Top Investigative Journalist EXPOSES TRUMP-MAGA-PUTIN Links | Burn The Boats

Top Investigative Journalist EXPOSES TRUMP-MAGA-PUTIN Links | Burn The Boats

Dave Troy is an investigative journalist whose work has covered everything from the debunking of UFO conspiracies to the rise of Christian Nationalism. A throughline in his reporting is the growing threat that our democracy now faces, on many fronts. In this interview, Dave explains how Putin has slowly aligned himself with America’s religious right by using disinformation and manipulating Donald Trump. He also talks about Putin’s aspirations, Trump’s mindset, and the growing American political divisions.

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Author: phillynews215


27 thoughts on “Top Investigative Journalist EXPOSES TRUMP-MAGA-PUTIN Links | Burn The Boats

  1. Diaper Don voters are soft minded, easily manipulated, nay, eagerly manipulated lemmings. The perfect target for the Putler propaganda tearing this nation apart.

  2. In the past 65 years i've witnessed so many self proclaimed patriots who literally worshipped the likes of John Birch, Ronald Reagan & John Wayne all seen by their fanboys as a national hero saviors or messiahs, appealing to white nationalists, racists, bigots, religious zealots or all the above, & now their demonic devotion is wrapped up so tight into a single dumbed down comic book ideology or mindset, carefully crafted & a sure fit for an authoritarian overlord with a new useful idiot superhero in place they should be calling comrade Trump. Mr Troy is quite correct on how the Democratic left was stimulated & manipulated by the USSR back in the late 1950's through the 80's and hijacked the Republican right from Reagan's time right up into the current day divisive insanity we are witnessing. Everything from a quick and speedy trial by peers to the separation of church and state has been thrown out the window. and this newfangled 3rd party concoction of conspiracies and complete corruption called MAGA has embraced the fetish of having an illiterate oaf posing as a strongman dictator is beyond the pale in any sane persons reasoning… how did we get to this point of seemingly no return?

  3. 50:15 The truth is one factor. The narrative is what grabs people and enrages them into action. Biden got so many more votes than Obama; therefore, Biden cheated. (It doesn't occur to people who use this odd proxy for analysis that people were that motivated for a do-over of the '16 election, an election most, including The Donald, thought was settled before Election Day. They'd been stewing for four years. The loss of Roe doesn't register with the unempathetic. That Trump put as many judges on the SC in 4 years as Obama did in 8, and that one is a rapist, doesn't register with those whose hair-trigger amygdalae activate faster than their mirror cells.) On POTUS just yesterday, two talking heads were spouting off how economists lie through their teeth about the benefit of GDP growth accruing only to the top half–of course, the narrative being that Dems don't do anything for the bottom half either, so those voters might as well not bother voting anymore. (They failed to mention unemployment numbers, though. Funny, that.)

    Some narratives don't die. You can count on people on both sides to refrain from contesting the narrative that largely Dems waste money on people who are a bad investment and drive up the national debt and Rs are better for the economy, defense, foreign policy, and law and order.

    The more the mama bird pre-digests the data point, the easier the baby bird will stomach it. Short (as in, few words), concrete, and built on pre-existing stereotypes in the cult inductees mind, to get the maximum emotional response with the minimal intellectual taxation. Confuse and overwhelm their capacity to fact-check or apply a smell test, yes, but with a large volume of short, concrete shorthand for stereotypes (e.g., dog whistles). Don't overwhelm them with reasoning and statistical narratives that forces them to perform past their cognitive abilities. That just frustrates them and makes them feel patronized. It also misses the opportunity to make them feel smarter than those elites who read 17-page articles in The Atlantic or… just kidding. They have no awareness of such a periodical, nor The New Republic, nor Foreign Affairs. They've heard of CNN and The New York Times, because that's who Trump and other Rs mention as enemies of the people. The cult inductees betray their sources by accusing their interlocutors of getting their information from either of these two ivory tower sources–elite publications too far from the action to know what's going on. Just like the lying economists who say GDP growth is good for the population in general.

    For example, a cult inductee says there was a text message between Hunter and father that said, "10% for papa?" I asked which direction the question was being asked? "I dunno." That might slightly matter. In one direction, the narrative that Hunter was trying to get ahead by insinuating to potential biz partners that they'd get influence with father through Hunter, contrary to father's turning Hunter down over and over on that count. In the other direction, it's incriminating evidence for influence-peddling. But recognizing the need to know the direction because of the wildly different narrative that would be supported doesn't occur to the cult inductee, and that can be exploited.

