BRILLIANT Detective INFILTRATES MAGA Group and EXPOSES Them All | Burn The Boats

BRILLIANT Detective INFILTRATES MAGA Group and EXPOSES Them All | Burn The Boats

Matson Browning served as a detective in Arizona, and spent 25 years undercover, infiltrating and eventually taking down white supremacist groups. His wife Tawni assisted in these investigations, accompanying him to skinhead events & gaining intel. Their book, The Hate Next Door, tells the story of their time undercover. In this interview, Matson & Tawni discuss their time undercover, the attitudes & activities of these hate groups, and how Trump and the Republican Party have enabled extremists.

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Author: phillynews215


35 thoughts on “BRILLIANT Detective INFILTRATES MAGA Group and EXPOSES Them All | Burn The Boats

  1. How come you guys didn’t go into some of these black groups they are just as bad if not worse. And don’t forget about the Mexican hate groups.

  2. This upsets me skinheads are from England and listen to reggae and Motown soul ! There is no such thing as racist skinhead , they are not skinheads if there claiming : read history

  3. If a bad cop is caught and proven guilty does that mean the chief of that police department is also bad and all cops are bad.
    Be not children in understand!
    This video is deceptive and a Trump hate radical.

  4. Matson and Tawni deserve great credit for their undercover work in service of Democracy. Sorry about the cruel killing of your 4H lamb… Horrible! My one repeat complaint, is that LEO's and retired, former and active duty members of the armed forces are in active denial of an obvious element of the problem… The Ku Klux Klan, Atomwaffen, neo-Nazi other white supremacist groups have been making coordinated and pernicious efforts to infiltrate police forces and all branches of the military for decades. The ranks off all these groups are contaminated from within, and until serious efforts are made to root out and prevent further infiltration, this problem will just get worse.

  5. Interesting and berry educational report, Like he said this Organization starts with good advice and ideas 💡 then comes along independent individuals with hate and there heart and said that they are doing God's work confusing the others, when all alone have their own agenda, this Officer and his wife are bringing awareness about those individuals, remarkable work from this Officer and his wife, blessings and Respect to you both for doing God's work 👏💯🥇

  6. I love when he mentions you can tell who is full of that hatred just by their demeanor. I've always been surprised at how quickly I can realize who is a trumpster. That's how I ended up proving to my family that im not letting politics ruin my relationships with people, by knowing your a racist within the 1st 5 seconds of hearing you or seeing you proves it's a problem of morals and ethics NOT politics. If you can turn a blind eye and support someone that has ALWAYS been an awful person says a lot about your character. Unfortunately the town I'm in is 90% trumpsters. So all of my neighbors are negative, hateful, closed minded, hypocritical, judgement, ignorant people and it sucks really bad. Good for these 2 for going under cover like that to show people (not that they will accept facts) that these people are connected to conservatism in so many ways. Especially as far gone as Trump or his cultists. I've never met a group of people that are so honest about being racist or corrupt yet lie all the time over stuff that isn't important lol Donald Trump had over 4,000 lawsuits against him BEFORE he ever got involved with the presidency. A lot of them are Rpe, segregation, fraud, bankruptcies, divorces, all the proof anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence needs to know when to draw a line they won't cross. These people call themselves patriots while simultaneously wanting a civil war. It just doesn't work like that. It would be like giving Ted Bundy the Feminist of the year award… Or slugs voting for salt, even through they know it will disintegrate them without remorse yet they still blindly follow. This video gives me a little hope actually.

  7. this growing in your country is a testament to your bad education. A part of prevention here in Germany is exstensive education about the whole topic of what had happened here in WW2

  8. Hmmm… there's always a bias. There is hate on all sides. Extremists on all sides. People are individuals even in a movement or organisation. Individuals are infinite ratios of evil/good.

  9. I salute each and every one of the positive comments this is what the united states' is about all for 1 , one for all we have to talk about what is holding this country back for greatness

  10. We need a knew party that isn't bought and paid for . Time for a knew part . Two party system doesn't work for real people.

