New US Sanctions on Russia and Iran Raise Tensions, May Backfire

The US has imposed a new round of sanctions on Russia over the Skripal poisoning in Britain, despite the absence to date of evidence. This follows the reimposition of Iran sanctions following Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. The sanctions will further bleed the targeted countries, but could they backfire? We speak to journalist and best-selling author Max Blumenthal.

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Author: phillynews215


31 thoughts on “New US Sanctions on Russia and Iran Raise Tensions, May Backfire

  1. Every time the criminals impose new sanctions the Russian must keep arming the Iran with The best they have to teach the the war criminals a very good lesson.

  2. Usa should just pull their f'n head in and let the world be.stop making war, shut the f up about russia and start fixing your own god damn country. Good day to all.

  3. Mr. Blumenthal eloquently and succinctly delineates this situation. The whole thing is an outrageous! I'm appalled at this neanderthal mindset we are hearing from our government! The media, too! Russia is NOT our enemy! Time to WAKE UP! Even trump seems to be getting behind these sanctions. Clearly it's the Deep State/Shadow Gov't that is TERRIFIED of Trump and Putin discovering that they are really on the same page. when these two Lions get together they will make the world better. AND the evil heads are gonna roll!! and they know it!

  4. The real enemies of the U S people is the U S government! When 43% of congress holds dual citizenship with Israel, no one serves two masters.

  5. I wonder when finaly the russians openly admit what the US/UK is doing to them: war.
    Since decades they try to undermine the development and prosperity of the russian people
    with nearly any means available to them except a shooting war. Obviously the russians cant
    believe a single word that comes out of the mouth of a anglosaxon official and their "allies"
    are pressured to do likewise.
    They brake treaties,lie trough their teeth,blackmail if possible and even assassinate people.
    Im certain the Kremlin knows all this very well,but constrains itself to behave civilised in the
    face of this permanent and long lasting machiavellian onslaught.

  6. Если бы это мы отравили Скрипалей мы бы не использовали российские яды! Мы же не настолько тупые!
    Чистая кливета для оправдания бесполезных санкций!

  7. The USA seems to be using too much stick and not enough carrot in it's dealings with Russia. And it seems to be tending in the same direction with China too. Perhaps they'll sanction India before long.

  8. 6.44 this man is a Democrat?!! To a European he sounds like a nazi. If this man Steve Cohen wants to tar and feather an entire nation or turn the world against a foreign people that he has chosen as a scapegoat, then America will find itself alone. The rest of the world wants nothing to do with this lynch mob mentality. It's time we learned from the mistakes of the past, NOT go on repeating them for ever more.


  10. It is time to finally recognize that East JERUSALEM are the capital of Palestine. Russia please send iran S400 and SU57. Or maybe they already have it 🙂

  11. It's the American people themselves that are today's problem far more so than even their very own criminal government, their own country is now the enemy of the entire world and civilization itself and all these Americans support it.

    In 2015 Russia exposed the USA for supporting terrorists and that forced the USA to admit to the WHOLE WORLD they were involved in the recruitment – Training – Arming – Supporting – Protecting – Paying – Use of brutal terrorists (sorry I forgot, Americans like the term moderate rebels my mistake).

    The American people have knowingly ignored their governments admitted use of brutal terrorists and disgustingly we've not seen a single American protest their government over this admitted criminal terrorism.
    Why are the American people not outraged at what they all know their government is doing in Syria?
    Don't the American people care?
    Why do we see Americans praising their country?
    Have I missed something?
    When did the American people become Nazi's?

    I know for sure that If my country's government had admitted what the US government has this country would come to a standstill so many would be out protesting against it.
    As would all other countries!
    Why not the American people?

    Tell me, what would the people of any other country in the world do if their government had admitted the recruitment – Training – Arming – Supporting – Protecting – Paying – and use of brutal terrorists (Americans like the term moderate head chopping rebels)like your government did?
    Would they all cheer their leader/government like you Americans do?
    Would they all try to blame any other country like you Americans do?
    Would they all sit and watch the terrorism, the murder, the head chopping, the human slave markets If they all knew like the Americans do, that their country was responsible for the recruitment – Training – Arming – Supporting – Protecting – Paying – Use of brutal terrorists?
    What do you American people think every country on earth would do if their government had admitted what yours has?

    The last society we saw like that was Nazi Germany 35-45 and that's the only time in history the people have done what you all are today.
    Yet you're so up your own asses you can't see it!!
    The Nazi was just like that.

    Every society who've heard about, seen themselves, or had it admitted to them what their own country's Government, King, Queen, Tsar, Emperor etc were doing wrong, whether it be murdering at home or abroad have always protested against it and demanded it stops or even at the very least protested If only to show their own disgust if nothing else!
    And they've always done it at any cost, no matter what, because innocent people were being murdered by their own country's wrongdoing, it's what all good people have always done all through history, It's what good people have always done because it had to be done, and it was the right thing to do.
    Apart from once, Nazi Germany.

  12. Thanks for doing this, the search for truth isn't easy and many aren't willing to see what the other side says in these conflicts its good to remember people of another country are equal individuals deserving our respect.

  13. It's very simple, Russia stands in the way of PNAC's imperialistic ambitions in the M.E. so they want to weaken Russia, and China in the long run. What they're actually doing is isolating the US from the rest of the world community. Not even the E.U. will find sanity in the neocon , zionist plans.

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