Paul Jay on Trump-Putin and the Real Threats to Democracy

Paul Jay on Trump-Putin and the Real Threats to Democracy

Whether the Kremlin meddled in the U.S. election or not, the hyper-focus on Russiagate overlooks bigger threats: Russian elites to the Russian people, and U.S. elites to the American people, says Paul Jay

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Author: phillynews215


22 thoughts on “Paul Jay on Trump-Putin and the Real Threats to Democracy

  1. US agencies alao claimed Iraq had wmd. No reason to believe any of those agencies unless they provide evidence which in this case they haven't. The simple narrative is if you're not war mongering against Russia then you're automatically conspiring with Russia. It seems US will stop its war mongering only when the US economy won't be able to back such activities & sustain foreign engagements.

  2. I thought this was great until he said Cambridge Analytica was the big story. The BIG story was about a campaign that purchased a party then rigged the outcome of the presidential primary and where the "independent" media was complicit.

    Cambridge Analytica is a pimple on the ass of what Obama 2012 did harvesting the data of 20 million Facebook users.

  3. The so called US “intelligence community” is not the American people. Criticizing the well documented history of the US government of undermining fair elections abroad- and even the democratic processes, itself- is far from treason. It’s the ultimate patriotic act to the people, and any substantial values which the country stands.

    Great analysis, but: Saving the planet…SMH. Climate change related legislation is just an excuse to do what socialists would like to do anyway. Namely, redistribute wealth and make a middle class existence impossible. I’ll take cheap energy prices, TYVM.

  4. War with Russia is an easier concept for the hyper reactionary liberals to cope with than the humanisation of Trump voters and the recognition of their agency… you don't have to look after the people you disagree with if instead you can dehumanise them, and blame their actions on an evil puppet master.

    Russian interference was a defensive act against Hillary Clinton for her actions in 2011, they didn't care about Trump, Russia would have acted the same whoever the Republican party picked to go against her.

  5. Trump & Putin are planning a 2nd "STEAL the ELECTION interference" in the 2018 elections. This the reason for the time of year, Fall/Autumn, Putin will supposedly be coming here!

  6. Brennan, a former Soviet agent, does not like a non Marxist Russia. Nor the whole brainwashed American left who had no ´problem with Russia when it was communist. This is in addition to the dynamic involving the military industrial complex and capitalist competition as mentioned here. Crimea votes to rejoin Russia; US destroys a half dozen countries killing and impoverishing millions, yet "Russia is the rogue state". What Chutzpah The Big Lie the NAZIs used so well. War is peace. Yes, and I am with you entirely in your summary, that all this insane Trump bashing over basically nothing makes is virtually impossible to affect this administration on its horrific, destructive environmental policies.

