Why Is the Anti-War Movement Still so Weak Under Trump?

The anti-war movement, once strong under Bush, died under Obama, and still is weak under Trump. TRNN’s Ben Norton speaks with CODEPINK’s Ariel Gold about the power of the military-industrial complex and the campaign to stop the US-Saudi assault on Yemen.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


43 thoughts on “Why Is the Anti-War Movement Still so Weak Under Trump?

  1. I have been on this earth 76 years, and although i really appreciate what The Real News network and Ben Norton does, I can tell you that over my many years of life experiences, we haven't had a President or Congress that was truly Anti-War, JFK came the closest to being an Anti-War President that any of those since, and Donald Trump slid into office under cover!

  2. The Dem leadership, sadly with a big boost from Obama, seem to have been remarkably successful in neutralising opposition to warmongering and associated sins of the military industrial complex. How much might deliberate cultural manipulation in the spirit of the CIA's operation mockingbird may have been playing a role? What is the Dem leadership's relationship with the CIA and the military industrial complex? As bad as it looks, or is it worse than that?

  3. @ TheRealNews Very disappointing opening statements and interview! The Anti-War Movement is weak under Trump, because it died under Obama!!! Trump is exhausting the movement with domestic issues!??? Are you kidding! How did Obama kill it?

  4. War is human nature. War is peace.
    An anti-war movement is utterly pointless. Do you really believe, at this point, that the war establishment cares what you shout on the street? Your strict adherence to that anti-war ideology is your undoing.

    Perhaps you should consider making some war yourselves.

  5. "Abc antifa" youtube that..while youre at it. Goog "dirty money hsbc" and then.. Obvious CEO s n lobbies are the modern robber barron slave wage types.. That luv molesting kids..mentally w Faith n pills.. Tons of examples like u said.

  6. Some women in Saudi Arabia have been given the right to be chauffeurs. That is, they still have a law that women can only be in public if accompanied by a man (father, brother or husband). So, now they'll be able to drive their overseers around. Woopie!

  7. Lockheed-Marting received as much federal money as 22 states combined! Wow! That's a t-shirt. Kids… please start tagging that all over the place.

  8. Blame it on Trump, more bullshit.
    Trump is the scapegoat of the age.

    Every POTUS is a pawn of the Military Industrial Complex

  9. What nonsense. It is not that no one is exhausted but that No one cares. The movement is not beat. The movement is minuscule compared to the apathetic movement which is overwhelmingly fat, dumb and happy in their self-centered, custom-built comfortable numbness.

    Unlike lemmings hurtling toward oblivion, Oblivion is hurtling toward us.

    We sit in our ultra-comfortable chairs, playing video war games, watching violent pornography, eating chemically altered sugars,fats, and salt provided by the taxes we pay, the money we pay, wearing clothing made from slave labor, sold to us by people whose salaries are augmented by taxed we pay so they can eat, while the rich get richer. It is OK because we can get high proclaiming all the righteousness contained therein because the man made it illegal and by God I will show them. Yeah you're showing em. Tell that to the dead, the suffering, to oppressed, driven by the monster cartels and criminal all along the growth, manufacturing and supply chain you and only you support so you can have your buzz, your high, your rage, rave and mellow mellowness. Yeah baby, you really showed the man..

    We get less mentally, physically and spiritually healthier, homes and lives are destroyed by wars waged where leas than 1% of us go to fight, while our money (again) pays for a paramilitary force to hold back the onslaught of refugees the same oligarchs we make rich create, and somehow, someway, "Christian" leaders tell us Jesus approves and we should to, and we do.

    The movement is not weary, it is microscopic because participation in the war, the pain, the insanity, the lass, the tragedy, the utter futility, the unexplained motive is borne by damn near almost none of us. It is borne by the few who serve and the millions in far away places who suffer. And when that rare instance of some of that insanity pops up in our street, the anti-war movement does not pop us, the war movement shifts into overclocked mode.

