Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh Testimony Exposes Deep Misogyny and Political Divides

An emotional day of testimony by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh displayed our political partisanship while exposing the raw nerve of sexual assault.

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Author: phillynews215


46 thoughts on “Blasey Ford/Kavanaugh Testimony Exposes Deep Misogyny and Political Divides

  1. Kavanaugh is a means to an end. Of cause they could "dump" him now and choose another judge from the list of the Federalist society, since they are all picked because of their opposition to Roe v Wade. Them insisting on Kavanaugh is just another indicator how little they care for women`s rights issues. Sadly, this is the real agenda of the religious right: Getting rid of equality between the sexes. The battle about abortion is their first step towards that goal.

    My prediction: The NEXT BATTLEGROUND for religious fundamentalists after abortion will be (modern) CONTRACEPTIVES. Why would they be against those, you may ask? Well, they will accuse modern contraceptives as being "abortifacients". But is this the real reason?

    It is only modern contraceptives that allow women to fully participate in life. E.g. by getting higher education and a good job. Without modern contraceptives, women are slaves to their biology. Without contraceptives, no equality.

    Without contraceptives, women have no choice about if they want children, when and how many.

    Many religious people want to turn back time. Their aim is to reestablish "male supremacy" over women. They quite literally want to send women back into the kitchen. Back to their "natural" role as sole wives and mothers. In their opinion, this is what "God" wants – after all, HE made men in HIS image. Women are just there to care for the men (including sexually) and to bear "their" children (preferably sons).

    Being anti-abortion is a means to that aim. Being anti-contraceptive will likely follow. This will be their next battleground, heed my words. Because religious fundamentalists know the importance of modern contraceptives – whilst leftists/progressives/liberals take progress for granted.

    I hope my fellow leftists/progressives/liberals are right and time cannot be turned back on women`s rights, freedom and liberties. The growing misogyny on the far right, additionally to the "traditional" anti-women attitude of religious fundamentalists (of nearly ALL religions and denominations!) makes me wonder if we are not too naive about this.

    Especially, we have to stop letting fundamentalist religious people off the hook just because they are seen as "pious". "Piety" is no excuse for the violation of Human Rights, freedom and liberty of other people.

    We need to fight to protect women`s rights. They are the "canary in the coal mine" for progress.

  2. LOL These #metoo harpies have continually been proven to be unreliable false accusers. They target high status men and expect to get a nice payday , and usually they do by selling their fake stories to all kinds of news outlets. They claim society to be misogynistic but it is the opposite: society hates all men expect for a few outliers. The rich and powerful.

    Besides, if there (there isn't) is a deep seeded hate for women in society then it's women's fault: they raise the children (and doing a terrible job) they grow to despise so much.

  3. The problem is the culture of men and women looking at each other in this country. The problem is decades of sexual revolution and corruption of moral sense in people. The problem is decades of attacking those who wanted to be good people.
    These women are victims. But more victims of the culture than these individuals. He was 16 years old. How much responsibility would he have in that age.

  4. What's so outrageous about this nomination is that they DENIED Pres Obama the RIGHT to select his Judge to the Supreme Court! They obstructed for over 9 months, yet they have the GULL/NERVE to complain about this Crooked, Corrupt Judge whose against EQUAL RIGHTS, especially for WOMEN, are they kidding us? I do not understand, every-time Graham or any other Republican COMPLAIN, why the Reporter's are not asking them right back, Why did you DENY Obama nominee even a HEARING? Current day Reporter's are TOTALLY USELESS! They are just as responsible for ALLOWING our CORRUPT GOVERNMENT GET AWAY WITH WHAT THEY DO! For they do not question, all they do is fall down on their knees and kiss their Corrupt collective asses!

