our species will go extinct with all other forms of life on the planet. Game over.

  16. Maybe…but why not change the narrative. I see no incentive to allow any pollution, and that to me is a bigger threat, specifically pollution from corporations. This should include chemical use for everything under the sun that may not be considered pollution. Climate change has a big political solution tied to it with its origins from the oligarchy, real solutions will come from respecting the environment and cultivating habits that reduce waste. That's my position.

  17. TRNN is doing a good job. The proof is how all of these "scientists" come out of the swamp to join your small network's comments section. Don't feed the trolls.

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