This is an insane story from my local area. But the information shared here could certainly make you wonder if this takes place nationwide. Hope you enjoy the video and let me know what you think? LINKS BELOW


main story article: https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/virginia-beach-police-used-fake-dna-reports-in-bid-to-win-confessions-state-attorney-general-says

new attorney general story: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/01/19/miyares-attorney-general-virginia-agenda/

story of missing girl whose body was just found:https://people.com/crime/search-continues-missing-virginia-woman-last-seen-leaving-work-man-charged-with-abduction/

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How to TALK like a PRISONER: https://youtu.be/EAnTkMCEVDk
10 Ways To Cook Ramen Noodles In Prison: https://youtu.be/CAZuyscGGNU
My FIRST day in PRISON: https://youtu.be/57cxNR4WFEU
5 Myths about Prison: https://youtu.be/6Lh3Q2iE8js

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Author: phillynews215


41 thoughts on “Local Cops Used FAKE DNA TEST RESULTS To Get CONFESSIONS

  1. I am currently facing charges in Oregon State. That I did not do. My lawyer said I should just take the deal. But I would have to say I'm guilty and I am not.. and if I take it to trial I go to jail for a year .

  2. This is the problem w/ the standard left vs right viewpoint doesnt work. The left want to let criminals run rampant & the right want to lock everyone up. Meanwhile BOTH positions are dumb.

  3. Im not saying I like dirty cops. With that said, be careful how you talk to them. Call me a wuss if you like I don't want them to put a bullseye 🎯 on me.

  4. The hardest time I ever did was jammed up time. I was thinking how in the world did I let this happen and not fire my attorney the moment I knew he was in on it.Small town USA 🇺🇸

  5. I definitely think it should be deemed unconstitutional‼️💯
    For the reasons just like you stated in the video the person may think I have to accept this because they really think I did it or can prove I did something that I didn't do‼️

  6. God knows who are his and judgment of the wicked slumbers not. I don't think men understand that if you are assigned by God to protect and serve, you'd better do just that and if ye be a judge, ya better judge rightly and not accept bribes. I can't believe people don't believe in Christ! I'm so happy my God loves me and helps me in this world, it is grievous. This is not my home, I'm just passing through until he renews it and dwells here Himself 👍❤️🙂

  7. This is basically how lie detectors "work". Regardless of what hte needle does, the "operator" tells you that you failed. At that point poeple have a nervous breakdown and they are told it will go easier on them if they confess.

    It's a common tactic that works well, and the LEO can basically claim they have video or audio or that an accomplice has already fingered them as "evidence" of such.

  8. They don’t care if it’s the right person or not. They just care they caught another person for the system, another person they will get money for.

  9. Definately not the only state or country doing this. Some will do anything to get the result they want.
    Shame on them.

  10. No news to me. They start spitting crazy at you with false shit to get you to confess in the interrogation room. Somehow they tried to use the fact that I was silent against me to. I just shut the hell up and don't say shit and not sign shit.

  11. Three magic words, I want a lawyer. Once those three words come out of your mouth shut up. Because if they keep pushing at that point and it's on video, the department will be in a whole heep of shit. Don't say anything but those three words to investigators.

  12. The justice system is so heavily favored already on the side of Law Enforcement/Governments. i don't think cops should be able to lie about evidentiary related stuff in particular. You can catch an actual charge yourself for lying to them, however they can physically produce the most sought after evidence in any crime just because it might force guilty parties to actually admit guilt? That's so absurdly lop-sided it blows my mind how anyone could think this is no big deal. This will certainly bring about false confessions from lower IQ individuals, people with mental health issues, and basically your average citizen as well because most of them still don't even know that cops can lie to you at all. In interrogations they typically don't use just a single basic lie when they actually 9 times out of 10 have studied for weeks and sometimes months what fabrications or conversations they need to make up in order to gain your confession when all they have is say a single witness that says you did the crime. Police are under strict budgetary confines and it's expensive and very time consuming to actually investigate a crime. Why do that when it basically costs nothing to just say that you actually did investigate and now have undeniable DNA evidence that places them there committing the offense in question. It's widely known and proven that cops are no better at judging guilt than someone off the streets with no experience doing the same. Every time i hear the phrase "Innocent until proven guilty" I laugh internally maniacally at the absurdity of the phrase. It's in fact the opposite and citizens have to start proving their innocence immediately upon suspicion by an officer, which let's be real, is IMPOSSIBLE. As an example, a cops word in a criminal case is basically taken as 100% truth according to Jurors, Jurors that have never had the pleasure of being in this position because that would actually disqualify you from jury duty. Imagine if a jury consisted entirely of individuals with history of dealing with law enforcement from the criminal side. It would be impossible to falsely convict someone, they'd have to have undeniable proof of guilt (which is what is supposed to be needed already according to the constitution) which would force them to actually do the job entrusted to them in a 100% legal way, which would guarantee that we wouldn't have all these people being released while being proven innocent half a life later.

    The truth of the matter is that if you continue a life of crime, you undoubtedly create undeniable proof of your guilt with each crime committed. Eventually they will be caught and even if it takes 30 years before you're able to put someone away it is what it is, at least what you did wasn't morally criminal itself just to violate his rights and humanity using tricks and deceptions that places you right there in the same category as the criminal. Then this false perception of morally superior officers would in fact not just be perception but actual undeniable factual with the evidence to back it up. See what i did there!?

    In conclusion, never ever ever even if the officer is your father, talk to police about anything. If they call you say to contact your attorney, if they ask to interview you refuse and plead the fifth even if youre innocent. You will never be able to reason with officers and prove your innocence in these situations when this story alone shows that the odds are so unbelievably stacked in their favor before they even contact you. You can successfully and actually be "innocent until proven guilty" by only one way, that way is by not speaking to the police which forces them to do the work of gathering actual evidence before any of the people who can actually file charges on you, do so. If youre innocent, then this will be impossible to do so because there would be NO EVIDENCE to find.

  13. The problem is we have a two tier justice system. People with money can commit crimes and are able to bail themselves out and get expensive lawyers to hurry charges. People with less in life who honestly just do dumb shit, can’t make bail and get stuck with shitty legal aid state paid attorneys. Obviously they rarely have a good outcome.

  14. The problem with attorney generals like this is it’s all political. Again elected officials making names for themselves. People don’t need harsher sentences for every single crime. Murder and violent crimes belong in prison yes but not every crime warrants jail or prison. So now you have a Republican in office that’s going to go over the top in an effort to make Democrat policies look bad. Make no mistake I hate both sides politically but this country is insane with our jail and prisons.

  15. this shit happening near where i live makes me want to stay the fuck home! even then: i still could get hemmed up for bullshit i wasn't in the same ball park for!!!

  16. In Europe, well the educated section anyway, we are agog at America. Appalled by it's dismal, dystopic society and the appalling state of it's policing/penal system. It also seems that the majority of Americans are so ill informed they do not see the extensive and ultimately dangerous set of problems which their country faces. Most it would appear are too busy singing the patriotic song and banging the drum of ignorance.

  17. Should be the law of the land, federal and every state, that ANY TIME Law Enforcement lies/INTENTIONALLY misrepresents evidence that they will be held accountable

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