Venezuela: US/Canadian Attempted Coup Not About Democracy – Paul Jay

Corporate media hides that the crisis in Venezuela is a class struggle, and whatever its faults, the Bolivarian revolution is a struggle for equality and democracy – Paul Jay joins host Jacqueline Luqman

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


40 thoughts on “Venezuela: US/Canadian Attempted Coup Not About Democracy – Paul Jay

  1. Is Venezuela Canada’s modern day El Dorado? “In a bid for a greater share of oil revenue, Venezuela forced private oil companies to become minority partners with the state oil company in 2007. This prompted Calgary-based Petro-Canada to sell its portion of an oil project and Canadian officials to privately complain about feeling ‘burned’ by the Venezuelan government…” “A number of Canadian companies clashed with Hugo Chavez’ government over its bid to gain greater control over gold extraction. Crystallex, Vanessa Ventures, Gold Reserve Inc. and Rusoro Mining all had prolonged legal battles with the Venezuelan government. In 2016 Rusoro Mining won a $1 billion claim under the Canada-Venezuela investment treaty. That same year Crystallex was awarded $1.2 billion under the Canada-Venezuela investment treaty. Both companies continue to pursue payments."

  2. Why is Canada violating the UN Charter and leading the way for regime change in Venezuela? Trudeau government has been involved in Donald Trump’s attempted coups against Venezuela. Canada is heading the economic sanctions imposed on the country, which is act of war and genocidal, yes that is true, there is more than one way to conquer .

  3. Do you still believe in a democratic choice? Corporate power is no part of debates in parliament, Media scare to write about it, and politicians don’t have the big money to run if they don’t buy into corporate agenda.

  4. International Law is first interest…but it needs to have support and execution to stop abuse and wrong doing from nations and Governors against other less powerful nations and/or companies such as Mining or Petroleum interest lacking reponsability in honesty and proper CLEAN UP of acts that cause negative impact in natural resources and contamination of land and water in many cases causing dead and illness to population affected by Transnasional interest.
    So the ENFORCEMENT and creation of INTERNATIONAL LAW is of first interest.
    This job will demand a great deal of update as events happen such as MEGA PROJECTS that represent grand interest of sectors of the wold economy.
    Education, Food, water , clean air, Humanitarian Aid disclosed from Political Interest.
    I am proposing that any investment must include a series of aspects that support the local economy with benefits of the particular area to be invested for:
    1.- The creation of an authority for surveillance and promote local jobs link to projects.
    2.-The project must provide a link or cooperation in all aspect to Benefit the REGION where the project will be established weather is Medical services , Security, Clean Potable water, a local school and roads and many other basic needs of the area.
    3.- Recreational Events and activities link to benefits of creation of MEGA PROjECT in question.
    So the FUNDAMENTALS for an ivestment must have humain benefits for the communities and SOCIAL JUSTICE.
    Fernando Ruiz MEX-CAN

  5. The ruling classes here in the USA are the trying to reinstall the exploiters of the people and the land of Venezuela mainly to keep White/European Elites in power world-wide. We (Black Men) need to left out of any military/police action there.

  6. You talk about elites, like Chavez did not create high ranking high paying government, military elites…. most elites prior to the revolution could be called self made hard working high IQ. Now you have LOW IQ CORRUPT GOVERNMENT ELITES….

  7. Madero was voted in, but when your campaign includeS nationalized oil company funds AND military blessing and support( corruption, turning blind eye to military illegal activity’s) I am not to sure A BUS DRIVER WOULD HAVE WON, is that a fair election?… and madero having to make a choice to pay 2 of the biggest government bills he choose no longer to pay the bill of SPOON FEEDING THE POOR, he has lost their support.__ he chose paying military, smart move. Simple story Chavez revolution has failed, why? price of oil went down, fired 19,000 qualified employees with loyalist. Not making enough money to pay all the government bills along with Massive social programs for the poor which do not contribute to the overall GDP and are not producing anything of value but costly to a socialist government looking to buy cheap votes and can easily be done during inCREASE OIL PROFITS,( buying votes).. before sanctions of USA, exports and GDP were in DECLINE, so sanctions are not to be blamed 100% for what’s going on. A bus driving winning and becoming a leader of a big country, no way. And he seems to be a nice guy. But he was hand picked.


    (a bad mix for us all)



    Fight disinformation with your
    own mind and critical thinking

    -Vet your own news sources

    accept so called “Expert’s Opinions” as factual

    -Compare opposing points of view before you decide
    what’s true

    -Examine “Alternative Independent Media” that
    is uncensored by Google, Facebook, Youtube and other biased,
    controlling forces that might be manipulating and oppressing

    -Follow the money, who benefits from acts of violence

    can become the Resistance to this kind of misinformation


    If you want to know, have a look at these recent videos
    on youtube before they are censored and removed:

    FLAGS:FROM 911 TO SANDY HOOK” by Jim Fetzer

    “911 Psy Opera”
    by Ace Baker (1 hour version)

    “Where Did The Towers Go?” by
    Dr. Judy Wood

    “False Flags:Staged,Scripted,Mass Psy-Op Events”
    by noliesradio

    “Surviving Project MK-ULTRA & Psychiatry –
    CIA Mind Control Experiments In Vermont” by Alpha Mind

    “Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary|Media
    Manipulation” by ODD Reality

  9. Maduro won the elections with 60% plus, can you tell the same for Trump or Tradou ????? Tradou is a shame for Canada!!!! All they want is to rob the Venezuela oil😠😠😡😡

  10. Yes, the truth! Look at the people who are behind Maduro and look at the Elites behind Guido. The common people have voted in Maduro, the Elites are trying to take back the cash cow they lost when Chavez came to power.

