The Roots of Greece’s Wildfire Crisis: Climate Change, Austerity, and Historical Neglect

Dimitri Lascaris talks to Greek journalist and documentary filmmaker Aris Chatzistefanou about the many factors that have caused Greece’s devastating wildfires

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Author: phillynews215


12 thoughts on “The Roots of Greece’s Wildfire Crisis: Climate Change, Austerity, and Historical Neglect

  1. The fires all over the world are suspect. Direct energy weapons!?! The psychopathic, addicted power elite, want everything & to destroy everything! They just found another nefarious way to steal the land by creating catastrophes.

  2. I see it as a Christian country being screwed by Zionist bankers. What do you expect these poor people to do anymore? It's been going on for years.

  3. But why does Greece have to borrow?
    Greece must borrow because they gave up their own currency and adopted what essentially amounts to a foreign currency (the Euro), that they do not create & issue.
    The result is that Greece, and all other Euro nations for that matter, are no longer Monetarily Sovereign.
    They are in the a similar position as US states or Canadian provinces, without the benefit of a fiscal union.
    The Euro was designed to fail.

  4. Why does no one ever mention the role fire suppression has played in the story? If the situation in Greece is anything like what we have here in the Western US, there’s also the fact of forest mismanagement in general. The timber industry does the exact opposite of what needs to be done – they take the big trees and leave the small slash. What we need to improve forest health is to take most of the small trees and brush that would have never survived if the forests natural fire patterns had been allowed to burn through the understory. Instead what we see is erosion of the tree canopy that in a healthy forest would prevent the suns rays from penetrating to the understory, thereby maintaining moisture (which apparently helps to attract rainfall). What we have instead is a crowded understory robbing the larger trees of the nutrient and moisture they need. This weakens the large trees, making them more prone to disease. This is why we have ever more standing dead – which is what makes these massive fires that much more devastating because the dead trees behave like ladder fuels, bringing the fires up into the crowns. None of this has anything to do with climate change although it most certainly is humanity’s fault.

  5. Human actions and use of the environment – In Greece as in California – look at.
    To say a cause is climate change caused by fossil fuel CO2 is totally baseless.

  6. Why are the Major players such as US / EU / Germany / UK & Institutions such as IMF / World Banks & other touting unified Global Trade & Commerce while Global War is or seems to be the true end game of all evil of the Planet.

  7. Excellent interview! Never have I been given a better insight into what truly is behind all those financial dealings within the EU, and how shamelessly the taxpaying citizens are robbed by the banks and the military-industrial complex. The fact that Greece has to buy Arms from German and French manufacturers with parts of the loans that they receive from the multinational banks instead of the money being invested in infrastructure and long term projects to improve healthcare, education, public transport, alternative energy production, responsible and sustainable waste disposal, the protection of the Mediterranean sea, etc. is yet another proof of how rotten this modern day financial system is that makes its deals behind closed doors, with guaranteed profits for a few, always leaving behind a minus for the public to pay.
    2.5% of the Greek GDP for the "defence" budget, but no money for fire-fighting or intelligent management of public lands to prevent large wildfires!!!! Holy Mary mother of Christ, this is complete madness! My heart goes out to the average Greek men and women that are suffering from the effects of all these criminal dealings of the European elites, that have traded every little bit of decency, any idea of personal or national honour for cold hard cash.
    Greece is a beautiful place with wonderful people and they deserve so much better.

  8. No truth in this video. Greece has always big fires in the summer, only this time we had lots of dead people, which was the result of miscommunication between the Police and the Fire Department which resulted in blocking the wrong roads, traping people in the area where the fire went.

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