Original Sin and the War on Liberation Theology – RAI with Matthew Fox (4/8)

Former priest Fox talks about questioning the concept of original sin, the assassination of John Paul I, John Paul II reviving the Inquisition led by Cardinal Ratzinger, and the concept that there is no love without justice – Matthew Fox on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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Author: phillynews215


21 thoughts on “Original Sin and the War on Liberation Theology – RAI with Matthew Fox (4/8)

  1. As a secular humanist/Atheist, Liberation theology is the ONLY spirituality that I can get behind. Humanism is the way forward & it’s worth fighting for ✊🏽✊🏼🤟🏽✌🏿🖖🏼 You cannot have love without justice and you cannot have justice without love!

  2. The main thing about being spiritual is to be trueful to yourself, to God and to others.

    Don't profess what you don't believe. Do not pretend. Take God seriously. If you don't believe it, don't act as you do.

  3. I'm horrified by what these two men are saying! They are so far left, simplistic and have such convoluted reasoning! I can tell this guy Fox has NEVER read Pope St. John Paul II and Ratzinger's writings! These are two of the greatest minds of the Catholic Church! This guy is NOT Catholic and his ideas are so simplistic! Thank God St. John Paul II had him removed from the Dominican Order and priesthood! You can't claim to be a Catholic priest and go around teaching stuff that is not Catholic, not biblical, and irrational, nonsense! You are out and should be so. You have no right to be and remain a Catholic priest while teaching heresy and non Catholic doctrine. St. Augustine was not a neurotic man! You are Mr. Fox. Your mind must be twisted by sin and heresy. Gay men can't think straight! Of course they hate original sin. And Ratzinger has no inquisition here, it IS his duty to protect the Church and the integrity of the Catholic Faith from such neurotic, convoluted, simplistic, Marxist, leftist irrational men like yourself and their worldly ideologies. That is the Pope's job and the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith! You are free to go and publish anywhere else. Leave our holy Church alone. We got the Truth and not you!

  4. White privelege = the modern epistemolgical equivalent of original sin used by the pc cult to control behviour

  5. 5:15

    You need spirituality to ground the movement or people are going to start doing drugs? Get that moralizing shit out of here.

  6. "For a person of color that might be the original sin.." Does he not realize there are no persons of color, it's an erasure of specificity for one and a glaring failure to pay homage to all humanity on this planet based on evidence so far descended out of Africa. Religion including Catholicism purposefully distorts that reality.

  7. I am Buddhist raised from cradle to age 13 as Catholic when I got hit by a car going to church. Had a concussion but woke up questioning the belief system I was born into but became nontheistic as Buddhism is.

  8. In a better world, a wide distribution of this interview could have the impact Martin Luther had 400 years ago. It encapsulates the sense of sin and shame since the 1960 assassinations which overlapped with the attempts to open, and then shut, and then expand, the Catholic Church. Fox is in the noble tradition of Christian thinkers like Thomas Merton and Father Flye and the Berrigan brothers.

  9. Somehow I can never get TRNN web site to accept my comments. That review time never lapses. Wonderful discussion that has a lot of thoughtfulness, a lot of opinion, a lot of nonsense, and a lot of truth. There is nothing more important than to have the opportunity, to hear all of it, and to discern it all.

    Paul asked an interesting question or Father Fox, "why did you stay with it?". His longer answer rang true for me, for it is Christ's church upon which nothing will prevail. Matthew 16:17:19.

    Father Fox searches for truth, but he does always, for me, from me, to me, speak it. Augustine's original sin was disobedience. It is not something difficult to grasp, and not a nuance, and not about sexuality. Am I the scholar Father Fox is? No I am not. Is scholarship required? No it is not. These are lessons, and every student takes their lessons and plows ahead as best they can (of course there is more to say to this). Jesus never mentions the term Original Sin? He didn't discuss a lot of what is in the Old Testament, Augustine was the inventor? No, Paul gives a lot of treatment to Adam and Eve.

    Anyway, this is a treasure of a series, with a wonderful Christian, and I am a better person for having been allowed by the grace of God to hear it and virtually spend time with Father Fox. It is sad to me, to see the comments listed hear. I truly believe Father Fox is taking sides nor making us take sides. He is telling us there is one church (the vine), and not all the people (the branches) will survive the pruning.

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