    The movement can't be seen by the naked eye or heard with the naked ear. It is not thought of by the naked brain nor felt by the naked body or soul. It is measured in units while its adversary, apathy, is measured in exponential form.

    And the movement will not come back until we displace apathy with the morality we mus have stowed in one of our storage centers.

  10. Because both parties push for war, because both are very much influenced by the millitary industrial complex, because the mainstream media aligns itself with that and laughs at the anti-war voices?

  11. Governments are evil. They steal our hard earned cash and use it to kill citizens of another country.

    Its ALL a game, never do they bomb government buildings, even during the BLITZ Parliment buildings, Number 10, Royal palaces were not targeted as they are "ALL IN THE SAME CLUB-WORLDWIDE". Only the citizens are bombed, never the governments.

    Take Syria, USA and Israel could bomb the royal palace and the job would be done, but as its a game they destroy the entire country except for the royal palace.

  12. People are brainwashed. The anti-war movement is divided, many are focused on one item instead of looking at the BIG PICTURE – The Smart Control Grid.
    Open your mind -check out MAX IGAN /The Crowhouse here on Youtube

  13. there is something truly, clinically, psychologically wrong with this country- just like Germany before the second world war- it's palpable…

  14. Wow! I appreciated the information given here where specifically is mentioned names of companies making, and selling arms… This is "The Real News" with journalists doing real research… At last, BRAVO!!!

    This said, "I HAVE A DREAM" that one day the best lawyers in the world would attack all arm making companies and put them as directly responsible for ALL deaths and destruction accured due to the use of the weapons, bombs, they made. This, no matter whether the bomb was used by an army belonging to an official government with representation in the UN, or not…
    Just like tobacco companies which are responsible for what they make!!! The war industry MUST absolutely be accounted as responsible, solely responsible, entirely responsible for the use of the products they make… No matter who, and for what reason there bloody product was used against…!!!

    Let's say: somewhere a bridge was bombed by some "maniac" government with representation in the UN, onto another country. The company that made this bomb will have to pay for the reconstruction of the bridge as well as for compensation if people died, or where injured.

    I HAVE A DREAM!!! Please share this dream…

  15. As the Democratic party has done throughout history, they pander to social movements during election times, they absorb them, and then destroy them. They did it to the labor movement, civil rights movement, and the Vietnam era anti-war movement.

    Don’t blame Trump. The anti-war movement went home when candidate Obama declared, “I will end both these wars on day one as President, you can take that to the bank!!”

    Obama went on to continue both wars, tried to take us to war in Syria, broke records for executive ordered drone murders, never closed Gitmo, on and on. Obama set back progressive politics for an entire generation. A complete tragedy for peace and liberty.

    While receiving his Nobel Peace Prize, he claimed he hoped to rid the world of nuclear weapons, while simultaneously expanding and modernizing the entire US nuclear arsenal. The Nobel people went on to say they would take it back if they could.

    Obama filled his cabinet with the same neo-cons that led us on a wild goose chase following 9/11. Our liberal hero, “Hope & Change” worked with the same people who controlled W.

    Stop blaming Trump. Take responsibility for the failures of the Democratic party, who now ONLY differs from the GOP on domestic social issues. When it comes to foreign policy, war, banking, Wall Street, THEY ARE EXACTLY THE SAME!!!!

  16. ©™ ALX ⚖ Observations ✍
    The anti war movement wasn't tougher under Bush. They were ineffective and Bush ILLEGALLY invaded Iraq.
    If the anti war movement marched on Washington DC carrying small arms rather than signs they would be a lot more effective and their demands would be met. Nobody is going to get into gun fights with thousands of American citizens.
    The Federal standoff recently with armed ranchers in Nevada and similarly in Oregon prove that white angry armed citizens in large numbers aren't something law enforcement wants to deal with.

