35 thoughts on “videos being re-uploaded as we speak

  1. youtube is becoming a joke. Basically a feeding ground for millennials in tight pants driving lambos and playing with new toys. Another channel I watch just got a ton of videos demonetized because the girl is too hot in yoga pants and bikinis. smh

  2. Well crap I didn't realize you were still on my notification list because after your hour and a half long rant with I believe it was Bell for freedom , because I can't seem to find that video now , about news now Houston I thought I unsub all the people that jumped ship after fake evidence and charges from a corrupt Police Department we're lodged against him I was so disappointed in all the so-called auditors that want to point out how police lie how they make up the laws that go along would immediately abandon David without him even being found guilty the corrupt police department and their Union did it on purpose to divide you guys and to cause we the people that support all of you to abandon all the auditors

  3. Hey Brother Im still working on the Bee Sting design (talked about it from the chat)., Whats your email address?

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