15 thoughts on “LAPD Cop Does Facetime While Working DUI Checkpoint

  1. We Don't know why she was on it could be checking on family etc. What if that was her Lt. or higher rank officer we don't know for all you haters.

  2. I've been wondering about Daniel, Ricky, and Poetic to. Hope they didn't get offered enough money to stop because they do great work I don't think they would sell out like that. Anyway this girl is facetiming with her girlfriend probably, what freaking thug hypocrites.

  3. People need to just stop taking police seriously. The only two weapons they have are guns and the assumption by everyone that they must comply.

  4. Good and interesting coverage, Katman. Now, can you tell me what has happened to Tom Zebra and Ricky Munday? At best, I've only seen scattered uploads from them in the past month, hardly any by Ricky. Are they ok??

  5. I wonder if that's her personal or department issued phone. I believe there are some policies restricting the use of personal phones while on duty and or restricting personal usage for department phone.

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