As Dems Focus on Impeachment, Trump Heads to “Imperial Governance“

The Trump administration is undermining our nation from immigration to the environment, while his tweets and impeachment distract us. Add it all up, says our guest, we can see how he threatens what remains of U.S. democracy.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


38 thoughts on “As Dems Focus on Impeachment, Trump Heads to “Imperial Governance“

  1. Totally thought 3 years ago Trump would b the second coming of Hitler, and threaten civil war if he didn't get his way…

  2. Meh. This guy thinks he is saying something profound or deep truth about Trump, but these are the same points that MSM have been saying since he has been in office.


  4. As you said, Trump is a stumbling and bumbling Leader. It was Pres Clinton and Biden that changed welfare and sent US jobs overseas. Neo-Liberals and Neo-Conservatives that has given us endless war and created the surveillance state. Pres Obama repealed corpora delicti, prosecuted more whistle blowers. Where was all the outrage before they gave all this power to the Orange President

  5. It's awful that he is upholding all the laws the DemocRATS wrote and signed into law. AWFUL! Good thing he is also upholding that diplomatic agreement that B Clinton signed with Ukraine. And the Nazi correlation totally discredits your position.

  6. "Acting as something of a stabilising influence in global affairs". Dear lord what naivety. Chomsky's Deterring Democracy tells a very different story. Mussolini was given power in order to stop the Biennio Rosso which saw Northern Italy in particular under workers control. Red flags flew over the main industries of the north. The threat of revolution was real, Mussolini stopped it. Many paid the price with their lives for not completing the revolutionary process. Including Antonio Gramsci.

  7. America's first of series of imperial presidents to come.
    You might wonder how its possibe when an imperial power is elected not appointed?
    One thing that runs deep in the Anglo Saxon culture in America comes from the Southern plantation owners who defended hereditary privilege based on birth right when the rights of the aristocracies and monarchies of Europe were being challenged by the European capitalist classes.
    The idea that all men are created equal contradicted the facts of daily experience for most Southerners at the time still contradicts the Anglo Saxon belief system of race.
    A president may never be elected again but passed down from one son or daughter to another in the same family creating a dynasty with a belief system that holds them as above the law, above society, and closest to God. America could become what Russia was of 600 years of dynastic Czarist rule.

    European monarchies and dynasties and the Southern slave holders in America in the 19th century had a real affinity for each other, they lament the slave master system as the best most natural order and productive system on earth to be had. They believed the system to be the best method of creating wealth cultivating land, selling and breeding slaves, just as the Physiocrats defended the Feudal nobility. Marx said, " Bourgeois society reproduces in its own form everything against which it fought in feudal or absolutist forms", very insightful. He would see this coming to fruition in Trump, he as the incarnation of an absolute form of power.

  8. While in agreement with the numerous points made in this discussion of how appalling the Trump Presidency is, has been, and will continue to be, I must take issue with the assertion that the United States has long been a force for "stability" in the world. That belief is as delusional as anything emanating from the Trump camp and camp followers.

    The second element with which I disagree is one that is entirely omitted from Sasha Abramsky's analysis: the National Security State has been painstakingly crafted since the 1940s to provide instruments and structures of mass repression, surveillance and authoritarian rule. There can be no other aim or outcome when you look at the tremendous, preponderant power of the military, the police and the intelligence services. By their nature these are anti-democratic institutions, wholly unaccountable to the people, and comprising a full array of means and methods for dictatorship. Given the accelerating movement in this regard, coupled with a long-term neoliberal economic policy geared to producing an impoverished, precarious and fearful populace, you have the natural, indeed the inevitable conditions for the breakdown of the old political system and the rise of bizarre Caligula-like figures such as George W. Bush and Donald Trump. If we try to analyse Trump without reference to the immediate events and long-term developments that preceded him, as well as the formidable anti-democratic powers at the core of government, we mistake the task ahead. Getting rid of Trump will not resolve what is in fact the wholesale conversion of an electoral republic with all of its contradictions and crimes, into an absolutist state. Changing Presidents won't change that.