    Elliott Abrams is a murderous maniac from the 70's.

  11. I'm really not happy about my country Canada licking the boots of Bolton and Pompeo. The province of Québec is mostly socialist ( free health Care, free college, low university's fees, Québec government own : The electric company, the alcohol sale, the casinos, marijuana sale, Car insurance ( only the health part) and Trudeau the prime minister of Canada doesn't want Venezuela to do the same, How hypocritical. Trudeau just lost my vote.

  12. I do not believe there is a democracy anywhere on this world, Money control is everywhere and they are using democracy TO MAKE more money! With Iraq war, Dick Chaney made millions and public got the bill for 1.5 trillions. What democracy, does not exists. Look here in Canada, politicians vote them self's nice benefits and people that paid for, get nothing. Nice set up, if you are one of them!!!!!!!!!! I think we are looking at a new revolution, not far away. If you live in Toronto and you work for your house 40 years, then you retire and you have to sale your house, because you do not get enough pension to pay taxes on the house, you worked all your life. You still believe in democracy, if you do you are probably buying cannabis from Canadian government, because that is the only way they know how to create an income!!!

  13. Trump isn’t an elite he’s a business man trying to fix this country so a civil war doesn’t happen but the democrats want to by creating division

  14. YOU are stupid, I'm from Venezuela and this is completely biased. This calls itself "Real News Network" as an attempt to mislead the public and spread lies. The company that manages elections even called out the government on their rigging of the machines. Venezuela is under a dictator and you are communist, fake and biased Media.

  15. Reminds me about wwII and peoples reactions. We didn't know! We couldn't imagine! We can prove that it was reported in the media. We are able to put the light on the difference between "We didn't know" and "We don't want to know". Today with the mainstream media controlled that might be impossible in the future. Especially when you think about the powers governing. The silence in corporate media is telling. Stalin would be impressed. Crimes against humanity by the US elites can continue. Tomorrow when history is written nobody will know.

  16. Pt2/2 ? I don't find a link for part 2/2 and this is unfortunate. It's now Sunday, Feb. 24th, and the video doesn't appear in the videos page for this channel, or if it does appear there, then it isn't titled at all the same as this video and doesn't include "Pt2/2" for any of the more recent videos about Venezuela.

  17. Venezuela has plenty of oil and gold. The United States has publicly declared that is interested in both. In the meantime, Canada has corporate interests in the mining sector, and gold in particular.

    “An Association between Ottawa and Washington was formed on September 5, 2017. The Association called on its two members to take “economic measures” against Venezuela and persons close to the Venezuelan government. To implement this decision, on September 22, 2017, Canada imposed its own unilateral sanctions against Venezuela, Venezuelan officials and other individuals under the so-called Special Economic Measures Act. “

    …”If there is any doubt about the partnership, notice the language used by Canadian foreign affairs, Chrystia Freeland, in a recent statement to the press, “…the crisis in Venezuela is unfolding in Canada’s global backyard. This is our neighbourhood. We have a direct interest in what happens in our hemisphere.” When you thought that the US was first in the use of colonial language and imperial dominance in the region”

  18. It's so obvious what's going on in Venezuela.
    These instructions are directly from the American book called "How to create a regime change, install a puppet government and steal the wealth of foreign countries."
    #1. Impose Sanctions- Sanctions have a significant negative impact on the living standards and humanitarian situation of the population in the sanctioned state.
    #2. Propaganda- Use the media to spread lies and fake news.
    #3. Create unrest among the people- Use thugs to roam the streets denouncing the government and praising alternatives.
    #4. Have a replacement ready- Have a U.S educated puppet ready to sit in the President's chair.
    #5. False Flag Operation- Manufacture a disaster and make it appear to the world that the soon-to-be-ousted government was responsible.
    #6. Invade- Under the guise of "Helping the People" or " Bringing Democracy" or "Delivering Aid" move American troops into the country and then never leave.
    #7. Get Rich- Privatize the oil company (let's be honest- America wouldn't be there at all if the country didn't have oil), pillage and plunder the country's resources.

  19. Stream media is controlled by corporations and big contractors, the sad part is that they don't care if they have to murder innocent people in order to obtain what they want..

  20. Simon Bolivar realized his inspirations from Haiti in defeating Napoleon kicking the french out of the Caribbean. The Bolivar Revolution kicked Spain out of Central, and South America and the Caribbean

  21. Canadian do not have anything About it , with Venezuela, sorry the American is losing face and they try to get other , sorry about it

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