Trump: A Symptom of a System in Decay

Trump: A Symptom of a System in Decay

A live interactive Q & A session with Paul Jay, hosted by Aaron Mate about the controversies related to Trump’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


45 thoughts on “Trump: A Symptom of a System in Decay

  1. What a tool Maddow is for the bloodhungry neoliberal Democrats ( Clintonists).We need a third (progressive) party that will challenge the corrupt Reps and Dems.

  2. dude you have in your brain 2 part left brain and right brain you need this 2 to make better decision ! one part is doing talk and second one is doing Logic world need 2 brain

  3. Funny Aaron whining about poor trump conspiracy theories yet has no issue pushing conspiracy theories like Seth Rich and the DNC stole the nomination form Bernie

  4. The so called real news is never critical of trump or the republican party they would rather obsesse over Rachel Maddow as if anyone gives a shit about her or obsesse over the main stream media… This Constant apologizing for trump on the real news is nauseating especially by Aaron..

  5. TV Announcers like Rachel Maddow get paid $30,000 per day — they are told what to say, they are paid to lie. 'Russiagate' is a result of internal divisions within the US, and has nothing to do with Russia. It is engineered by the Democrats and the Clinton gang, supported by the US Intelligence and MSM. The US MSM continues with their Lies even after they have been proven to be Lies. Relations between US and Russia are at their lowest level ever, worse than during the Cold War — those pushing 'Russiagate' are prepared to increase the risk of Nuclear War to push their agenda (refusal to admit that the Democrats themselves are responsible for the loss of the Election).
    These divisions have the potential to bring down the USA.

  6. The Intelligence depts. in the U.S. are deeply corrupt at the top, thanks to political appointees. See Bill Binney, former NSA cyber dept. head, report on the deep state of the U.S.

    It's not the people of this country who believe this tripe but corporate-owned politicians and the mainstream media which incessantly push it. Mainstream media is not believed or well-liked by the public and either are most politicians.

  7. Hello Paul and Aron
    I have really enjoyed this topic and it was very informative and interesting. I have learned a lot from you and Paul Aron you make a
    great journalist
    Sincerely Running Bear 🐻 (Jim)
    Middle River Maryland

  8. IMHO Paul should refrain from using words like thug and gangster when talking about a foreign leader. He's making his talk less believable. It should be about what's going on not about his own personal opinions.

  9. The MSM is quite limited in what they can talk about. Everyone who knows anything about the socioeconomic implications if the US system immidietely notices the lack of substance. Has anyone, watching MSNBC, seen the economic analysis that clearly shows that single payer health care is cheaper and more efficient than a for-profit system?
    Have you seen an expose of the military industrial complex, and how much resources it swallows?

  10. My recollection of the events around the takeover of Crimea is that the Russian annexation was condemned in the UN immediately but that the Russians then mounted a referendum in Crimea, where everyone was encouraged to vote. The question was something like "Should Crimea be a part of Russia (or, by default, a part of Ukraine)? In the days running up to the vote, the third most-numerous part of the population there, the Tatars, who number around a quarter million compared with around 350 thousand Ukrainians, 1.5M Russians, and 30,000 others (belarus, armenian), were advised by their local politicians and ethnic leaders to abstain from voting (they didn't want to take a position and thought they should stay apart from the disagreement because they didn't want to be seen as enemies by whichever majority side won (russians or ukrainians), and most Tatars did in fact abstain. The ethnic russians won the vote, as you'd expect given the population balance, and all this was reported at the time in the international press. At the same time, UN observers, who were invited and present, reported that despite some unrest and intimidation put up by groups on both sides denying relatively small numbers on both sides the opportunity to vote, the vote was generally fair and well-conducted. All this was reported on the BBC over around a week, before and after. But it seems most Americans never heard of this vote (certainly not from their media), and they rarely mention it took place. How can that be?

  11. It seems that, The summit had only one objective, asking Russia to look other way when America, israel's war machine, attacks Iran ,apparently he said no, that's why all these zionists r attacking Russia.

  12. China is the new empire, one to fear, they will bring down US with patience, waiting for us to self-implode financially, too heavily invested in war & none in education, infrastructure. Russia ain't the Soviet Union! No contest Trump is a carnival barker – Obama is a great performer, triple threat – sings, dances & acts lol .

  13. Excellent, excellent analytical journalism. Thank you Paul Jay and Aaron Mate.

    I wish I had been part of the live discussion. I am wondering if we are seeing the pre-vacate Vietnam years and the early retreat of Germany. There were private meetings with the USSR and China. Shortly afterwards, the North Vietnamese were told by USSR to ease up and let the Americans leave. Congress has cut the funding but the North Vietnamese were not backing off to allow a pullout. Trillions in military debt for America's continuous wars has cut the funding. We cannot afford these wars, all the military bases, AFRICOM…. and other international interventions. We cannot continue to afford massive surveillance. We cannot continue to afford the militarization of police. We cannot continue to afford the post September 11, 2001 of overreaching security. I feel the fallout from the financial crisis of 2008 has continued to kill the American economy. That and the debts of war, surveillance and the prison complex is bringing a John Steinbeck "The Moon Is Down." As allude to by Paul Jay. It is much easier to conquer than to hold it. At the same time American people are beginning to rise up. Curious along these line and all the possibilities mentioned here.