  7. Its good when Trump supporters are finally admiting they're in an insane position. Presidents like Trump, politicians, clerics, media hosts, authors and a host of crooked or ignorant individuals and corporations can do that to civilians, sending them into states of confusion, anger, panic, apathy, and dysfunctional denial, just like climate change, global warming, extinction, a wide spectrum of dire events have done. We can debate whether or not Trump is a traitor, an idiot, or a self-admitted molester who belongs in jail, but like climate issues we must sift evidence to form valid conclusions. For example there's a mountain of evidence Bill and Hillary were both as crooked as a long country road. Fine. They should've been shut down decades ago. No such luck. And Bush the war criminal who sacrificed 4,000 New Yorkers and tens of thousands of our own kids and millions of foreignors so his buddies could seize Iraqi oil, lay a Saudi-Israeli pipeline and block a pipeline to China with the instability in Afghanistan, another debate series with lots of evidence in every front. But given only current events are of any real priority when disaster is striking so frequently like a church bell, (let's put out the nearest fire first folks), the evidence surrounding Trump, his past and current actions, makes him and everyone around him easy targets for investigations over money laundering, violations of multiple crimes foreign and domestic, and clearly a traitor if you measure that by his inability, or more accurately, total unwillingness to confront Russia even when Putin admits to the entire world on tape pal, yes, they attacked the election. Ouch; tje denial position crumbles if live evidence in the form of clearly spoken testimony, a live confession BY THE OTHER CRIMINAL, TRAITOR TRUMP'S BOSS PUTIN, is of value to you; which I assume based on many mutually shared positions over climate, taxes, healthcare and more, evidence is normally considered, and may lead to a change in a position. Time will tell. Having worked as an investigator for 2 judges, attorneys etc. and designed and sat through tough depositions as well as field work, Trump's guilt on a multidue of fronts based entirely on obvious, easily obtained, mostly available to the general public, is an indisputable slam dunk IF (key word) the jury discusses, presents, reviews, considers, reflects and calmly decides. Any other course of action will, as we've all seen over and over, lead to poor souls my misguided brother,s and sisters stepping all over your own shoelaces. I feel your pain and might suggest you say little until your mass confusion subsides, at the risk that supporting Trump sounds…um…misguided. Try this tidbit of evidence; Would becomes Would NOT. A day later No becomes YES. Is he lying or just losing his mind? One demands impeachment for treasonous acts, while the other demands an immediate independent psych review of our confuser Pedo Prez to see if he's crazier than the folks who elected him, or the electoral college that confirmed this trainwreck, or the Republicans who still support it. Remember this is the nutjob who supports Nazis, backed other pedos, and has no problem at all ripping babes from moms or deporting DACA kids, even when they served in our own military. Sweet. 100 to 1 odds Mueller or Comey could easily pick independent shrinks to examine this maniac, but the cost of making Trump supporters sane is far beyond our GDP, and unlikely to make much of a dent in that problem. We ARE being attacked today amd our patrioticonservatives can't even respond with a big OH HELL NO to protect our voting process and oir democracy. Conservatives appear brain dead folks and Liberals are just waiting for everyone to get free healthcare, which is coming folks, and then the flood of opiods will cure much of the "Trump Supporter" part of the problem, while climate, famine, superstorms and a host of global catastrophic events will surely cure the rest. And yes, folks are focused on getting rid of Trump since that single problem and our collective failure as a society and even more painfully obvious, the failures of congress, the EPA and in the not-so-distant future, the supreme court have together, absolutely robbed humanity of our last ditch opportunity of saving humanity and all life on earth from near-term extinction, likely in under 5 years, thru another miltitude of events, ftom droughts, floods, superstorms, rising seas, massive wild fires, falling plankton and oxygen levels along with desertification of the Amazon, America, methane streaming oit of the arctic, an ice free arctic guaranteeing even more methane and recently as I described in a climate report, ozone depletion driven by methane decomposition rapidly increasing UV levels, radiating and killing every living thing on earth, all without launching a single nuke. We're using Solar Power to go extinct. Awesome. Nice job folks We sure showed them all American citizens can take the reins of democracy and keep America on track, or in fact does the evidence prove George Washinton's grave warnings about multi-party systems, and predictable attacks on Lady Liberty and the Constitution both from without and from within. Go team.

  8. A must-see article with many key details on how intelligence agencies cooked up the Russia-gate narrative is “Spooks Spooking Themselves” from Consortium News, 5/31/18.

  9. Russia hasn't been considered a U.S. enemy since 1991 when the Soviet Union broke up and the Cold War ended. A good article on this is "Listen Liberals: "Russia Is Not Our Enemy, from "Huffington Post," updated 2/15/17. It's not "treason" to cooperate with Russia any more than to work closely with Canada.


  10. Trump may be a buffoon, but he does have said a lot of correct things that the mainstream media refuses to do. The dishonest media working with the US Intelligence and the US Military IndustryComplex always make us believe there is zero-sum game when we talk about the relationship between US and the rest of the world; they want us to believe there are always boogeymans out there to get the US who has the “highest moral grounds” than anybody else. Such a misinformation has quickly turned into a delusion that America can do no harm except the rest the world.

  11. Before he released the DNC emails, Assage stated on Australian TV that he got the emails from someone within the DNC who LEAKED them, as Wikileaks doesn’t accept hacked documents. Why would he lie?

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