Democrats Spar on Eve of Superdelegate Reform Vote

Some superdelegates are fighting grassroots pressure to reform the way Democrats choose their presidential candidates

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


41 thoughts on “Democrats Spar on Eve of Superdelegate Reform Vote

  1. "…a MORE inclusive party…" WFT! Not AN INCLUSIVE party? Just a "MORE" inclusive party. Perez belongs under a bus somewhere wondering about "more" inclusive traffic laws… Pathetic.

  2. it's the russians. they're the ones going after us, the poor innocent super delegates, who always vote exactly the way the people would anyway. … sweet sweet deities of all shapes and sizes… thanks for the laugh…

  3. Bob Mulholland is appalled that HIS vote doesn't count 2,564 times more than just an average voter's vote counts. Oh…where is my tissue? This is truly HEARTBREAKING! I feel so sorry for him! What an A**hole! Come on everybody…let's cry for him…hey snowflake, you and your wife will still get up front seats at the convention so she can still wear her fur coat…Happy?

  4. The "superdelegates" didn't skew the primaries. Vote suppression and diversion, both in primary elections and caucuses, by Democratic Party officials NATIONWIDE, did. Canceling superdelegate votes (on the first ballot ONLY) changes none of this.

  5. That superdelegate has no right to 'a vote' that counts as thousands of votes and has proven to show that it can go against the will and the votes of thousands of voters, effectively overriding the true vote, cancelling out their votes.

    That is undemocratic and crooked as hell. And it also proves to be detrimental to a Democratic Party win, because people often won't vote for a candidate who was shoved onto them by an undemocratic, and crooked, and out of touch, Wall Street-serving establishment along with their media in cahoots with them—all friends and family, same social circles, all influenced by and profiting much from the same corporate gravy train.

  6. I still don't understand why people are still clinging to this duopoly that is rotton to the core. This news keeps Americans locked in orbit around the light, only to be shocked.

  7. When are real progressives going to wake up to the fact that the Wall Street banks own the Democratic Party and there’s nothing they can do about it. Join the Movement for a People’s Party. We don’t need the Democratic Party. Time to bury it and build our own party with no corporate involvement at all.

  8. Good luck! If the Dems want to beat Trump and the GOP they better get smart and start including independents and get rid of all superdelegates.

  9. It’s interesting to see some action by the Democrats on the antidemocratic superdelegate scam but superdelegates are like a cancer, if you don’t cut it all out, it will metastasize and kill you. But don’t expect a credible democratic process anytime soon, there is a lot of corruption outside of the superdelegates that remains to eradicate. Notice how the DNC scum Mulholland grabbed onto Russiagate as a cause for the peoples' push against the superdelegates when it was the DNC that paid for the research behind the fake Steele dossier. Mulholland is a true representative of the corporate-oligarch class and should be prosecuted when an effective and uncorrupted rule of law returns to the Federal Government. Speaking of corruption; is Eric Holder really running in 2020? Who is going to run for attorney general, Lanny Breuer?

  10. As long as they have superdelegates, it's a rigged party and that shit can fuck right off. I'll be voting third party until one becomes viable to replace the corporatists.

  11. Bob Mulholland should be ashamed. I wish someone would point out to him that true democracy is neither "the Russians" nor "Fake [or did he say flake?] news." Selina Vickers was spot-on in her observations BTW!

  12. It's never going to happen. Let the people decide whom to vote for? If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.

  13. If the democrat's don't cancel "superdelegates"..right-wing dictatorship! Here we come! Not only will we continue 2 have Trump..but worst.

  14. Unfortunately, it's just sickening the way this is done … being a registered voting democrat myself, and seeing how they are destroying their rep, I dont understand why they keep doing what they do – – Ranch Chimp Journal

  15. If it is just a perception problem why not just let it happen. What is the difference? You would not want to preserve superdelegates if it didn't take away power from them.

  16. Why doesn't people just start a third party and make it into a real democratic party that represents everyone like the green party then to think they can reform the democratic party? Like, I have no faith in the justice democrats reforming anything.

  17. 2:04 take a good look at that face, California. Remember the name Bob Mullholland. This is the man we should be giving shit to, endlessly, until he agrees to ZERO DELEGATES.

  18. Superdelegates must be abolished if ever "Democrats" want to be seen as "democratic" again, that's for sure! The 2016 primary was rigged from the start thanks to Hillary's/DNC's corrupt insider deals. And since then, the Democratic Party proves everyday by preserving superdels that their support of voting rights means nothing. DNC leadership is, unfortunately, too eager for big money and influence, too corrupt to change. They are the party of neoliberal "affluenza." If Superdelegates survive this reform attempt, #DemExit quick!

  19. 2:09 No one is taking away the votes of governors or congress members. We just think they should have just one vote, like everyone else. It's not a democracy if some individuals get thousands of votes. If Bob Mulholland wants to be a member of a party that doesn't include the idea of "one person one vote", he needs to quit the Democratic Party and join the Stalinist Party.

  20. Reject fossil fuel money and get off the corporate teat. Find something to stand for, rather than being the party of not Trump. That is your only hope.

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