  14. Yes! You SHOULD argue in front of everyone! So people remember how to do that rather than run away and hide in their own "safe space". Sometimes I feel everyone has forgotten how to handle people with a different view than their own. So please lead by example. Thx for this discussion.

  15. I now expect Rachel Maddow to lean into the camera, extend a bony finger, and cackle, "I'll get you, my pretty!" Because she's developed the most bizarre performance style and mannerisms I've seen since the passing of William F. Buckley.

  16. As a Canadian, I happen to agree with Donald Trump.  I have no faith in the democrats in the US, nor would I believe anything the FBI or the CIA or the deep state had to say after the Hillary email disaster, Bengazi and so on.  I have listened to many of Putins talks and he, like Donald Trump, will protect his country and citizens at all costs, however he wants peace and wants to do trade deals with the US, Be on friendly terms and have the sanctions from Russia lifted.  If the American citizens truly want world peace then you will allow Donald Trump to be President and see what happens.  You could have had Hillary in there and many many more people would be dead at this point, mostly middle eastern and many of your sons and daughters.  The mainstream media and Democrats have only tried to demonize Trump and find something against him to get rid of him.  How is that working for you so far, other than spending millions of taxpayer dollars and yourselves looking like fools to the rest of the world.  After all you claim to be living under a democracy?  Are you?  Leave Trump alone, let him sink or swim.  You can vote him out next election if he sucks at being President.  Right now I see him as trying to do a lot of great things for your country and to be fair with other countries.  He has slowed down ISIS in Syria and they are regaining their country bit by bit.  He hasn't eradicated it, as he claims, but that's DT.  The more I know him, the more I like him.  He's not a bigot, or a mysoginist nor any of those things you idiotic leftists are calling him.  Look at yourself first and I will bet you will be able to see all of those things…probably far worse in most cases.

  17. RussiaGate Is All A Distraction From Democrats Party Failure In Not Representing The People And Rigging The DNC Primary in 2016 For Hillary Clinton

  18. Appreciate the candor and clarity. There is no “Christian Conspiracy” or “Christian Capitalism”- Clandestine conspiracies are antithetical to the Christian consciousness & way of life. Sometimes Christians go “underground” because Communist states and other dictatorships will torture, abduct, and destroy believers for what is for us a state of being. But organized conspiratorial offense such as what is common to Marxist History does not exist in our ranks. Our reason for living is to spread the love of Jesus Christ and for this, openly as a light unto darkness. You can better learn about Christians from approaching them and listening to what they announce about themselves on a daily basis.

  19. Was that the pundit Dave Rubin that Aaron quoted at 45:23? I hope not… Rubin totally lacks intellectual rigor, and is paid handsomely for it by big-money backers that TRNN rightfully shuns. I mean seriously, you guys are sharp as scalpels, and he's so dull he couldn't even defend his BS libertarian ideas on a softball program like the Joe Rogan Experience. I'm just going by his show/other content and what I know of him, so maybe he's redeemed on a personal level (has Aaron met him?), I wouldn't know… For me the shout-out to Rubin from TRNN lends him credibility that he doesn't deserve — he's a broken clock, and it just so happens to be that time of day. (edited to correct syntax)

  20. Thanks very much for the interesting discussion! There is also one fairly recent cause, I think, of the particularly hysterical tone of recent Russophobia that you didn't mention. It is the simple fact that it was spread first by the Clinton campaign. Of course Obama reignited the Cold War, but Clinton turned up the heat quite a bit with her highly dubious claims. Of course she wants to blame Putin for her own shortcomings and prevent a new investigation by Congress or the FBI of her private server "because Russia." But beyond that, for her and especially for millions and millions of her passionate supporters, a grave and even metaphysical injustice has been done, and the real danger posed by Putin and Trump is deeply religious. No amount of education will change this, because American politics breeds hysteria and emotionalism and hyper-hype, if such a word exists. I think it may come partly from the tradition of religious revivals that were once so influential in American culture. In 2018 all these mostly well-educated but emotionally incandescent True Believers are being used, of course, by various factions of the deep state, but the urgency and utter idiocy expressed by some believers comes largely from Campaign 2018 and, already, Campaign 2020. For the sake of these elections, the Dem elite is in effect trying to lobotomize the whole Dem Party as well as many other undecided Americans, and thereby they hope to ensure that neither commie-lover Sanders nor Russia bot Trump will win in 2020. The 2018 election is equally important, since it could result in Trump being impeached. To do that, the Dem elite is making anti-Russia hysteria and emotional intensity itself into a cult-like form of virtue-expression — i.e., Hillary, Podesta, Shumer, Pelosi and the rest of the reactionary Dem "leaders" are constantly gas-lighting ordinary Dems and progressives, trying to make them believe that THEY are the problem and not corporate Dem sellout policies that exist mostly for the benefit of big donors. One of the main ways Dem leaders do this is, of course, by scapegoating Putin and Russian "stooge" Trump, who illegally, it is believed, stole the election from Hillary.

