How Has Trump’s Working Class Rhetoric Compared to His Policies? Q&A (Pt 2/6)

How Has Trump’s Working Class Rhetoric Compared to His Policies? Q&A (Pt 2/6)

Part 2 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the real reasons Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people – From a live recording on August 2nd, 2018

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


17 thoughts on “How Has Trump’s Working Class Rhetoric Compared to His Policies? Q&A (Pt 2/6)

  1. Notice how Trump starts with "the working people…" and then moves straight to "subsidized foreign steel(!?)" as if that has anything at all to do with US corporations moving their factories to foreign countries so they don't have to pay decent wages or follow labour regulations. He did deliver on his promise: tariffs (ie, taxes) on all that "subsidized foreign steel". The only problem (well, one of them anyway) is that it takes decades to rebuild any kind of domestic steel production that could replace the evil "foreign" stuff, and by the time that might happen, all the companies that need steel to operate would have moved all their operations overseas. But the even bigger issue is this: it was the United States which promoted the grand idea of "globalization", where "free trade" could be conducted between all countries and capital moved (mostly out of foreign countries into US banks), with the small proviso that all unions be destroyed, all public assets sold and all resources raped by US corporations. So to now tell the world that "sorry, but we changed our minds – we want protectionism and trade barriers for the USA" is worse than an insult – it is a declaration of war, and a massive proof to the world that the USA cannot ever be trusted, because they represent the very worst of ruthless capitalist exploitation. So I think Trump is great – he has done so much to undo the damage that the smooth-tongued, diplomatic Obama did in duping the world into trusting the USA again after the excesses of the imbecile Bush II. Only when the USA has no troops stationed overseas, no foreign capital owned, and massive reparations paid to their victims will they be considered welcome in the real family of nations. Maybe.

  2. Be firm and committed and work at the grassroots, vote Dem and indie across the board, try to get those candidates to truly help lower- and middle-class workers, aim at the long-term to turn this radical tide around for good. It's a small minority of loons in America who are in the Trump cult and buy into his flim-flam rhetoric or like him for his faux-conservative rhetoric and nutty SOTUS picks as with the evangelical Christian hypocrites. Tell your friends about entities like the Real News!

  3. How long can Real News’s veneer of integrity survive if it fails to address chemtrails , DEW, HAARP, Vaccines, UN Agenda 21, Elite paedophilia, false flags or anything beyond the superficial. Love what you say guys, but as we all know, it’s what is not said that counts. How long before progressives start to notice the inexplicable blind spots their trusted commentators have about certain issues? And toward what are we “progressing”??? How can so many thousands of children vanish each year when our every move is surveilled? Why is there a hotspot of such disappearances in Virginia? I know Paul, you’re busy. Maybe Aaron can work Google, he seems like a bright boy. What meeting took place in Jeckyll island, Georgia in 1910, who attended? What did this lead to? Could the child abuse scandals in the Catholic Church and the fact that The Pope addresses his audience from inside a viper’s mouth (literally- look it up folks) be connected? Do bears shit in the woods? Or is that a “conspiracy theory”???

  4. I felt uncomfortable when obama, who is biracial and not raised as black, was foisted on black america as greater than MLK ( the motive for his nobel prize), and THE messiah personally sent by God to set black folk free. I felt uncomfortable when I heard the same msm propaganda for Trump: that he is messiah personally sent by God to set white folks free. Its the same game. Meanwhile the two most endangered folks in this country are black and white Americans . Check the stats. Rapid decline in population. Rapid decline in birthrate . We are disappearing, replaced by immigrants and illegals who are rapidly overpopulating the country , and far outnumber us.

  5. The country is being looted, they are ALL FRAUDS and guess what if anyone got into office and tried to change anything -THEY WOULD BE KILLED- that is the system that we have. It is over and the only way the country can get back on track is to GET RID OF THEM ALL.

