Bernie and the Black Vote

Bernie and the Black Vote

Jacqueline Luqman and Prof. Lester Spence discuss how Sanders might distinguish himself and contend with Black candidates such as Corey Booker and Kamala Harris

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


50 thoughts on “Bernie and the Black Vote

  1. Tulsi2020
    Bernie not a peace candidate.
    Congressman Sanders voted for and/or otherwise supported:

    * Economic sanctions that killed more than a million Iraqi civilians
    * Every U.S. bombing of Iraq from 1992 on
    * The sending of U.S. military units to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to threaten Iraq because “we cannot tolerate aggression”
    * The objectively racist and mass-incarcerationist Federal Crime bill.
    * Every US intervention since elected to Congress–Iraq, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Liberia, Zaire (Congo), Albania, Sudan, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia.

  2. Bernie is the real deal. There’s a few others that are good. But kamala, booker , gildebrand are phonies. Harris also has no chance of beating Trump. Democrats clearly haven’t learnsd

  3. Bernie refuses to compromise his ethics . Best candidate for blacks, latinos, millennials, working class people etc
    The man was arrested with Martin Luther king. He hasn’t changed in 30 years. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to put a man who represents the people in office.

  4. Donate your 1 dollar to his campaign to show the power of his platform! He will completely anihilate the opposition! Support from The Netherlands (a social democracy)! Bernie is in Peak form! See how CNN is already trying to undermine him in the Townhall meeting, but Bernie is Armed and Ready!

  5. African Americans must stick together and vote for ourselves by voting for the most progressive candidate leading the way to a more just society: Bernie 2020!!

  6. Welcome to the race Mr President Sanders, will you be also limiting the corporate media declare themselves as real news or just being republican commentaries?

  7. Don’t know what Black social media threads these guys are studying, but all the ones I engage with strongly indicates, young Black people aren’t feeling Harris at all, largely due to her career as prosecutor here in SF.

  8. Kamala's own father distance himself and his Jamaican Heritage from opportunist Kamala. Booker is fake, he's all about corporate profits as well. Bernie is the only politician that has been consistent. He's also the only politician that allowed BLM activist speak, whilst Hilary decided to shut them up, (bringing them to heel) sort to speak!! Looking at Bernie's old 1987 video, he's also the only candidate running that addressed climate change on a regular basis. He stood by Blacks, Bernie doesn't doesn't have a Black problem, but the Democratic party will have a Black problem is they try the same antics they did back in 2016. No more will the Black vote be a Democratic guaranteed. The Black vote will be split along religious, and generation lines going forward; which is the natural maturing and growing pains that the Black community will go through as we decide what issues will be important . Real criminal justice reform, equal opportunities to succeed economically, addressing urban sprawl and gentrification. Young white idealist and liberals are taking back the cities and displacing lower class poorer minorities. Nobody is speaking to what gentrification is doing to the Black community. How are we going to address affordable housing in urban city centers. How are we going to bring jobs to rural Black community as well. Guess we shall see as these candidates are further vetted. I have confidence in Bernie, we shall see how he does going forward.

  9. This conversation was good, but they definitely danced around the fact that Bernie basically gave up on the black in the 2016 primary, in fact, he all but gave up on minority votes in general. The sum total of the reason why he lost to Hillary, was because in every primary, where there was a sizable hispanic and black population, he lost, and he never tried to correct or acknowledge that. If he does that again, he's going to suffer the same defeat

  10. Black people aren’t set dressing, I tried if the neoliberals strutting black people around for the vote and the going onto to do little or nothing for them, it didn’t matter that Obama, Kamala and Cory if they do the same things your actions speak louder than your skin.

    Bernie is a white old man, not exactly a group that has been a positive force for blacks but once again he’s actions speak louder than his skin. He used what privileges he had to stand up for the rights of those who had less. I don’t cheer for people who make it out of the barrel I cheer for those who reach back down to pull another up, those who send down ladders and build stairs those who break apart the barrel piece by piece.

  11. Due to Bernies immigration stance, I can not vote for him. He wants to " move as fast as we can for a path toward citizenship" for the 11 (36 is the updated number) illegals in our country. I for one do not believe in rewarding illegals with citizenship when we let in millions of legal people each and every year. More than any other county. To reward those that have no respect for our laws- no way. Plus his stance on gun control – no way.

  12. Reading the comments here gives me real hopel Bernie is for all us, doesnt matter your race, sex or age. There has never been a politician actually tell you how he feels for 30 plus years and never changed gis position.

  13. I have always said that Bernie's policies disproportionately benefit black people and really are the closest thing to reparations, meaning "to repair" that we are ever gonna get.

  14. Where have you 3 been…. did any of you watch the BERNIE and killer Mike interview in the Barber … are you kidding me …. and you suppose to be helping educate the public on politics… watch the conversation between these 2 real men…. then you talk

  15. I've been a "woke" voter since the last presidential election. I'm not voting because of gender, race, or color. I want this country to progress. I want a government that lifts every American, so I'm voting for someone who I can trust is genuine in their agenda and who has the most progressive issues.
    To me, that person is Senator Bernie Sanders.

  16. Booker is a disgrace. I have been disgusted by him and every word out of his mouth for the past few years. This guy hasn't met a stance that he won't walk back from, unless it's being for corporate pack money. Bought and sold!

  17. An interesting discussion.
    Prof Spence's book 'Knocking the Hustle: Against the Neoliberal Turn in Black Politics' looks like a good read so I bought the kindle version. It is only $6.

  18. Old man after you sold out to the Clinton's cartel you have nothing to do in politics anymore .. So you better go back to take your nap Granpa you were dreaming.

  19. Kamala is pretty much a different version of Hillary but probably takes less money than she does. She ain't shit to Bernie. Honestly, I'm disappointed in California for electing her. What is wrong with Cali? o.O

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