    The Dem elite will definitely strive to keep up a very high level of public hysteria until after the November election, since if Dem voters believe they were robbed and are now threatened by Putin they are more likely to ignore skepticism about the Dem Party or details of policy and simply vote Democratic. I would be willing to bet that if you asked the MSM commentators you showed saying idiotic things, those commentators would almost all answer that they voted for Hillary in 2016, even many Repubs. The burning ressentiment visible in those clips certainly looks like a form of mass mourning and an expression of tele-communal solidarity and mutual catharsis with regard to an unacceptable crime that will never be forgotten until justice (revenge?) is carried out, i.e., removal of Trump and increased punishment or sanctions for Russia. No matter that Pence is even worse and more racist, misogynist, and anti-LGBTQ than Trump. It was Trump and Putin who cheated and stole from Hillary what she rightly deserved, so they must be defeated. Of course all the reasons Paul and Aaron discussed are very important, but isn't the unhinged weirdness and total lack of rationality of much of the public anti-Russia "discourse" going on now due to a religico-political fundamentalist cult that self-righteously believes its members have been appointed to right a wrong fully as heinous as 9/11? For me one memorable experience was seeing similar self-righteous, condescending expressions on the faces of people going over the top on TV and on the face of the FBI's Peter Strzok, who, unlike his colleague Lisa Page, expressed no remorse or even any doubts about discussing a group "insurance policy" against Trump, one that may have included detailed surveillance of both candidate and president Trump, even though Strzok was a public official. Simply being a member of the "Because Russia" Cult seems to justify many things for its righteous True Believers, especially those who are even now Hillary supporters.

    There also seems to be a trace of panic in the semi-sublime, absolutist tone of the voices of many of the anti-Russian MSM commentators. I wonder if it isn't related to the fact that MSNBC simply fired Ed Schultz when he told the truth. Other similar cases also exist. Deep-state censorship of MSM content seems to be increasing, and many MSM commentators may be cursing Russia in order to save their jobs. This would be related to the neo-McCarthyism Paul mentioned. Or perhaps the closest comparison to current US Russophobia and fake and slanted news about Russia would be the Moscow trials in the late thirties that completely reversed fact and fiction. When thoughtful Russians view the intellectual circuses now taking place on our MSM, do they think back to stories from the thirties and shake their heads?

  21. Sorry but you don't do what he did on the world stage. Why would any American support a man and not their country? Maybe we have our issues but this should be taken care of at home.

  22. I would absolutely love to see more of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate arguing, it is both entertaining and enlightening. Personally I like both, but I share completely my world view with Paul Jay as far as I can tell.

  23. Thank you very much Paul Jay for those words and analyses. It's reassuring for me as a foreigner to your country that there are still people with some sense of rationality over there in the US. This russian hysteria is just over the top by now. Unfortunately things are only marginally better here in Germany concerning the picture of Putin's Russia that is drawn by our media. Hmm… That could be understood like I'm taking sides here. I'm not. I'm completely with Paul Jay on this. We have to think rationally of all this and don't buy into the BS of either side.

  24. Excellent discussion. The hypocrisy of our country is appalling. While once we may have been a beacon of hope for oppressed people around the world, we have become one of the world's greatest threats in our quest to maintain global dominance. The sad thing is that we could have done a lot of good for the world with the trillions of dollars spent on wars. Nothing will change unless we significantly reduce our military and join the rest of the world as equal partners. If we aren't willing to do that, then we will get exactly what we deserve and it's not going to be pretty.

  25. Bravo! Crystal clear analysis! And yes, it serves us to hear intelligent, thoughtful people arguing. It gives us options, and lets us see our theories played out loud. It is also encouraging to see what issues have bigger spectrums of opinion, and gives us permission to have fall somewhere in that spectrum.

  26. I absolutely love that you two argue. Strong debate leads to productive dialects on our quest for truth in these murky areas of politics, where there is so much misinformation, propaganda and corruption at the highest levels. Seeing you two debate these political issues is a great to witness since it's really hard to trust media sources. I'd like to see more of these debates with other TRN reporters, editors and guests.

  27. America would never meddle in other countries affairs of course, nor try to brainwash the people with fake news……these two leaders have just ended the cold war. Remember Putin's super nuke? That was Hillary who gave him the technology…yeah! Obama helped to butter the bread. NWO is headed for the drain….glup,… glup,….glup…..God is in charge now.

  28. Let us keep in mind the role that rachel maddow played in cheating Bernie and giving us trump. thanks, rachel, you're parents must be very proud.

  29. I was annoyed when Paul Jay says that Assad is a "murderous dictator" as if we should all agree on that. I have seen nothing to support that characterization… but it's continually said by all these talking heads… including Rachel Maddow… Say it enough times and the slime sticks, I guess. Nobody characterized Obama as a "murderous dictator" as he drone killed innocent victims and was instrumental in allowing the development of this propaganda state that we now live in here in the US.
    Paul Jay. let's not continue to feed into this narrative. You are better than that.

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