Communism and Consumerism – RAI with A. Buzgalin (3/12)

Communism and Consumerism  – RAI with A. Buzgalin (3/12)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Prof. Alexander Buzgalin says that “market fetishism”, the hunger for commodities, became a major obstacle to building socialism – with host Paul Jay

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


24 thoughts on “Communism and Consumerism – RAI with A. Buzgalin (3/12)

  1. What utterly moronic drivel. All you idiots should be deported to North Korea or Venezuela so you can enjoy famine while you wait to be executed.

  2. You can tell that he is a very self actualised and contented person who has lived a very full life, a spiritually, socially, intellectually fulfilled life.

  3. For anybody interested, i created a sequential playlist of this series.
    Just copy/paste after the-> .com/

  4. "Even in Stalin's dictatorship, it was impossible to force people to talk about Communism all weekend. But markets can push everybody to go to a mega mall and spend all weekend buying commodities. Market is more totalitarian than dictatorship." that's such a powerful statement, what a great man

  5. One thing that he has absolutely spot on is the recognition of the inequality and extreme poverty being experienced by many Americans. That situation has only become even more extreme. As a British citizen I have been literally shocked at the sight of Americans living with kids in trailer parks without access to clean water or health care or minimum wage
    And that's one very good reason why Putin has been winning this latest propaganda war with the West. He has been using Russia Today to hold up a mirror to our own countries and it's undeniable that the rich are getting even richer and people in the US are subsisting.
    Unfortunately Americans and Europeans don't seem to have the critical thinking skills to unpack the Putin propaganda campaign for what it is. Putin manages to tack on spurious statements about the Ukraine and the international community organisations which are not true but because our own mainstream billionaire owned media has ignored this obvious poverty and never reports on it because it does not fit their chosen narrative, Americans and Europeans mistakenly believe that Putin is their ally.
    He is not. Putin is an ethno nationalist expansionist robber baron. And that's what he has indoctrinated Trump with . He has made Trump imagine that he is a master of the universe and that his family should rule the US like royalty, just as Putin himself runs Russia .

  6. Buzgalin really does understand Marx. Contradiction is a theme which is constant throughout his speech and is essential in understanding capitalist dynamics. Bravo! Although his conclusions are a bit weak.

  7. I'm surprised he didn't mention Trotksy's critique of Soviet Union's rise of a privileged bureaucratic caste. Actually I'm not. Trotsky's work was banned in USSR until the very end.

  8. If u dont want to be a "slave to market" then dont. Shop at Goodwill, buy second hand phones, used cars. U have freedom to do whatever the hell u want. Calling market economy slavery is absurd.

  9. An individual will always do more for their own survival than their government IDKY this is so hard for Marxists to comprehend. Marxism seems to appeal to everyones repressed child like desire to have a mommy (state) take care of you forever. Problem is most people can barely take care of themselves and as mommys die so do states… then how does the Marxist survive? Same as a domesticated dog released into the wild, it dies.

  10. Interesting to see another professor who never run a company nor produce any goods or services talk about freedom from the market system. It took him many years to distort himself to this point. Thanks for the insight into these marxist think tank.

  11. Humans evolved as social groups.
    We are inherently socialist.
    Millions of years of evolution can’t be bred out in a few 1,000 years, no matter how much the psychopathically inclined elite want it to happen.

  12. If the USSR had been "part of the progressive movement of mankind," why did communist countries have to be open air prisons where people were forbidden to leave? Why the engineered famines that murdered millions? The mass deportation of ethnic minorities? The execution quotas?

    I want to give this man a megaphone and put him on a speaking tour. Let sane people hear what the extreme left is really thinking.

  13. I got a reply to my first comment on this video series that made me research Germany and the development of Marx. There has been a long line of German Philosophers Marx included that rejected the Humanist idea of the Market and Capitalism. The idea of the Collective is what the Market fears the most. Anyone that understands Marx understands the Koch-topuscracy that now controls the levers of Democracy in the US and their implementing of pure Market freedom is leading to collapse. Trump’s behavior with NATO is one of many examples of this.

  14. lol, this man is implying that Lenin and his ilk had to introduce Socialist ideas into Russia. When in reality, of course, they simply took over power when they violently overthrew the Constitutive Assembly. Then they went on to exterminate peasants – "rich" and poor – because the only significant electoral base for Bolsjevism had been in cities and industrial areas.

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