  5. It's Rule By The unseen forces of evil, world cabal Mob and these evil beings pulling the strings from the shadows. The End Of Justice in the U.S.,no an accident. This is a moment in which to be aware of the changing of the guard. It seems that the destiny of the planet has been wrested from the control of its inhabitants, as it would appear the control of the Republic of the U.S.A. has been taken from its people. The wakeup call is being sounded and the internal intuitional agitation to shed the skin of this deceptive controlled experience has begun in earnest. The time of choosing to move with the flow of Creation or to remain stuck within the hoax is upon all of humanity. Education, as it is known, is not an advantage. It is within each self-awareness that this process will take place. All are equal in opportunity in this process. Believe that! Purity of response outweighs educational degrees. Those who know the least of what is going on will hear first. You have been educated into the deception that provides the grease upon the wheels of their plans. You have been fooled into supporting them as they carried forth their plans that so far have been focused upon the uneducated and those unable to oppose the power you are giving the manifested evil ones through consent by believing their lies.

  6. The truth about Christine BLASEY Ford will be revealed. She is a woman with an agenda. CIA works with MKULTRA yea you know those weird looking kids that shot up schools etc. Diane Feinstein is in cahoots with this creepy woman to smear this man .Anyone facing all those false accusations would react with a lot of anger. MSM run with the lies daily with no proof. The democrats acted like children. Judge Kavanaugh asked for a hearing when it first showed up in media. She waited 10 days to come forward. This creepy woman is nobodies friend. EVIL

  7. Kavanagh cites his "long history" as a judge, but these records have been withheld from scrutiny. The indecent haste of this nomination screams danger! They are concealing more than the sexual assault history.

  8. She's lying. She's doing this to prevent the possibility of Roe Vs Wade being overturned. Wouldn't you be angry if someone was trying to ruin your reputation.

  9. Good ole America. People like these and hearings like this give me hope that the good people of America can fight back and the system ist fundamentally sound. God bless. Great channel. 👍🙏

  10. Well I don't know whether Kavanaugh would be a good choice or not, what I do know as a divorcee that my wife set out to destroy me at every level of my life and even dragged her brother and children into the whole debacle. She lied and lied and threw tears into the equation gaining sympathy and I ended up near suicidal with all my rights stripped away from me and in a very lonely place – so when I see people like Ford get up and give a tear jerking testimony I am filled with a deep cynicism, she may be quite truthful but I see my wife standing there and find it hard to believe a word she says particularly as she is a professor psychology and has many skills to play on others emotions

  11. Isn't it just SO fitting, that this clusterfuck should surround the one SCOTUS nominee who embodies the greatest threat to women's reproductive rights the country has seen since Roe v. Wade became law?
    You can't make this shit up!

  12. I don't see how anyone can watch Kavanaugh's testimony and think he should be a judge, let alone a Supreme Court justice.

    Even if all the allegations of sexual misconduct are false, there is still also the fact that tens of thousands of pages of records have been withheld, and that Kavanaugh appears to have perjured himself during today's testimony as well as during his confirmation to the court of appeals.

    It is very hypocritical for Grassley to claim there is any urgency in confirming Kavanaugh, babbling about due process while Kavanaugh waxed lyrical about the the Senate's advise and consent role after stonewalling Garland for nearly a year – not because the Republicans had any real objection to Garland but simply because Obama nominated him.

    If Democrats like Manchin, Donnelly and McCaskill vote YES Kavanaugh will be confirmed. If all Democrats do what is right then the confirmation will hinge on how Collins and Murkowsky vote.

  13. This woman should of never been taken seriously unless there is evidence. There are only words without evidence or even a history of being there…

  14. Excuse me, but when senator flake was confronted in the elevator by several women, they were far more aggressive, bullying, Belligerant and confrontational than Kavanaugh was in the hearing. So in your mind, does that profile them as sexual predators? Didn't think so, so the characterisation you applied to him in this interview as a basis to validate any ALLEGED rape that happened 35 years ago is preposterous. Dr Ford had three witnesses, all deny (under oath, my I add) they witnessed anything of the sort, Ford even went as far as to say that one of her witnesses was mentally ill when her story wasn't corroborated by them. I know this might seem revolutionary to some but, there is such a thing as "due process", and "burden of proof". So Let's stick to those principals shall we.

