50 Years Ago: As World Watched, Chicago Police Attacked Protesters at ’68 Democratic Convention

50 Years Ago: As World Watched, Chicago Police Attacked Protesters at ’68 Democratic Convention

Mayor Richard Daley unleashed a brutal police attack on anti-Vietnam war protesters at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. We discuss the story’s deeper implications for that moment and for today’s world with William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


21 thoughts on “50 Years Ago: As World Watched, Chicago Police Attacked Protesters at ’68 Democratic Convention

  1. politicians across the country are moving to stop the road-blocking maneuver, proposing increased penalties for demonstrators who run onto highways and legal immunity for drivers who hit them. The bills are among dozens introduced in Legislatures aimed at cracking down on demonstrations. Bravo

  2. Really the weather underground members. That's an insult to law abiding citizens. They were bombers that threatened all of us. Don't just blame cops and tolerate violent bombers.

  3. I was 10 years old and watched it in Chicago as a kid. It shocked and disgusted me then as it still does watching it 50 years later. Daley was a thug of a mayor and was way out of line the way he ordered cops to beat down anybody outside including reporters. A shameful and embarrasing time in 1968.👍

  4. The chicken shit Ayers and Dohrn went into hiding for ten years. Mmmm I wonder why. Cause he’s a murderer and she is too

  5. Bill Ayers was not violent or dangerous. What an ASS he is. Killing people with bombs and guns and crap. The police were trying to stop assholes like him. Townhouse blew up with his girlfriend. Oh but wait he was sleeping around with other woman too.

  6. I think the Chicago police did a good job. They were attacked with piss, feces, and razor blades. He has Dohrn and Ayers there! Some of their incendiary maimed children. Good job, Chicago police!

  7. To Bill Ayers: In April '68 when King died, I was enrolled as a freshman in the first International Relations class at Lake Forest College. Jon Galloway was our teacher, and I sat next to fellow student China Oughton. She struck me as quiet, very polite – not at all like the Diana Oughton who lost her life years later in an explosion in the Village. I believe it blew a hole in neighbor Dustin Hoffman's living room wall. How sad and lost we have all been for so many decades. I too could write a book on our generation. I look to God these days, after 70 years of being very far away. Over the years, I met all of you. It's sad to contemplate, but you still seem spiritually lost. We are all born sinners on the highway to hell. It's never too late to get off that highway-until we die. You and Bernadette are both in my prayers.

  8. Team Trumps not ready for Prime time buffoons have one thing right “Truth is not the Truth.” Capitalism has survived for the last 240 plus years because truth isn’t truth if it doesn’t fit into the Capitalist model. We’re in the fifth and final 50 year cycle of Capitalism and its demise is due to the contradiction; the dialectic that truth isn’t truth if it doesn’t fit into the Capitalist model. We have CO2 levels at 400 ppm and elementary Physics tells us this is going to heat the planet to a point where complex life will not survive; but this doesn’t fit the Capitalist model so it’s not truth. Every one of the five cycles has been confronted with the same dialectic and each has morphed into a new variation of itself because of it. First there was there was the transition from Feudalism, then Classical, then Neo-Liberal, Keynesian and now Global Neo-Liberal Finance Capitalism. In each cycle there was the core dialectic/contradiction “Truth isn’t Truth” if it doesn’t fit the Capitalist model. In this final cycle truth and reality asserts itself. I just watched a video that says the conditions are in place to start a barrage of Hurricanes; last year there was a Bermuda High pressure zone in the Atlantic that directed the Hurricanes towards the US; this year a High pressure ridge or dome sits over the upper Northeast causing a heat wave in that area. If a Hurricane develops in that area the high pressure front could cause it to stall out like Harvey did; so let’s roll the dice and see what happens.

  9. I’m in Europe, I joined Diem25- headed up by Noam Chomsky and Yanis Varoufakis. First official cross border political movement ever (as far as I can make out). And now an official party, setting up in county after country in Europe.
    It’s growing exponentially, especially with young people, for those of us older people, we offer to give places to stay around where the events are (all over Europe) for the younger ones with more energy, they do the traveling to get to the events, complete strangers sharing resources and ideas.
    The military industrial complex is a monster, but even the biggest monster can be taken down by a constant relentless attack, and just as in 68, we have to expose it for what it is!

  10. This is what all governments do when their power is rightfully challenged by the people. The reaction of the state in 68' is just one more example of a long and violent struggle for peace and justice.

  11. The police are not the good guys and they never have been. Wake up America. We have five percent of the world population and twenty five percent of the worlds prison population. They use these prisoners as SLAVE labor. Evil people do not deserve the right too ….!

  12. As an American born in 1951 the assassinations of the Kennedys and King were fundamental to my coming of age. Mayor Daley' s actions in the '68 convention as well as the student murders at Kent State had direct political impacts on US politics that have probably still not been adequately examined. Possibly more significant is what we now suspect about the American deep state's involvement in the silencing of the Kennedys and King and the implications for today when the deep state is openly exerting more power of deceit and suppression than even it would have thought conceivable in 1968. In response to the Kennedys' and King's goal to bring about a more just and open society we have nourished evil incarnate emboldened to assert absolute mendacity on world society.

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