  9. F all of them. Psychotic traitors to life everywhere!!! Resist the cannibalistic lemmings or continue just as you have… you'll get exactly what you deserve… EXTINCTION!!! FAKE IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. STOP. YOU ARE CAPABLE OF SO INCREDIBLY MORE. Here is a clue…now you know how it feels to be a "nothing"… COMMODITIES. OWNED BITCHES! Not me. Not now. Not before. Never. Empathy people. Life lessons hurt…. humanity learns and remembers best through pain. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. So…. how's it feel? Enjoying your captivity? Meatpuppets. Hypocrites. It's about time you begin waking up. It's your choice. Always was. Been here before. Some my remember. Unite and change this BS APOCALYPTIC PARADIGM. Put your asses where your eloquent words are. Be HUMAN BEINGS. Instead of forked tongued lowest common denominators,…excuses and blind Faith will not make it anymore…U are now them. The raping and pillaging is only just getting started… least according to most of the American population. But you have been doing this type of crap allover the world. It's been and continues to be done to you also….so much MORE previlant nowadays….. blatant. In your faces… eventually it will come to your door. Better be your brothers keepers..or else there will be nobody there for you when your time comes…. simply because there won't be any body left. It's on you. Time has come. Fact. Sleep well….and I'm the lunatic? Just sayin….

  10. Democracy? Trump wasnt elected by a popular vote so idk why people keep talking about our democracy dying, it dead, its been dead!

  11. Good guest! Makes great points. But what should not be forgotten is the Dems part in this. Starting the whole Russiagate investigation based on palace intrigues has ofcourse not help. When Trump fights back against this new assault by the Dems it seems only logical he wont take part in another fabricated scandal. Dems have utterly undermined their own legitimacy.

  12. And I thought Steiner's interviewing skills, choice of guest, hapless ignorance, anti-Trump status quo schtick, ultra partisan polítics, implicit and explicit American exceptionalism, faux progressive polítics couldn't get any worse. Jesus he makes me so angry and frustrated. Fucking move to the corporate medía where you belong.

  13. I'm finally understanding TRNN. Thanks Steiner and Abramovitz. The USA has been a stabilizing influence for eighty years and Trump is screwing it up! These are very ignorant men. Unless they hate the earth and all life and support globalism.

  14. I hate to say it but Trump could be the "antichrist". With neoliberalism dominating the world and shaping the political envoronment everywhere all it takes is one idiot leader with far too much power, to destroy all that's good about life on earth. He needs to be taken out with great prejudice as does the neoliberal ideology.

  15. It changes the title when you share it. Shared it to FB just now and the title turns into "Trump alters US under the radar while impeachment is pursued"

  16. I can't believe he didn't say a word about the Trump backers in congress!? THEY make this happening. If GOP politicians grew some spine and morality, Trump would be outsted immidiately. THEY enable the lawless rule!

  17. Wow. These guys are right off the rails. Some of the most unsubstantiated accusations and mindless political drivel I've heard in a long time. Reminds me of a dog trying to catch its tail. Keep up the great work. Look! A squirrel.

  18. Shilary and the DNC are responsible for this mess, they have blood on their hands. If they hadn't rigged the primary in her favor we would have President Sanders now and the world would be a far better place.

  19. You people act like this started with Trump. The destruction of our democracy started a long time ago. and has been furthered by all of the last presidents since the 40's regardless of party. WE HAVE BEEN AN EMPIRE FOR DECADES!! We are not a democracy! Clinton cheated and we got Trump. all are symptoms and repercussions of the massive corruption in our government. We are a violent empire determined to rule the world at any cost! Look at the truth in the mirror!! Our system doesn't work! no one obeys the rules here! ITS NOT THE PRESIDENT! ITS US!!

  20. Ok. But how is this any different than American's general concept of the world. The notion of American exceptionalism and the notion that American can do exactly what it wants around the world.