  17. Freaking unbelievable. To stop a war culture you confront it. Remember? Vijay prashad. Let's talk about boycotting Boeing ge United technology Honeywell all those that we could as Joe's. Move our banking to local ones. Avoid credit use. ……

  18. There are several major reasons that there is no effective mass US anti-war movement. Code Pink has addressed the Presidential CIA drone execution program and deserves much credit and thanks for that. But these following items are not properly addressed in this interview or by the alleged "Anti-War" movement: (1) Operating at a superficial level of name calling where the Puppet Presidents of the "Masters of War" are blamed, allowing focus to be diverted from class struggle and decades of massive privatization to the limited view of Identity politics; (2) Following controlled opposition to a strategy of appealintg to Congress instead of to the people everywhere being exploited and ruined; (3) Not demanding Anti-Trust legislation to break-up media control by Zionists; (4) Refusal to break from the two wings of the Corporate AIPAC-dominated bipartisan "War Party" monopolizing our politics (we got Russiagate instead of analysis of the D loss under war criminal Clinton to the R's running a chump like Trump as the "peace candidate" LOL; (5) Refusal to find common ground througout the population in opposing "war on terror" emergency laws like the "Patriot Act" and the NDAA decreed attacks on the US Constitution. This runs from removal of habeas corpus to indefinite detention to extreme violations of 4th Amendment privacy rights with total Homeland Security spying; (6) Not demanding "Torture Accountability" and allowing Obama and Trump to bury the 6,700 pages of the 2014 Senate Report on Torture under classification for another 12 years; (7) Chosing willful ignorance about 9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks, by not reading the 17 years of scholarly research that has been done by the 9/11 Truth Movement by people such as David Ray Griffin (12 books) and Graeme MacQueen (The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy), and Christopher Bollyn's "Solving 9/11"; So where are we now? Right Here: "Post 9/11 Love Me I'm A Liberal" (4 m 16) – Free SoundCloud mp3 by Vic Sadot of the Phil Ochs' 1966 classic released on Sept 11, 2011 under license on the "9/11 Truth & Justice Songs" CD which is available at CD Baby! http://soundcloud.com/broadsideballadeer/love-me-im-a-liberal

  19. Because Jewish supremacists are starting the wars and they own Washington and the media and financial system and it's not politically correct to talk about it because they have everyone thinking that they are the victims when they are not.

  20. She is so right on point. Those in government have our lives in such chaos with so many issues, constant issues that we cannot concentrate on any issue as needed. We are in a chaos similar to September 11, 2001. It is being waged on us by government.

  21. Seems to me the psy people have hit upon the right combo of media and accusations and circus at home to reduce the anti-war movement. I too have been baffled by the focus on ANYTHING BUT. Bernie didn't focus on bring troops home. Come to think of it, Ms Clinton didn't either. So was it the fear our expanding economy wouldn't expand? So the war machine had to be depended up for profiteering? Or is it as I have said many times, the awareness among the elite that there is a turn from the pretense we are a democracy electing a President with power happening where the elites become entrenched with power and the rest of us become permanently underclass? We are entering 2020 a CASTED SOCIETY with permanent classes and sharp uncrossable line between us. I think the silence is to enable that. Stop the noise, stop the war, and it will be obvious. Congress has enabled this. This is the parting gift of permanent power from the elderly and infirm in Congress tottering off to their corporate hide-hole leaving us slaves to the new Congress.
    Consider: the next Presidential election will offer us $500 for all, nixing social security. Part of this sweet deal is getting chipped so they can have accurate records. You'll take the $500 because you don't have a job and housing will require a group/3 gen family to occupy a house. Those that do have jobs need to be chipped because as society continues the transformation into robotics, the workers will resort to sabotage, the only weapon of the powerless, and the chipping is to prevent/control us.

  22. this is the question that's never asked! We need a massive anti-war movement nationwide. Americans are asleep in regards to our never ending wars on the other side of the world. Even under Bush it wasn't that strong

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