The Doomsday Machine: The Big Lie of the Cold War – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (1/13)

The Doomsday Machine: The Big Lie of the Cold War – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (1/13)

On Reality Asserts Itself, Daniel Ellsberg tells host Paul Jay that US intelligence agencies knew that Stalin was not planning to invade Western Europe or seek world domination, but based on the myth, the world came close to nuclear war – and it’s all happening again

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Author: phillynews215


20 thoughts on “The Doomsday Machine: The Big Lie of the Cold War – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (1/13)

  1. Ellsberg is 87 yrs old. What a life! Born into the Great Depression, coming of age in WWII, through the Cold War, Vietnam, 'til now. Amazing!

  2. This is why I tag President H.S. Truman as the very worst President in U.S. history and an impossibly high bar to challenge. Michael C. Hudson, who I so respect, calls Obama "the worst President ever", but a geeky moron from Missouri, who stole the FDR VP final term nomination from peacemaker Henry Wallace, only to go on to pull out his tiny dick and wave it in Stalin's face (our greatest ally and why we don't all speak German now) by unleashing the nuclear age on 250,000 innocent, mostly women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki AFTER HE KNEW THE WAR WAS OVER! Damn – it doesn't get much more criminally insane than that!

  3. Question: If you're going to commit to a "no first strike" with nukes strategy, why in GOD's name would you do a retaliatory "second" strike?" What did the millions/billions of innocent people dying from a retaliatory strike have to do with one maniac leader or "mistake launch" that created the first strike??? No nuke should ever EVER be launched! Period!

  4. This is the exact reason Trump is still supporting the Saudi regime. Weapon sales. This is what he means by they are such an important partner in the Middle East. Obama sold them around 11 Billion and Trump over 12 Billion? Not positive on the numbers, but close.
    This is your children's education, your roads and bridges a healthcare system, all being blown up as a bomb on innocent people for profits. It has become one of the only exports Politicians protect.

  5. The elite outsourced many manufacturing jobs leaving many desperate for employment. The benefit they see is military industrial complex jobs are there as well as going into the military. Just do you job and don't question the system?

  6. Russia CAN justify their defense spendings. NATO has illegally been creeping up to their doorstep and Russia knows that the West wants their natural resources, all of it.

  7. All these old cold warriors still believe the same cold war b.s. about the USSR that not even the anti-communist Yale history professors like Timothy Snyder will espouse anymore.

  8. So…What does that mean…Russia is the TROUBLE maker…I think Not.!!…If ANY TROUBLE maker is The U.S. and Zionist Kabal ISRAEL.!!…Mr.Ellsberg Is A joke…Being of the same Tribe…He Should Know that ISRAEL HAS NUCLEAR WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION!!!🤬😡

  9. To equate Russia's military budget, which is less than 1/10 of the US is deeply flawed. Likewise, Stalin's crimes have been grossly inflated by US propaganda. Professor Grover Furr has uncovered the actual records that prove that. Russia's MIC is far smaller than the US, and is far more defensive. How many military bases does Russia have vs. US? US has 100 times more military bases.

  10. The Real News and Paul Jay are the best of the best,, just like Daniel Ellsberg is the whistle blower. What we need most in this time Bravery. If Obama wasn't a coward we wouldn't have Trump.

  11. What is not emphasized enough here is that Stalin, while he did awful things, killed at most 1 million people under his government's control, millions less than Hitler and Churchill. Literal Nazis spread the inflated numbers on Stalin to equate Stalin with Hitler, and the evidence is just not there.

  12. Democrats and neo cons succeed in pushing for the new Cold war , with today's version of the big red scare, ya know now we pushed China and Russia going to the gold standard , apparently that isn't good for our dollar in the USA, regardless how people feel about Trump , I just wanna live in peace and push for working together with these countries without hurting ourselves

  13. what have military done with the climate, , because of the threat from the submarines armed with missils-  breaking up through the polare ice, the Ozone layer depletion in 1980s, increased UV radiation,  they wanted to have the Ice melted…and then at that time suddenly the Cold war ended in 1989…..

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