  11. The New Testament does not offer love the Jesus character that only shows up in the New Testament does not espouse love it's full of Supernatural nonsense which All Leads back to giving unto Caesar what is his the reason Christianity and Christians of course Muslims and Jews as well but this is a conversation about Christianity generally speaking so let's keep it there to the point of the piece once God is on your side and Hitler did use God by the way that was inaccurate the Nazis were chock full of work for the Lord but once you have that mandate working for you there is no wrong you cannot get away with we see it right now in Israel so if we really want to get down to how to get better as a species I'm sorry but we need to start with you guys Christians are the fundamental problem right now along with late-stage capitalism all fused together with State Authority proudhon is smiling

  12. WOW! How did I miss this? YOU ARE A TRUE HERO!! Thank you for your service! This is what it means to be a solider for humanity! THANK YOU!

  13. The J6 propaganda in this video is VERY thick. People have made up their minds, and refuse to look at emerging evidence. Can someone explain to me why there are J6 defendants STILL rotting in jail awaiting trial (even though they are not flight risks or a threat to society), and Ray Epps never spent a day in jail but became a left wing hero. Watch a Jacob Chansley interview, and tell me that he is not a good guy. And BTW, Trump did not try to overturn the election. There was tons of evidence that many election results were questionable. Trump, as President, was trying to get the states to look into the allegations. That is what happened, and all the while he had his transition team at work preparing to leave office. He also was getting alternate electors prepared in case the election wasn't accurate. He is now being indicted for doing his job as Commander in Chief.

  14. All of the pearl clutching over Trump in the comments is laughable. Obama and the Democrats created a great divide in the races. White supremacists did and still do exist, but they are not a great threat to society. This guy locked up 19 extremists for murder over a period of years. An hour from my house, on the west and south side of Chicago, that body count takes about one or two summer weekends. And the perps and victims are all black. It's a shame, because there are plenty of good black people in those neighborhoods and now they can't get the police protection that they need because Democrat policies have destroyed the police force. And no, it's not a black problem per se, it's a poor black culture problem. Go read Thomas Sowell, he explains it much better than I can. In my mind, the best way to keep destroying racism, is to bring people together to find their common interests. Trump is doing this as we see his popularity growing among blacks and hispanics. This is in contrast to the Democrat extremists that have been inundating us with the white devil theories. They have been doing nothing for years but trying to divide us. Trumps message is that we are all Americans, and we need a government that serves us all. What's good for one group is good for all. As far as illegals, there are many good people coming in, but there is a process that they have to follow. The drug and human smuggling under Biden is the real threat to our country, and is enabling the cartels to traffick women and drugs into our country and giving them a stronger presence in the American street gangs. If Trump doesn't win in November, things will get even uglier in our country and tens of millions of Americans of all races can now see it .

  15. It is terrifying that such feeble minded people survive into adulthood… If getting cut off in traffic is only a step or two from murdering people based solely on their race, there’s little hope left for America. When I was young, the slightest hint of sympathy for Nazism was enough to earn you a moderate-severe ass whooping accompanied by a warning of what follows if that individual doesn’t reexamine their position. Fast forward 40 years and you have swastikas flying next to the Stars and Stripes and a fascist dictator running for office. The problem is partially due to the state of education in America, which is currently the most abysmal we have seen since single room dirt-floored schoolhouses were the norm. I don’t enjoy saying it, but another HUGE issue is christianity. I’m sure the religion itself is still essentially the same as it has been, but its adherents and their leaders have warped it into something incredibly harmful. I’m not religious and I truly don’t care what anyone believes, but I do care when those beliefs spur actions that are a clear and present danger to society, human lives and rational thought. I sporadically went to church as a kid and it was clear, even to my child’s mind, that the bibbel was nothing more than an allegorical “instruction booklet” for living a “moral” life. The fact that many of the most dangerous people of our generation are convincing others to believe that the bibbel was “written by god”, is “perfect”, etc. is sickening and it is eroding their tether to reality. Once that happens, you start seeing the fruit that tree bares… That’s where flat earthers, holocaust deniers, moon landing hoax proponents, election integrity warriors, etc. come from and they come in droves. The evangelical community is a GD pipeline straight into what can only be described as lunacy. The hate for minorities, LBGTQ persons, other religions, reality and so on is apparently justified via the bibbel or at least it is according to evangelical trumpers. Sorry for the long ass comment, this topic really boils my piss and hearing this stories turned the temperature up exponentially…

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