Banning Absurd Racist Alex Jones Threatens Us All

Digital media owners silenced the left; now it’s Alex Jones’ turn. How do we define the public commons when it’s all privately owned?

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


24 thoughts on “Banning Absurd Racist Alex Jones Threatens Us All

  1. this host understood the threat to free speech right from the beginning.
    thank yoy for defending civil liberties. everyone gets to speak in america.

  2. neat you found a way to stand by values yet still throw cirtue signals atjones as much as possible
    alex jones is hilarious much of the time but he hardly comes off as racist or hateful
    watch him
    showing him pounding his fists as you call him racist is too bad
    let people watch the more extreme amongst the media types and figure it out themselves

    people are very lazy and your presentation for them to find a once stop shop for news is counter productive to people’s need
    to think and be informed

    oh well

  3. This is not a defense of Alex Jones. I am unaware of his racism or much about him, but no evidence was provided by the host and interviewee before they trashed him. For me, without evidence, it is unseemingly "journalism" that insults and denigrates a man without giving him a chance to respond to the insults and allegations made on air. Was it necessary to trash Alex Jones as a "vile human being"? Could trnn not have provided examples and stated such views were anathema? Jones may be low, but the host and interviewee sank to depths by trash talking someone without an opportunity for that person to respond.

  4. True. FB and other social media platforms never wanted the responsibility to ban. They are responding to pressure from their users.

  5. No, this is not true. It is absolutely crucial to deny fascists and fascist-enablers a platform by any means necessary. I think the primary tactic of no-platforming should be mass pressure but listen, whatever works, works.

    Freedom of speech is a dead letter and always has been, especially for the left. FB has always been a wildly hostile platform to the left. There is no free speech on these platforms that can be delusionally "preserved" we can only hope to occasionally convince them to get a rightist, too, as mass movements also work to de-platform these folks.

  6. Alex Jones is a gatekeeper and/or a disinfo agent, whose job is to mix in fiction with the facts in order to discredit the facts and to often denigrate himself and therefore what he says.

  7. sorry real news network but you get a thumbs down on this one. you correctly say banning alex jones threatens us all, but in the same breath you shamelessly use an establishment smear like "absurd racist" in a sackless bid to try to seem more mainstream and maintain the broadest appeal. mainstream does not equal correct!!! if the real news network existed in the dark ages you would be running with such similarly sackless titles as

    "We all know the earth is the center of the universe, but maybe we should look into this astronomy stuff" and
    "The earth was of course created by God in seven days, but maybe we should at least hear what this scientist has to say" and
    "Clearly Jesus died so that we may enter heaven, but science is kind of interesting too"

    you get the idea. TRNN, PLEASE STOP!!! please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please stop!!! oh please grow a sack and stop gaslighting and disrespecting your own audience with this epic sacklessness! it is positively repulsive.

    you do this whenever alex jones comes up, whenever 911 truth comes up, anything you dont want to touch with a 20 foot pole because you are scared you will alienate some viewers. well guess what, this sackless behavior is what is alienating your audience. please stop!

  8. I just gotta day the way you guys handle conversations, giving each other proper response time and letting them interject with an additional point is really refreshing compared to MSM

  9. Alex Jones isn't a racist. Not even close. He's a nut, he's a clown, he's a snake oil sale's man, he's a fear mongerer and a laughing stock, BUT he's not a racist, so this is just flat out misleading.

  10. All due respect, Alex Jones is the least bigoted alt media person I have ever seen. Just look up the video of his interview with a gentleman who started the walk away campaign. Please check it out, don't be intellectually dishonest. If you watch that video and are still convinced that he is a bigot Then you are lying to yourself and your audience. I implore you to check that interview out.

  11. I'll say that Alex Jones is an entertainer who propagates fake news. However, the main purveyor of fake news is overwhelmingly the corporate media. The lies put out by the corporate media have caused far more damage around the world, destroying entire nations, than Alex Jones could ever hope to. So all of these people wanting to censor Alex Jones for his alleged hate speech and fake news are complete hypocrites because if they really cared about the truth they would be demanding first and foremost the censorship and even expropriation of all corporate media.

