LIVE Q&A: Who’s Committing Treason?

LIVE Q&A: Who’s Committing Treason?

Aaron Mate hosts a live interactive discussion with Senior Editor Paul Jay, taking on issues from Russiagate to climate change to answer the question: Is Trump betraying the American people?

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


30 thoughts on “LIVE Q&A: Who’s Committing Treason?

  1. Paul Jay never noted the conversation was never notated as a written/voice record for historical records – thus would be able to be reviewed and commented on.
    Not second guessed by any one, not included as a certifiable conversation. Trump and Putin could have spoken about any subject, both displayed a weird facial grin when they exited this closed door meeting. Bolton was an obfuscating deliverer of a weird diatribe afterwards of the American position to Iran, Russia and Political position of the US foreign policies.

  2. Thankyou for sanity in discussion in regards to Russia. As for Russia intervention in Syria, I think was totally unwelcomed by the neocon nutjobs. Maybe to a few in gov recognised US support of ISIS was destroying US good will and wanted out of Syria and so welcomed Russia Intervention as an excuse to water down interference in Syria. Not that it matters. US has base in Syria so they can come back another day – probably after Iran.

  3. Can't believe Bernie has joined that. After all the other camp was claiming he was a Russian tool during the primary! Hey Bernie people from different political viewpoints like you because you are honest. But if you start making such incendiary suggestions without tangible proof it is not looking hopeful.

  4. Sanders..accusing anyone else of selling the American people out…unf*ckingbelieveable. He doesn't have a leg to stand on. Trump is literally president now precisely because Sanders himself sold the American people out by failing to challenge the DNC's primary rigging,which is very well documented,then dropping out and endorsing Hillary,literally the only politician in the country more despicable than trump himself.

  5. I am so OVER Bernie!!! A fake Progressive(like Obama HRC and even Bernie) is in some ways more deceitful and hateful than the most ignorant right wing racist.

  6. I was devastated to see Bernie join the Russiagate community. Is the same fuss raised when US meets with Israel or Great Britain? These are two of the most regressive countries in the world…then add Saudi Arabia. Interesting that Russia is condemned and yet, Putin pushes organic foods, opposes Chem Trails and opppses GMOs. These are progressie issues and the US trails Russia. Yes Paul Jay. You are absolutely correct. Sad about Bernie. People are puppets and criticize Russia and never mention details. Saw this in the Fifties. McCarthyism is alive and well.

  7. Hearing Bernie Sanders take up the cause that American democracy was damaged by Russia is a a profound disappointment. It tells me that as president, he might be as big a disappointment a Barack Obama.

    I believe that the Pentagon's budget is so huge that it must reconstitute the climate of the Cold War to justify its purpose and they will stop at nothing to do it.
    Ithe US is a chimera of military, media control and a global corporate cartel that is guiding US policy. Your vote and my vote doesn't count for nothing. So stop pretending..

    Currently, the employed and unemployed working class are being referred to as the far-left in the corporate media. The media is being used to marginalize the bulk of the population who is increasingly being regarded as superfluous by the forces of global finance.

  8. I also dont understand how Clintons could still be getting a free pass as there is proof everywhere. I thought Justice was blind but it seems Justice plays the political game.

  9. What a pleasure to watch men as skillful, literate, and fair-minded as these two journalists. In a media world filled with hypocrites and carpetbaggers like Cenk Uygur and Jim Accosta- Mate and Jay elevate the public discourse and inform us all!

  10. Thank you for this bit of sanity! Imagine how different our country and our government policies would be if the vast majority of American listened to discussions like this and debating the issue in this manner.

  11. Wilkerson was perfect in that interview. Thank you! And thank you Paul Jay for this section dedicated to American patriotism, nationalism and militarism, bound together with the fervor of a fundamentalist religion allied with the economy and world domination. It is a force that will, and already is, derailing this country and taking others with us.

  12. Thank you, gentlemen. I’m not used to intelligent speech and this was a delight to my ears and my mind. Except all the news is dire and it casts long, dark shadows; thoughts of the future are troubling.

  13. I’ve been saying for months that Bernie is a sell-out, that he’s been co-opted, that he’s abandoned his principles. I’m tired of repeating myself. This time, I’ll get right to it: I think Bernie Sanders is a dikkk. I don’t care what Bernie Sanders says or thinks about a damn thing!
    The US Congress members all sound like Khrushchev speaking at the UN, pounding with a shoe.
    I think the party is over, the champagne is all gone, the guests have left. Turn out the lights; America is through.

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