How Do We Confront this Climate of Fear-Mongering? Q&A (Pt 5/5)

How Do We Confront this Climate of Fear-Mongering? Q&A (Pt 5/5)

In Part 5 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the controversy over Trump’s visit to Helsinki they talk about what can be done to counter fear-mongering – From a live recording on July 18th, 2018

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


28 thoughts on “How Do We Confront this Climate of Fear-Mongering? Q&A (Pt 5/5)

  1. most of the activity regardless of its origin, comes from thousand of political adds run out of Trumps project Alamo HQ. thousands of adds were produced to test and hone down messages until the messages which resonated the most, were obtained. after which it was those messages which were used as the basis for a number core issues they could then best leverage. there is even a wiki page for Project Alamo, so it's not even a difficult claim to back up. this is all ignored because it counters a cold war Narrative.

  2. The 3 letter alphabet agencies have a long history of problem causal solutions they create the problem then fund the action then employ the "only" solution. Example all the shoots that have occurred. Or building 7 on 9/11. They have a problem, they create a reason, they enforce the solution. How can you say you're real news when you are feeding the same bs the main stream is and you are not hiding your biases very well just FYI..

  3. 7:06 "Who's standing up most to Russian interference in the elections? WE ARE at The Real News! [be]cause we're trying to educate people about the reality of the world."

    Hell yeah, Paul Jay! Never give up, and never surrender. You guys/gals are beacons of light in the darkness, and your efforts are not wasted!

  4. Use AdGuard Premium (full disclosure: like Kapersky, it is a RUSSIAN company, [which the US Government used widely until it occurred to the dumb motherfuckers in the Intel Commune thought [hey, John, James, doesn't Kaspersky sound like a Russian?], which is less than $10 dollars! PC and Android version block not only nearly EVERY AD, popups, invasive analytics, on ANY site! Ads waste bandwidth, slowing browsing down and can even upload maleware to your PC or Android device without you even knowing! I swear, I'm not affiliated with "The Russians!" that created the brilliant Adguard program. If you don't like or want instrusive ads, popups, and tracking analytics…the answer isn't hard to figure out. Just block the bastards and keep data miners out! If you saw Jesus, Satan, and "Blacktivist" ads, please tell me you laughed your ass off. Russian agents wouldn't fuck around with social media, not in such an awfully pitiful "influence campaign". Did Intel. mean the "Sowers of Discord and Underminers of Trust in their Government" that "Defrauded the U.S." (a [law] that sounds like it was named by someone with no imagination or wit or just a lack of time so Mueller could have a name of a new crims to INDICT, INDICT, INDICT and that means…Mueller knew this was easy money because he had to know no one in Congress believes Russia has any pull with American opinion (unlike the CIA and NSA). Congress has already put the framing of the American mind into law. Silicon Valley is all in on Internet censorship. It's quite palpable if you are an independent thinker. Scroogle and facecrook search results and "news" is regulated to protect the idiots in America from content that is inconvenient or MUST be from Russians or "Conspiracy Theorists" that bring attention to unanswered questions that are ignored by corporate-state controlled media.

  5. Paul Jay hits the nail on the head with the need for education. Americans live in a permanent fantasy world of their own making and it is little surprise that 'we' today we have lost all touch with reality.

  6. Paul Jay hit the nail right on the head…..EDUCATION!!! the US surely has the most uneducated population in the western world. Education is not the only answer, the main stream media needs to be dismantled in its present form. The lies, misinformation and fear mongering that has spewed forth from them in the US, UK, France and Australia is disgraceful. In fact it is more than disgraceful, it is often lies and government propaganda. Education is under attack in Australia as well, where government policy is a subversive theme. Keep em stupid keep em poor and above all keep em divided.!!!

  7. Aaron, Paul Great job !I am proud to be a member.
    I understand the use in this context but in general avoid giving air time to fools (like fox news) your value is wasted reacting to idiots.

  8. completely factually, objectively, to talk about Russian meddling in US politics without including Israeli influence is to ignore the elephant in the room. And elephant isn't even a big enough metaphor. Seriously, the way to confront the climate of fear is to ridicule the entire subject. Israel supports a racist state in a climate of fear, not unlike their mentors in Nazi Germany. We can either wait for WWIII or we can stop these ass holes in their tracks right now.

  9. Very good video, but I can NOT agree with Mr. Jay that there is no justification for Russians to meddle in our elections (if in fact they are). THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY JUSTIFIED!!! Look at how many military bases the US has in every corner of the world, not to mention they've almost completely surrounded Russia. If the Russians or any country had done that to the US, I GUARANTEE you that every single American would be SCREAMING blood. Hell would break loose! But yet when we do it to Russia and other countries, you're telling me there's no justification. You're kidding me?! Are you THAT selfish and self-centered that you can't see anything from another person's point of view?! Or are you just too scared to say what you really think? Come on, Mr. Jay, you're more intelligent than that….

  10. Picture is becoming clear. Russian meddling may not even exist. This is a convenient ruse to shut us down including Real News and others. Truth can only come from MSNBC, CNN, FOX, NYT, WP etc. Social media can cause problems like it did in Arab Spring for example. Watch out next they will shut down internet Forums.

  11. You two are doing absolutely outstanding work. That is quality journalism at its finest. You are right up there with consortiumnews.

  12. The vote is manipulated by American voting machine companies (as just happened in Kansas with the Welder and Kobach races) not by Russians. Forget the GRU, we should be looking at Diebold.

  13. Notice how both D's and R's say there's this incredible threat but have done absolutely nothing about it legislatively. First clue this is all made up.

  14. If America starts educating the people about American history, then we would realize that we are the real villains. And then those who seek to control us, won't be able to.

  15. For the love of progressive organization….please put links to all the other videos in this series in the descriptions of each video. Besides that awesome work guys! Thank you! Keep it up!

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