36 thoughts on “Five man Crew Watching the Watchers Tucson AZ

  1. James, I've been a supporter and subscriber for awhile now. I really appreciate your work on holding power accountable. I am a Army veteran and former Federal Police Officer and like all the auditors and what you do. WHAT I AM NOT supportive of is you doing what you say you are going after them about. Taking important rights and joking, making fun of, and being petty about serious things. Your use of PIG, HOG HUNT, BACON REFERENCES and related comments are seriously disappointing as I and many supporters of your efforts see those as you being a hippocrate and acting like the blue line gang of thugs. James, please stay on task, holding power accountable, but please don't cheapen your work by joining the blue line assholes' tactics. I think you are much better than them and certainly more moral and able. Take care James

  2. Love all your work james. This was a great video in fact I sat in the car in my driveway for 20 min after coming home from store to watch the video. In other-words I was stuck to my seat while I watched it.

  3. Do like it when police are called pigs. Its an insult to pigs. They are mercenaries that's all , paid Hessians for their masters that have separated themselves from the people. Nothing more then centurions that see themselves as Lords over the people and a law onto themselves.

  4. You do this as a service to all freedom loving peoples and for that I salute you. Do whatever blows your skirt up, man. That being said i greatly enjoy your 1A audits and am looking forward to more.

  5. The cars & plates look like the cops r using confiscated cars to be under cover & the last time I checked that highly illegal.

  6. James, I know you think you are exposing the police. I am perfectly fine with cop watching. It keeps the cops honest. Exposing the UC cars could endanger those officers lives. Many people in the comments section would like that but it is serious. They may be trying to do surveillance on major crimes suspects. Contact me if you want to talk. Brian King and Blacklab3l have my contact information.

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