  15. Guys that were like Kavanaugh in high school and later early college, late 1960s, would often pursue young ladies relentlessly and any ploy they could gauge to get sex they'd try and when the female would finally give in in self defensive only to know later that was even predicated, the guy would go around saying in public 'fuck her, I did' and 'Man she can suck the chrome off of my bumper, and I oughta know'

  16. Thank god for President Trump… Showing the world how corrupt government in all branches of the us is. Right out in public we can see it, including corporate media. Thank real news.

  17. Knowing men and women, and as a man, in the mid 80s I was shocked, dismayed and angry when one of the 4 Supv of a 4 office Engineering Department and at a Xmas party of the dept, said to a roomful of only male techs, and majority male gender (B the secretary of the department, and not technical minded)let's take B in the back room and fuck her, to my amazement even knowing alcohol had everyone high, 'cept me I guess, everyone burst out laughing, I didn't think it funny at all, most saw B as not the sharpest tack in the box, and I dunno why but some men would see that as a plus regarding assault, as if she may not know what happened??
    A Supv behaved like that, I really didn't like having to work with characters like that. Him especially cuz it was who he was a macho pig

  18. Anita Hill was right and so is Dr Ford, to open themselves up to obvious attacks and predictable ridicule and character assassination by the right.
    Great point, actions like being organised enough to mount attacks to do with sexual assault in going after Kavanaugh, and with Feinstein's actions then why didn't Dems not have a better organised attack than this? Kavanaugh is guilty of this. And for Dr Ford to go through with this, like Anita Hill what can she actually gain by accusation alone.

  19. High school…? High school…? If we are all held accountable at 50 for what we did at 17 then what??? This theater is going to destroy this country. These people wanting his head weren't there for Monica Leminsky —- in fact they told her and the nation to "Move On .org" the ends doesn't justify the means

  20. She had to be: Accurate, Even-Tempered, Composed, Friendly, Attentive, Well-Prepared,
    Fair, Pleasant, Honest, Frank, Cooperative, Amenable, Agreeable, even Likeable.
    She was not allowed to be: Bitter, Angry, nor Distressed by Any of the Conditions of her Current Situation.
    Note : She contacted her own Congressional Representative when she saw Kavanaugh’s name on the list.

  21. Kavanaugh is so guilty and he is throwing a huge temper tantrum because he thought he had gotten away with this his entire life – if this had happened recently, he might be in court for attempted rape! He should be GRATEFUL that Dr. Ford did not press charges 30 years ago!

  22. I never treated a woman the way Dr. Ford says she was treated by Kavanaugh. Did I miss something I should have done?

  23. It's refreshing to watch RealNews because issues are disused in a calm civilized fashion as opposed to garbage cable news. Thanks to everyone involved for giving us an alternative to the corporate news circus.

  24. Kavanaugh shed the tears of a man who thought his rowdy, drunken youth was long forgotten. Unfortunately for Kavanaugh, his school pal Mark Judge published a confessional book in 1998 detailing his own adolescent descent into alcoholism, probably as a way of portraying himself as a "reborn" Christian. The subsequent writings and rulings of both men reveal the fascistic consequences of patriarchal religions.

  25. Booohoooo hooboo sniffle sniffle. Kleenex time😭😢😫😭Kavanaugh is a total shill for the Elite Class of Old money. Wall Street bankers, and all CEOs. To hell w woman, gays, workers, consumers etc………..

  26. I just do not see a crime from her accounting. no crime took place. and again those who swear to defend the constitution to hold their office have not!

  27. LEIGH IS AN IDIOT!!! He's pissed because everyone is calling him a rapist, a gang rapist as well. How the F**k would you feel if someone called you and your family sex traffickers and you pimping your family. Leigh I don't think your gonna be real calm … if you do then your a hypocritical liar. So eat a well you know.

  28. Okay Bret . We want to be fair and compare your newly found pain with her alleged pain through an adults life time. This may take a very very long week for just you and your family dog that reads your emotions. Man tears are shocking and we can't stand it already. Do not worry about jail time. You're not Bill (the black guy) Cosby. Good luck touching any female that thought you were someone else.

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