  6. Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Those individuals expecting either side of politics to work for them and participate in the US electoral process and vote, must be absolute morons. Allow me to quote from the only individual who really understands politics; George Carlin:

    "Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says, “They suck”. But where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from another reality.
    No, they come from American homes, American families, American schools, American churches, American businesses, and they’re elected by American voters.This is the best we can do, folks. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out.
    I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way: I don’t vote. On Election Day, I stay home. I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain.
    Now, some people like to twist that around. They say, “If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain”, but where’s the logic in that? If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they get into office and screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain.
    I, on the other hand, who did not vote — who did not even leave the house on Election Day — am in no way responsible for that these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess that you created. That I didn’t have anything to do with.
    So when you’re having one of those swell elections that you like so much…on that day I will be doing essentially the same as you…the only difference is when I get done masturbating I’ll have a little something to show for it."

    George is still teaching us from the grave.
    Think about it!

  7. The fact that the Koch brothers didn’t supporting Trump (not officially that is) is part of the success story of this guy. The Koch bros are the declared Uber evil target for all progressives while we keep a blind eye for most of the others, and all the rest of the useless rentier class. Like, who knew about this guy Mercer before 2016? The problem seems to be oversimplification and creating straw men in public discourse, as well as fighting over quasi none issues such as gender politics, and the oh so great danger of white supremacy geezers and couch potatoes who start scandals by being offensive on public media. The so-called ruling class is much less organised then we think, much more diverse, and in their way “progressive”. And whether you like it or not many of them are useful people and got where they are by merit. Trump of course isn’t. But he is now the lightning rod for all class hatred. Just what the liberal neocons want. We debate impeachment and they just make money. It’s so unfortunate that much of the left is now remote controlled by financial capitalists, so much so the right wing is whining that they loose support by big money. Real news is a rare exception here. You are spreading clarity. Unfortunately, too few on the left listen to you.

  8. The stealing is so blatant by this group of "Not Ready for Prime Time" crooks and people seem to be oblivious to the obvious. The Secretary of Commerce's (Wilbur Ross) shipping Company buys LNG from Russia and sells it on the open market for a profit. The Tariffs on Steel benefits the Secretary's Steel Industry in South Korea (South Korea doesn't have tariffs on their Steel products). The new US-Mexico trade deal requires all Autos wanting zero tariffs coming from Mexico to have 40% of the Auto parts in them made in Mexico where Wilbur owns eight Auto Parts manufactures. We know that Trump through Michael Cohen tried to shake down Ford Motor Company and part of the trade deal requires Mexican Auto worker to get $16.00 an hour (I wonder if the Secretaries Auto parts manufacturing facilities will have to pay $16.00 an hour). Maybe this is the advantage for the US; Mexico will build a wall to keep Americans from coming to their country to earn a living wage. Wall Street has built a Fire-Wall to protect itself from the next Global Financial crisis but what about the $200 Trillion in US Dollar IOUs the world owes Empire; there's only so much asset foreclosure that can be done. Lets see how stuck on stupid everybody will be over the next couple of months.

  9. We know Trump is fake, bad, horrible and phony. What's the alternative? The establishment Democrats?! If we don't have a viable progressive independent third party we are sunk.

  10. The discourse that should be happening and is not in the traditional political process is how the working class is expected to adapt to a society that cannot assure 'freedom' and economic security.
    I would not call half the American workforce involved in producing nothing of value to society, freedom. I think people would rather choose to do something useful to society than be employed making things that only enrich a few and do large damage to everyone else! According to the Pentagon's own studies the percentage of workers employed in industries directly involved in the arms race, makes the Military, Pentagon, Congress, the State and the presidency fully responsible for engaging half the workforce to make things of no value at all to society! If a war ends so does their contract with Lockheed, General Electric, Boeing, the first to go is their workforce despite how well paid and well supported they are by that industry. None of their engineers, chemists, computer scientists, can produce something on their own, something useful that improves the soil or resolves waste contamination in the water in society without violating patent holdings, and 2, cannot afford the capital to go into business. Not to mention recent presidents protect the top military industries with sanctions on others not doing business with the top military industries. Closes the market to enterprising individuals. The other half of the workforce is engaged in producing the necessaries of life, things we need everyday to live. This group is dissatisfied as they also feel the economic insecurity from competition slowing their work down for the same necessities but made in other societies. Wages stay the same for an indefinite period of time for these millions.

    It is time to the discourse follow the writing on the wall, the working class is under assault and the ability of the society to reproduce is threatened under monopoly capitalism.

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