32 thoughts on “NEW – You can’t record inside – Safford And Graham County AZ

  1. That guy is a corrupt fuck. Planting and manufacturing evidence and covered for officers that beat or even murder citizens

  2. James you and I both know that these imbeciles can’t just keep their mouth shut they need to stick their two cents into everything that we do they are so ignorant and incompetent that’s why they do the job they do because they think they’re above everyone else when actually they are nothing but a piece of shit under a rock until we break the law

  3. They ALWAYS bitch about "Security." Yet, they have windows for the public to look through. If you can 👀 it in a public space, you can record it.

  4. u mustve been with that old guy for a good hour plus. no way was it 20 mins dude. i kept counting from 3 to 1 and he was still going 5 counts in lmao.

  5. As a person who has stood up and personally faced this corruption in Graham county. I can say that this is true white collar corruption and I have faced the retaliation from the local law enforcement here who has conspired with a local bar owner to harass and personally Discriminate against me until I'm forced to leave.

  6. Look at he’s right hand at 3:50 ready to reach why? If he’s only interested in your cam? I’m sure they all scare thinking you have weapons smh

  7. I actually slowed the video down to hear
    what the cab driver said when you fast
    forwarded it…. I'm glad i did!!.
    What a story man, holy hell!! 😳😦….

  8. 13:50. cop watch 101. if at first you get ignored, just stick your frigging camera/phone up to the glass to get their attention. are you lonely James Freeman?

  9. That cab driver: When I was a young whipper snapper, you could buy a coke with a nickel but we would call them bees. You'd say "give me a coke for five beez."

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