Trump Administration Defends Separating Migrant Children from Parents

People across the country are protesting the new policy which Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended by citing a Bible verse previously used to justify slavery

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Author: phillynews215


26 thoughts on “Trump Administration Defends Separating Migrant Children from Parents

  1. The Drumpf/Sessions Policy to separate kids from their parents at the border is the brainchild of Stephen Miller (Spencer protégé and Sessions acolyte). It’s no wonder. He is taking his cues from Bibi in Israel, where dehumanizing Palestinians, arresting and torturing children, and a wall are all part of the Zionist agenda. Why are we behaving so inhumanely? We’re just treating Latin American immigrants like “Hamas-supporting”, “terrorist” invaders. It’s easy to treat foreigners as non-humans when your model looks at its own occupied populations as beasts. Thanks, Miller … for making the US act like the apartheid state.

  2. Of course he leaves out the verse that follows the one he quoted "Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

  3. This immigration travesty is the handiwork of the Joseph Goebbels of senior policy advisors to trump, Stephen Miller. This far-right political activist jerk, erstwhile communications director for Jeff Sessions, is clearly behind this heartless, cruel and unjustified treatment of Mexican children at the US border. His evil rhetoric is now manifest in bloody deeds callously perpetrated by the trump administration in plain sight.

  4. I feel sorry to their families but who should be blamed? A lawful country or parents who illegally entered the neighbor country and never given a thought of deportation??? If the US keep taking it as it, sooner or later the US will be no difference like Mexico with full of drugs crimes and prostitutes.

  5. Why are there people defending the ones who are responsible for all the hardship on this planet, the elites, and are attacking the victims of these elites. Is it cowardness, propaganda or both?

  6. Is this not what nazi Germany did to Jewish families in Concentration Camps? This the outcome of electing a psychopathic and fascist Administration lead by Trump.

  7. Thank you for covering this story.
    Also see:
    Ice is the Gestapo: Forcing Parents into Prison Labor Camps,
    while their Children Are Taken Away.
    The same was done by the NAZIS
    in Germany. Are we becoming a
    Fascist Country?

  8. Okay, so when the government that was spoken of in the book of revelations assumes power, we are to blindly go along with it and that it is ordained by God.

  9. Thousand of children every year are put into custody of the state because their parents were locked up for breaking the law. Why are these "parents" bringing their children on a mission to break in to the US and risk their lives along the way? The safest part of their journey btw is while in US custody. If you people want this crisis to end you should be in favor of stopping the flood of migrants to this nation.

  10. Strange i never hear liberals complain about american citizens who break the law and put in jail being separated from their kids…

    Simple question: Does Child Protective Services in America take the children away of parents who put them in dangerous situations, like illegally trespassing??
    I can assure you, that if you were caught breaking an entry with your child, YOU WILL GO TO JAIL and you child WILL GO TO CPS That's just reality

  12. This piece of shit seriously used the Bible to prop up government. Since when decisions are made according to bible verses? America not only is a shit hole but it’s an insane asylum.

  13. Typical left-wing "save the little children" BS ..

    what about these millions illegal alien f*ckers destroying American families ???

    This is utter globalist crapola.

  14. I just don't understand how this helps the situation in any way. It doesn't address any of the problems…it just creates more of them.

    And what do they plan to do with these kids? Once again Americans show they have no idea how to deal with the migrant crisis because again they adopt the worst possible way to address it. To really discuss it would take a whole book.

  15. Cannot defend the indefensible. This is why there is a separation of church and state. AG Sessions is breaking the law by using his religion, forcing his religious beliefs on America. What being says there should be a law written by humans to separate children from their parents. Don't blame your horrid hate acts on a God, any religious or other entity.

    Taking these children from their parents, incarcerating them and justifying it resembles the sick mind of a pedophile. What sick person or person would think this is alright to do to children?

    If it was not for America's war on drugs, Mexico would not have the violence it does. Prohibition did not work the first time. It is not working this time either. We see the same violence as with the first Prohibition. A violence that immediately halted once Prohibition ended.

    Dr. King spoke on "illegal laws." America's justice system is equipment with the ability to judge whether laws written are legal and Constitutional. Just because laws are written does not make them correct. It is for "we the people" to challenge them.

  16. Sessions is a known racist, saying the only thing wrong with the kkk, was they smoke marijuana. FACT. This delusional and dangerous racist, would be one of Hitler’s henchmen, if he was of the era, using religion to justify suppression and even death, as the MAJORITY of these people are escaping deadly violence!!

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