5 thoughts on “You can be arrested if it’s not in the right container!

  1. We know this, have your valid permit and the product needs to have the prescription label and needs to be in the proper packaging.

    One thing some do, if they don't take it outside and just keep it at home; some will store it in a glass container for fresher product and they slap the prescription label on the jar. But I'm sure its legal to throw all your weed in a glass jar and keep slapping labels on, so long as it adds up.

    Another thing I heard people do, is buy weed illegally and store it in the proper containers. Say they cant make it to the store, and the south beach weed man offers then a 3.5… no one can tell. They put it in the legal 3.5 container with the legal 3.5 prescription label

  2. Talking about federal standards… when its federally illegal to even own it, is just silly. How bout you just make it legal, therefore it can be properly maintained, and set with proper standards.

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