  21. A good constitutional amendment would be all politicians must have an annual comprehensive physical and mental check up to be made public. Any serious mental impairments should be cause for disqualification of the politician affected. Just like the military, This would prevent people from overstaying their usefulness in our government. Those examinations would be done by a team of doctors, not one bought by the politicians. It seems draconian but has sadly become a necessity. They should also be tested regularly for illicit drug use. It is no more than is required for most factory jobs as well as the military.

    The power of a president to take military action has also been abused. Deregulation as well as so many of the executive orders should be limited. Whatever law made it possible for the president to unilaterally cause such environmental destruction should be repealed. Especially when it comes to war and our National preserves.

    I also feel that politicians should receive no better insurance than every other worker. We created a bubble for politicians to live in. We must burst it and allow them to see life as it is for everyone else.

    White collar crime should be punished with mandatory prison sentences (not club fed) and restitution to victims, not to the government. The punishment if someone is caught breaking the law should be a deterrent not an inconvenience.

    And there should be real consequences for politicians breaking the law. Any law. Not a slap on the wrist or vote of disapproval, but jail time in a real jail with violent offenders just like the lowest crimes committed by the population in general. In a perfect world, those accused would be judged by a jury of civilians, not partisan fellow lawmakers. How can a politician be impartial when all are intrinsically biased?

    Police officers are suspended pending investigation, politicians should be as well.

    Getting money out of politics is imperative. Ending the lobbying and the super pacs should be a no brainer. Politicians should not be able to play the stock market and there should be huge penalties for giving insider trading info to friends and family.

    It should be a law that politicians divest their portfolios and businesses, as should their spouse. No politician should be tempted to act for their own personal gain. McConnell’s wife comes to mind.

    A fund should be set up for campaigns to use, along with individual small donations, and all other donations outlawed. No politician should be bought by special interests. I have heard of democracy dollars, and think it’s a fine idea.

    Instead of presidents nominating people for positions that affect important things like education and taxes and the fed, people should be able to apply, be interviewed by a bilateral committee, and the person most qualified for the position should be hired. Then that person could only be fired if the same committee decides they are incompetent. You shouldn’t have to be rich or well connected to the current administration to get such important jobs, and you shouldn’t, once you are hired, be beholden to the one who nominated you.

    The power of the majority leader is preventing legislation from being voted upon. That also should end. It effectively negates the power of every other congressman and senator. This should be stopped in both houses. One (or two) people should not have that much power. Political games have replaced our democratic process.

    And politicians shouldn’t be free to lie. Not to Congress and not to the American people. That is perhaps the biggest issue in politics today. Lying to the public should be as bad and illegal as lying under oath.

    There are people who will always find loopholes in the rules to exploit. I agree it makes for bigger government and more regulation, but in order for the American public to begin trusting their elected officials again, I strongly feel these things are necessary.

    This post became a rant, and for that I apologize, but In the words of a great man..”anyway, it’s just a thought. Ya’ll have a good night”

  22. Did anyone catch his prior assumptions about the state of the Union before Trump? I think around 7:20 or so the invited opnion states"…that for the last 80 years [the US] has acted as something as a stabilizing influence around the world"

  23. Anyone who wants to stop the murder of innocent babies should not be considered unjust in the matter. Womens rights are keeping your legs close. The Murderers, the women who open the legs to anyone and get caught up are murders when they destroy life some not even giving it a second thought and will be accountable if they do not confess and repent to YAH through HaMeshiah Yahshua otherwise Murderers, MURDERERS.

  24. Calling conservatives "Fascists" actually radicalizes conservatives just like calling Liberals "Communists" does.
    America is neither Fascist nor socialist.
    Conservatives need to realise that not all government spending is socialism and Liberals need to realise that supporting the free market(not corporatism) is not Fascism.

  25. Once again, this guy is just another clone that saus the establishment are great people and the system is great if we just get rid of Trump. If Trump is so nuts and the establishment is so reasonable why is Trump the only president in my lifetime attempting to get out of wars while the establishment fights tooth and nail to keep us in them? I agree that trumps a buffoon but from where i sit the establishment looks more dangerous. Dems need a good candidate. Tulsi 2020.

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