Trump Abandons All Pretense of Being a ‘Fair Broker’ in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict

Gideon Levy explains that the US is doing everything to disempower, humiliate and weaken Palestinian representation. Contrary to common belief, the US is not doing the State of Israel any favors

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


20 thoughts on “Trump Abandons All Pretense of Being a ‘Fair Broker’ in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict

  1. It’s sad, but the worst of this all is that Americans have elected evil in trump and Israel citizens have chosen the devil to govern their slate

  2. "Meaningful negotiations with Israel" means the same old thing. Israel grabs even more land and the Palestinians having to capitulate.. or else suffer the usual consequences.

  3. Another point: they say Truman was paid offsome billions of dollars to publicly recognise Israel as a state. ( BUT THEY ARE NOT A SOVERIGN NATION). I ask how much, or what was Trump given for the recognition of jerusalem as a capital of the state of Israel.His right to exist ? His families right to exist? Trump once said some thing on the order of," He would do anything to protect his family."I reason he thought as a chess piece-What's in a name? OK. But can debt's ever be paid to evil ones like the kingpin Adalson. Tangent: all those movies hollywood put out saying the Italians were the most notorious gangsters was nouthing but pure prpaganda= It was the Zionist jews They are totally different than Jews. Read : "The Protocols of Zion", William Copper murdered by the Zionists reprints them in his work "Behold a Pale Horse". to view their code of ethics; it is very immoral. Note: ones code of ethics is not synonomous with what is moral.

  4. Imagine that "negotiating" with zionists. What are the terms these zionists want? Seems like the fake news would want to make these public knowledge.

  5. The US-Israeli relationship is not based on the love Americans feel for the zionists and their criminal and filthy actions. The politcal lobbies and a corrupted system that allows politicians to be legally bribed, are to blame for this disgusting support for such a despicable bunch of murderers. Evangelicals and their repellent cult are also ok with the massacre taking place in the occupied land of Palestine, that only tells a lot about this filthy cult they follow.

  6. I wish only the very best for Palestinian my friends. However we must face some real facts here, and be true to ourselves. The Palestinian leadership has failed its people time and time again. The Palestinians deserve a better life, unfortunately Israel has all the leverage and its time for the Palestinians to move on and make something out of their lives. Simply not acceptable to live under their conditions. Israel won't and doesn't have to change-if we are honest here. Palestinian leadership policy simply has not worked. While the Israelis (Jews, Arabs and Druids alike are enjoying their lives, going to the beach, attending universities and dancing in clubs the Palestinians don't have reliable electricity and fresh water and medical supplies.Time for a paradigm shift people.

  7. I wish all country's in the world will band together and put sanctions on the US and Israel but then you'd have to put them on the UK, Saudi Arabia and France to.

  8. It’s refreshing to see Washington as it really is. I’ve been sickened by the pathetic 80 year attempt of the oligarchs to manipulate the rubes who have unquestioningly absorbed the CIA Hollywood and media propaganda for so long; with John Wayne in his white hat selling US Imperialism to the fools around the World; yes, it’s refreshing to see a nation for what it actually is instead of the perception it puts so much effort into creating. Some would have realized Wall Street Imperialism after reading Smedley Butler’s short book, “War is a Racket” where he clearly identifies the point where the US stopped slaughtering domestically and started slaughtering on foreign soil to further enrich the oligarchs.

    But now the cloak of deception is finally being removed and I am starting to understand how honorable Germans must have felt once they understood the atrocities that surrounded them and for which they were responsible. All we know for sure is the moral decay of the US has reached the point where someone like Trump can be elected; where the farce of the puppet role of president is apparent to anyone taking notice. The other fact we know for sure is the oligarchs are now completely in charge and this corporatist fascist coup is almost over. The last phase of the coup is the complete oppression of the people should some more honorable individuals find the courage to rebel. Sadly, there's not enough left to make a difference.

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