21 thoughts on “Jacksonville beach dui

  1. “No victim, no crime”, Tell that to the hundreds of victims and their families, every year!

  2. Hi James,
    I really like you video's and the commentary.
    If you're interested in how the Police operate in New Zealand, check out on YouTube "Police 107"
    A very different way of interacting with the public………
    Respect from NZ

  3. The secret to passing that Stand on One leg Test……is to clench your thighs together tight it stiffens your body and stops the natural wobble…..try it.

  4. Four units, oops, excuse me, five units tied up with one docile female dui stop. Meanwhile, one brain-dead motorist with special pipes in a street stock Civic and nothing else to back it up making all kind of racket in traffic being totally ignored by on-site officers. Here's hoping the little lady doesn't pull out an AR-15 from her pj's. Great job, Duval county, my esteemed neighbor 65 mi to my east.

  5. You are bringing up so many questions about dui… I get that it’s different but what do we do in Florida if they are accusing us? Refuse the field test but ask for the breathalyzer? Just go along with it…?

  6. Don’t know about anybody else, but that is not exactly how I would dress to celebrate New Years. She is probably more sober than the cops.

  7. This woman definitely wasn’t out drinking… her clothes make that obvious. It’s unfortunate these officers don’t consider the human element and due process. It just seems like every encounter is a civilian going to jail, ultimately just to get everything thrown out with tons of wasted tax dollars in the mix. We can do better as a community.

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