Ecuadorian President’s Motives for Surrendering Assange: Vengeance & IMF Loan?

$4.2 billion IMF loan, submission to the US, and vengeance appear to have been President Moreno’s true motives for revoking Assange’s asylum in Ecuador’s London embassy, says Ecuador’s former foreign minister Guillaume Long

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Author: phillynews215


43 thoughts on “Ecuadorian President’s Motives for Surrendering Assange: Vengeance & IMF Loan?

  1. Soy el Sr. Melody, el DIRECTOR GENERAL LTD. Soy un prestamista de préstamos certificado, ofrezco préstamos a personas que necesitan préstamos, aquí hay algunas preguntas: ¿Necesitas un préstamo de algún propósito ?, ¿Quieres pagar tus facturas ?, ¿Estás en un problema financiero? :, ¿Necesitas una solución financiera ?. Aquí está la solución a todos sus problemas financieros. Doy préstamos para proyectos, negocios, impuestos, facturas y muchas otras razones, nuestros préstamos son fáciles y baratos. y pollito.
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  2. these pricks sold him out for a price for shame i would have NEVER given him up…⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🌷hes a hero for humanity this world needs him.💙💙💙💙

  3. Than whats the point to grant and revoke if there is no base. Sounds like backdoor deal. But its dishonor in international law.

  4. Julian Assange and Wikileaks have told the world about Moreno's offshore accounts in Balboa Bank in Panama, dirty money Moreno was hidden since 2012 with his brother who's open the account. This is a shame on Moreno because a innocent has to pay for his corruption.

  5. USA puppet Moreno is a TRAITOR to the FREE SPEECH of the world…Ecuador needs to rise up and kick him out of power ..

  6. Ecuador former foreign ministry? Damn ! Does he speak Spanish because his English is maravilloso. By way l now got a clear idea why Ecuadorian embassy exploded Mr Assange who was granted asylum in the the same embassy in London? Ecuadorian government violated the core of UN Geneva Convention 1951 human rights law! For what?! For exacerbating richness and greed out of a genuine journalism (we all want the truth ) Shame to Ecuadorian government!

  7. Moreno is a sinister, corrupted, sick traidor protected by USA that is destroying the country and life’s of many people in Ecuador. Mr. Assange is another victim of his evil behaviour.

  8. Julian Assange will fare no better than Chelsea Manning or perhaps LaVoy Finnicum in US CUSTODY.

  9. "Ecuador is such a nice little country… hate t'see something BAD happen to it. But you play along, and you get dis loan of 4.2 billion… tax free… just fell of the back of a truck. " Mafia dons could take lessons from US Foreign Policy.

  10. In war, our government's have a responsibility to protect. If someone should reveal that we have done wrong where civilians are being harmed where they should not be, all need to be transparent and revealed just as Donald Trump announced. All to be transparent and revealed. Gone are the days that military can do whatever they want, we all need to be told how they are acting on our behalf.

  11. Assange you are a pawn, like so many of us. So what are you going to do now. Who has the authority to support you like the rest of us? Where and who is prepared to action or acknowledge morality? Does anyone have morality apart from Jesus? Then in this case Julian Assange should be let free. And all is to be made accountable. Own up to yourselves and be accountable and admit to your wrong doings.

  12. Ecuador president is another zionists lapdog, slave and shoes licker like many Latin American Leaders. He has no moral justifications for revoking Julian Assange asylum, citizenship status and selling him!

  13. United States Empire ! Where lies are truth. loyalty is complete unquestioning obedience, having flags on your car and lapel pins and in your house window is patriotism, complete hatred for people and cultures because the empire says so is total patriotism, supporting illegal wars that the empire makes up and becoming cannon fodder makes you a hero, protesting and standing against these illegal wars and believing in the US Constitution makes you a traitor ! If you don't wan''t to be cannon fodder then be a slave working for the corporations for hardly nothing ! Sounds like NAZI 's to me! Don't get me wrong about our troops because I'm a veteran also, but most are youth and don't know they are lied to. That comes with age and wisdom if not completely brainwashed ! But with all the media today we are constantly being propagandized 27/7, 365 days a year, from smart phones, tablets, cable TV, standard TV, radios, computers, stores like Walmart, grocery, malls just about every where has TV's, and even have TV at the gas pumps now. Yeap got to keep giving you propaganda at the gas pumps ! Amazing we don't have at traffic lights yet ! Well that's what I mean who are the NAZI's now ! The United States Empire is a world empire ! The 6 mega corporations own 90 % or more of the united states media ! Wouldn't Goring, Himmler, Gobbles, and Heydrich would love it here now ! Ecuador is just a puppet government for the United States Empire ! The Ecuadorian's know that if not to comply is to invite lies and military invasion or coup from the USE.

  14. B.S. He is aiding and abetting with the wicked crooks in the DC lagoon as is many other countries to attempt to save their skin from justice for all their many crimes.

  15. pence has been identified to work with the deep state. i think we have a deep state red flag. chest is being played between evil and good in the Govt.

  16. The are crafty at his dress attire. Maybe I should wear color clothing that is totally unique. Then see what they come up with, 😐 ummm. It is a inside message, my apologies for those who do not get it.

  17. This a perfect example of the type of news journalism that you will NEVER see on CNN, MSNBC, etc. Thank you RNN for some some real insight into the matter and not all the theatrical propaganda bs put out by the U.S. news media!

  18. So Theresa May is now above international now. Well we can see that. Referendums in the UK mean nothing, the very fact that there was a referendum just goes to show how the UK government considers it's citizens as idiots. I mean really!!! Why did the electorate not realize that they didn't understand the Exit of the EU????

  19. The book, Confessions of an economic hitman, John Perkins, has foreshadowed this quiet coup. I would argue that both Correa and Moreno were offered a 'carrot or stick'. Even a good man can be turned if the threat scares him enough. Trump would be the type to do this. I am shocked that trump would throw assange under the bus after relying on wikileaks to win the 2016 election.

  20. When Billions of dollars are the carrot for a Corrupt US-installed Puppet, and a Corrupt UK government, International Law, Ethics and Morality goes out the window.

  21. After 10 years of a successful government by the last president Correa, "moreno" was elected to continue with the grow and independence Ecuador was having. But since he felt incompetent he decides to turn he's back to the 75% of Ecuadorians whom voted for him, even to a point that where he say that "he was starting to hate every single people that voted for him" this was mentioned in a reunion with the most wealthy and mean people in Ecuador.
    Hey, share this if you want to.

  22. what the president of the equator has just done has a name: crime. everything he says will not convince us because he himself is a real outlaw

  23. Ecuador must have experienced a great deal of pressure from the USA – hardly surprising that in the end they felt they had to give in.

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