  12. Bullshit, i have listened to him for two years. Yes he is a passionate crazy man and may have stepped over the line a few times. But the guy rants and raves hours each day.
    I was sceptical when i first started listening to him and have been continually amazed at his insight.
    I am able to skim through the bull and savor the truth.

    Alex Jones is telling the truth more than CNN, this lady calls it garbage, sorry lady you are full of it when you say that.
    I have been reading the New York Times for more than 50 years and a thousand other sources of information.
    And the hate Alex Jones chorus will not sway me.

    Who are the haters? People on the NEW left and the Alex Jones haters are as much haters as anyone.
    If i had my way i would pull the plug on the whole internet because the manipulation and control is beyond the pale.

  13. The social media are all about selling ads, they only censor as advertisers don't want their ads next to right wing political content. Advertisers censoring media content is nothing new. Not good, but I'm just saying this is a wider deeper issue related to how media make profits.

  14. Feeling a bit of schadenfreude doesn't give these corporations any more of an excuse to go after other users as they wish. They were already doing that and will continue to do so regardless of whether or not Alex Jones is on Facebook.This is a ridiculous excuse for an argument.

    Unless we're suggesting these companies should be forced to host users who violate their terms, breaking them up is the obvious solution to a problem fundamentally about monopolistic practices

  15. Why do people keep repeating the issue here is free speech? It's not. The lies that Jones continuously spreads about the families of Sandy Hook victims, has lead some of his followers to harass those families, including threats of violence and even death threats. One person has even been jailed. This is all despite the fact Jones admitting he knows what he says is not true, but then repeating the lies to millions of his followers. Facebook and other privately owned platforms have explained dangerous, malicious, libellous posts contravene their standards and policies. They are free to ban or exclude those who do not abide by their codes of practice.

  16. Unfortunately these are bad arguments, many based on appeals to fear.
    1) Lawmakers are not going to force gigantic platforms like Facebook and Google to start regulating themselves as public spaces anytime soon so all arguments should be based on the current reality not some fictional wishful scenario.

    2) There is no parity between how the left and right are treated therefore any advocacy for Alex Jones not being removed from Facebook, Youtube, etc. does nothing to ensure left wing activism will not be targeted. Simply ask yourself what the reality is for left wing protesters at Standing Rock, or with groups like BLM, or Occupy vs. white nationalists and Charlottesville.

    3) The problem of tolerance is never addressed in videos like this ( By allowing the intolerant to run rampant you eventually end up with a society whose tolerance has been eroded or consumed by the intolerant therefore some action must be taken to either remove or minimize intolerance. Marginalizing racism, and blatant falsehoods peddled by charlatans like Jones is not outlawing or preventing their freedom of speech – it is simply making efforts to protect the vulnerable from the intolerant.

    4) The idea that marginalizing hateful groups or people makes them more popular is an empirical claim without evidence. Spikes in downloads of apps after a ban are just that – spikes – and do not speak to the overall popularity or health of a show like Jones going forward. Again, he has not been outlawed, simply de-platformed and something that is slightly less accessible to most people will have an overall effect going forward – not necessarily the week after.

    5) Buying into fears FOR the right forgets who the enemy is. Politics is fundamentally a process of one group's interests over another. It's not in the left's interests to give shelter to easy recruitment tools for hate and fear mongers. There is no going forward with EVERYONE holding hands. Milquetoast liberals need to stop pretending they are engaging in politics or have beliefs based in creating a better future anyone – when they simply lack the fight to win or are too naive to think through and accept the meaning of a better world for the left is inherently a worse one for the right.

  17. Facebook and YouTube will silence anti war , sites critical of Israel in a second. They don’t need to ban Jones in order to accomplish this. They have been banning such sites way before Jones.

    Not only that, he has a new channel on YouTube hosted by one of his other cronies which links back to all his websites and bogus supplements.

    Let’s not give him any more publicity.

  18. Alex Jones and others are dangerous people. Having said that I prefer for them to have free speech and for themselves to expose themselves for what they are. If not you drive them underground where they cannot be tracked. Edit. If you let companies decide what is to be censored they will bend the info anyway they want and promote there own agenda.

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