Was the Trump-Putin Meeting Constructive or a “Capitulation”?

Was the Trump-Putin Meeting Constructive or a “Capitulation”?

Norman Solomon argues against condemning the meeting, saying reducing tensions between nuclear powers is constructive. Paul Jay asks if there is a hidden agenda that’s not so peaceful

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Author: phillynews215


34 thoughts on “Was the Trump-Putin Meeting Constructive or a “Capitulation”?

  1. Sorry, Putin or Trump either one hands down are better LEADERS THAN WHAT WEVE HAD IN THE PAST..you two obviously support Satan or you would see through the smoke screen..personally I think trumps a traitor also but as far as Biden or Obama along with the Bush’s and many DS CABAL are outright DEMONS. You two need to wake up and look a little deeper.

  2. Trump has narcissistic personality disorder and is a danger to the entire world. Trump is the distraction and feeds of attention good or bad, it's called narcissistic supply.

  3. Our mainstream corporate media, the majority in the intelligence community, and a majority in congress seem to want to play hard ball with a nation that since the fall of the Soviet Union has not caused the mayhem and hundreds of thousand deaths we've seen in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, etc. How hypocritical and myopic can our ruling elites get? Yes Putin is not a nice guy, but neither are most of our corporate/political, fascist leaders. I can only say for the sake of the American people and the Russian people that detente and stronger ties with Russia are the only way forward. War or hostilities is inconceivable.

  4. because its easier for our soulless hyenas aka public serpants to ADMIT that hillary and the dnc r GUILTY !!! the rnc is also useless too

  5. With all due respect to Norman Solomon, the choice that he presents — that we must either accept any deal that Trump and Putin comes up with (e.g., allow Russia to do to the Baltic and other former Soviet states what it did in Ukraine in return for further meddling in the upcoming midterm election in the US) or face inevitable nuclear war — is false. Not only is this a false dichotomy, it rationalizes the master and slave mentality that one must submit to every indignity in exchange for life.

    As for whether or not the summit was constructive: it was only destructive — and only to the post-cold-war world order and, most likely, for only a short period of time, since Trump's rogue reign and legacy won't last for too much longer. After the present chaos, stability — ensured by transnational institutions and led by American hegemony — is likely to return.

  6. I was really impressed by Mr Trumps plain good sense – a bit surprised after his implied insult to Palestinians not long ago

  7. Paul Jay has so much anti establishment animus built up that he can only see things through the lens of; America is bad and Russia is good. This view makes him unable to see things for what they are. Election meddling happened, and Russia played a big part in it. They are trying to continue. We need help from the establishment to combat it. We can louse our democracy and wind up like Russia, an autocratic society. Does Paul Jay want the U.S.A. to be a dictatorship? He seems to be be pushing us in that direction.

  8. I agree with Norman Solomon.- We should all be working toward at least civil relations with all super powers, who are all complicit in the same activities.

  9. Russia will eventually attack us along with her allies. Putin wants global domination. He has a history of suppressing people. You are in denial to believe otherwise.

  10. Paul Jay, the summit was great from an honest realpolitik position. From a typical "democratic-socialist" position, it didn't even register other than that we must avoid thermonuclear exchange to achieve democratic-socialism before utter dystopia. There is a middle ground between those positions even while striving for democratic-socialism and not in deadly incremental steps. That's where I am, and I don't buy into the Putin-as-oligarch view at all. He threw the oligarchs out while retaining too much capitalism. If you've listened directly to his critiques directed at the wealthy of Russia (which appears you have not — but ought), you'd know he puts the Russian People above everything. Don't buy into the neocon narrative against him while you work to bring Russia around to democratic-socialism.

  11. What a stinking jerk this Paul Jay! Two crooks for two hours had covered up their crimes against our free & fair election. Moron Trump just handle to Putin our country and said disgusting shit about our Nat.Security. Putin have lied all the time!

  12. Norman Solomon is a true heaven sent Mensch, and I concur with his opinions completely. The United States is
    being run by an upper echelon of self-serving criminal shits, who should all be deported to Gaza. The world would
    be far better off.

  13. Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow are neoliberal DNC establishment tools. Maher gave a million to Obomber in the last election. Maddow says what Comcast and her other corporate masters want her to say.

  14. Our establishment elite want another Boris Yeltsin so they can suck more money out of the Russian peoples' pockets. The US Gov hates strong leaders…

  15. A lot of simple minded people on here. Do any of you not try and think for second why trump has no qualms viciously attacking the leaders and the policies of China, NK or Iran – who all have access to WMDs and are dangerous – at the very slightest hint of hostility (real or percieved) yet can't do the same with Putin and Russia?!?
    You must be insane to think trump is not compromised in some fashion – most probably due to past financial crimes and transactions connected with Russian mob and oligarchs whom are intrinsically linked with the Kremlin. This is why Muellers investigation is critical and needs to be supported as much as possible. Fucking wake up.

  16. So, besides ratings & advertising, there is no long term gain for these 6 corporate news media outlets & their news celebrities, except to rile the world up and risk nuclear war?

  17. Paul Jay is my go-to guy. It's disturbing to see the media frenzy in attack Russia mode. Where is this craziness that making Russia the fall guy for the next war coming from?

  18. Paul Jay: “Putin is an oligarch who is very dangerous to the Russian people” WTH???!!? Yet again, Paul Jay proves himself to be supremely ignorant on foreign policy issues. Bypassing the “Putin is an oligarch” nonsense, Putin, more than any other figure, saved Russia. As “shock therapy” Westerners & corrupt bonafide Russian oligarchs were looting & financially enslaving Russia in the wake of the Soviet collapse, Putin stepped to the plate & defended Russia’s sovereignty & viability by booting these parasites out of his nation. This is when Putin first began to be demonized in Washington & the corporate press: When he ousted a lot of powerful Western parasites & corrupt oligarchs from Russia. Russia has risen & endured a host of US soft power assaults under Putin, & the vast majority of Russian people support him.

  19. ‪What Trump did today bothered me to my core. It truly was one of the most problematic things I’ve ever seen a President of this United States ever do. Im more than disgusted. At this point I’m just depressed for the state of America. ‬

  20. This “Russian collusion” narrative is useful to all the people Trump defeated in the elections- the Bush Republican Party, the Clinton Democrats, the Clapper/Brennan deep state and the corporate press all have and interest in undermining Trumps legitimacy. They want to paint all opposition to them as foreign operatives. It’s sick. But they’re all singing from the same sheet of music, and that may be convincing to the average American, who only sees the headlines

  21. Something weird is going on when Trumps national intelligence director and homeland security director say Russia meddled in the election and then when asked whether he believes them or Russia/Putin puts both on equal footing.

  22. The ''Shareblue'', ''Correct The Record'',…paid trolls are spread like cockroaches! Even Paul Jay himself is on the brink! Amy Goodman just like Jeremy Scahill, hides behind someone else she brings on as a liberal interventionist (and an Imperialist to the core) to ''have a debate'' with Glenn Greenwald (you know…as the civilized people do)! Now even Chomsky says stupid shit!

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