    This is why 4chan is such a great focus group. You can check out what narratives the cult candidates will buy into before trying them on the more sophisticated crowd over at Breitbart. Remember, the best mark is the one that makes rationalizations of your grift for you. Those that garner plenty of rationalizations can then be tested in the focus group that is Breitbart before the narrative is ready for prime time, viz., the über-sophisticates who watch Fox.

    The best narratives are the ones that make the cult inductee feel smart without having to do what it takes to become smart. You could read hundreds of books, says Ben Shapiro, or you could listen to him and mama bird will barf up the pre-digested narrative that will make you equally enlightened… and the barf transfer will take only 15 minutes.

    Making the cult inductee believe he is absorbing critical thinking inoculates him all the better against… well… critical thinking.

    So, about those incriminating text messages… how many were there? "Thousands!" Be sure to convey that the small, easy-to-swallow, concrete example is how thousands of other cases are, as well–in no way an outlier. Hell, if cities aren't burning down, use 10-year-old footage of a fire. The inductees aren't watching the outlets that will call them out on it, because you poisoned the inductees against them.

    And best of all, you get paid a lot as a recruiter to the cult because the talent pool is shallow. Most people with the requisite brains for such machinations will reason that there's no point in making a big salary to win a trophy wife who has no problem with scumbags, or to attract an honorable woman from whom they'd have to forever hide that their scruples are on the level of a thief who causes $200 in car damage to steal $5 worth of loot–a parasite who hurts society more than he helps himself–an anti-patriot who contributes to the nation's death by a thousand cuts.

  4. 41:05 Sure they snubbed him. His family fortune began with a couple of whorehouses–one in the Yukon, one in S.F.. In a gold rush, the ones reliably making money are those who are selling shovels… and the pimps.

  5. Autocracy is corrupt players and the country becomes the rich and the unhealthy poor. The rich cannot succeed without the middle class to pay for costs of running our police forces , fire fighters , Armed forces. saleries of congress, etc., the poor can barely buy their food and housing. Autocratic society takes out the middle class.
    Democratic society keeps the middle class but perhaps they need to change the law that we get one apeal in courts. When arrested you get one bail and wait in jail if you break probation. Also adopt rule from England that we have limited days of running for office. When you run for office, your background checks out before you run.
    Supreme Court to be no longer than 8 or 10 years.
    Trump made the mistake of running a year ahead of customary time. should be no longer than three months.
    Wealthy pay same percentage as working class in taxes. No more money under the table. Stop loop holes.
    We also are outdated with keeping the electorate vote. We have AI and each vote can be counted. Definitely keep church and state separate or the entire political focus will be which religious philosophers are “the truth”, than is no time for the work of
    our congressional society.

  6. At this moment RFK Jr seems to be acting solely to raise funds. Irionically to me is that my aunt used to run his father's fundraising parties on Fifth Ave and Park Ave in NYC. And I once had a long revealing conversation with him when he was a student. I thought he needed therapv and assumed, with wealth of the Ks, , he was getting some. BTW, he never revealed who he was though I certainly knew. And then someone rushed in to breathlessly ask me, "Do you know who that was?"

  7. It seems to me that Noam Chomsky has been captured by Russian intelligence agencies. There is a left cult around Chomsky. The USA is always wrong in every way. I believe the USA is often wrong, but never in every way. And certainly there is no justification for aligning with Moscow or Peiping.

  8. Lol, the Russian Orthodox Patriarchy was abolished by the czars. It was reestablished by Stalin as a spy agency. BTW, there are two Russian Orthodox cathedrals in NYC. One in alignment with Moscow, one not.

  9. What's Putin up to???
    Same thing he was up to in Chechnya, Georgia Ukraine, East Med, and now Esaquibo, Guyana.
    Control global energy!
    Energy Czar.
    Get a clue!

  10. Holy Crap Putin is trying to rewrite his own belief spouting Nationalist View's to cover up the Fact that like African Nations , Putin (Wagner) "went to Ukraine under false pretense" the truth is we went to Ukraine in order to STEAL the wealth of the Nation"
    Prigozen made this statement and two weeks later he fell from Grace.
    Oligarchy said let's Go Throw your bets in with us and we will share one pot.
    Putin bet wrong

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