Without Medicare for All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse – Wendell Potter RAI (7/7)

Without Medicare for All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse – Wendell Potter RAI (7/7)

The healthcare system is unsustainable; without a Medicare for All system, only the wealthiest will be able to afford decent care – Wendell Potter on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay

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Author: phillynews215


47 thoughts on “Without Medicare for All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse – Wendell Potter RAI (7/7)

  1. I’m so disappointed that there are so few people who’s conscience’s don’t move them to stand up to industries who profit from suffering.

  2. Backdoor eugenics in action. The elite don't want M4A because that would keep the little people alive for longer, when we've got an environmental collapse and mass automation on our doorstep!

    In the long-term calculus of concentrated wealth and power, most of us will soon be obsolete "useless eaters." How dare we insolently propose to reform the system and tax the wealthy, when the 0.1% are planning on transitioning the world to a lower population?

    The gall of these needy little peasants! If we deserved health and wealth we would already have it! There is no God but money, and Ayn Rand is its Prophet. The crumbs we get from the masters' tables should be enough for us…

    /s. But I have no doubt that's how many of the wealthiest and most powerful think.

  3. News for everybody: the healthcare system is collapsing already. Most hospitals are in a perilous financial condition and it is not just the small rural hospitals closing down or merging out of the system. Big hospitals, esp. in central urban areas, are in trouble and closing in some places.

  4. Private health insurance would have worked just fine forever if not for one fundamental problem: human greed. And the more popular M4A becomes, the more panicked the health industry gets and they ramp up the greediness instead of dialing it back to save their own asses. Yes, there will be a collapse of the industry. But it won't be because of progressives burning down their house. It will be simply a matter of disgustingly rabid and unchecked greed on the part of the industry, to the point where even the most right-wing anti-socialists out there will see through the bullshit talking points and demand a better system. It will be pretty hard to be patriotically furious at the encroach of socialism when half your family is dying simply because you can't afford to see a doctor.

  5. Socialism for the 1%, poverty for everyone else. Who owns our nation's wealth? Capitalism says the 1% (or maybe we are all equal just some are more equal than others). Democratic Socialism says we all own the nation's wealth equally. I thinking socialism isn't that bad. Medicare for All. It will save your life.

  6. 3:40 public option distraction from the prize: #MedicareForAll, which wasn't truly on the table during ACA. 6:05 insurance companies just money-sucking parasitic middleman. 7:22 Canada/Tommy Douglas fought medical associations, doctors for their #MedicareForAll. 11:26 non-profits go profit starting late 80s, Anthem picks up various BlueCross BkueShield operations. Some non-profits have for-profit subsidiaries.

  7. Bankrupt the useless, parasitic HMOs and insurers! Their corrupt bureaucracy actually, effectively decides if you will live or not, now. I would trust the Medicare for All personnel much more.

    The corrupt, self-serving critics of Senator Warren's Medicare for All
    proposal are full of baloney, to be polite. We have the most expensive
    healthcare costs in the world.

    Our ludicrously expensive healthcare is also not among the best and deprives huge numbers of Americans of any care, or limits their care to profit HMOs and AMA
    supporting doctors, or results in Americans becoming grossly indebted or
    bankrupt to pay for medical costs. Some pregnancies with a cesarean
    section in California result in medical charges of upwards of

    OUR POLITICIANS THROUGH BRIBES (e.g, political contributions to enable
    them to get cushy jobs)! It would frequently be cheaper to transport
    some sick person to Canada or Paris, house them in a luxury hotel the
    whole time, and have them treated there than it is to treat persons
    poorly through HMOs in the USA.

    The AMA has kept down the number of doctors and to a lesser extent, the number of nurses, emigrating to the USA. The test to become a licensed medical doctor here requires a
    level of English proficiency that is not truly necessary for most

    Skilled surgeons in particular could perform their
    surgeries and have translators help them speak to patients. The same
    applies to skilled radiologists. We have only to open the doors by
    relaxing immigration laws (and what immigrants would be more beneficial
    to the USA than more medical doctors) and there would be a flood of
    foreign doctors and nurses immigrating here and driving down medical

    If we desire, we can enable them to become nurse
    practitioners and only later become MDs, when their English is fluent.
    Similarly, as an attorney experienced in tax matters, I can certify that
    the richest 5% of Americans, and many of their corporations pay ZERO
    taxes. Merely requiring them to pay taxes and imposing a windfall
    profits tax (to recoup the taxes that they have evaded paying since the
    early 1980's when they benefited from Reagan's trickle down economic
    baloney, which his own expert, David Stockman saw as nonsense) or a
    property tax, would pay for Medicare for All.

    The AMA has ensured that laws are kept stringent, so that the number of doctors immigrating
    to the US and becoming accredited is artificially low. The HMOs have
    imposed ludicrous administrative costs, wasteful procedures, experts in
    denying coverage by harassment of patients or doctors (to avoid paying
    them or discourage expensive treatment) and invented fees.

    Just by getting rid of the parasites running the HMOs and insurers, whose
    profits are IMMENSE, which is clear from their stock prices and earnings
    report, we can pay for Medicare for All. Furthermore, the drug
    companies often take research funded by the USA and commercialize it to
    sell drugs at outrageous prices to gullible Americans: if all government
    funding to universities came with strings and those included low prices
    to sell drugs created with US government funding to the Medicare For
    All Plan, those savings would be ASTRONOMICAL.

    The next time that the cronies of the HMOs or insurers or AMA or corrupt, bought
    Republican/Republicrat politicians desperately invent lies to allow US
    healthcare costs to keep increasing each year, tell them where to put
    their baloney and lies! See https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2019/03/why-are-americans-paying-more-for-healthcare. See https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/. See

  8. Bankrupt the useless, parasitic HMOs and insurers! Their corrupt bureaucracy actually, effectively decides if you will live or not, now. I would trust the Medicare for All personnel much more.

    The corrupt, self-serving critics of Senator Warren's Medicare for All
    proposal are full of baloney, to be polite. We have the most expensive
    healthcare costs in the world.

    Our ludicrously expensive healthcare is also not among the best and deprives huge numbers of Americans of any care, or limits their care to profit HMOs and AMA
    supporting doctors, or results in Americans becoming grossly indebted or
    bankrupt to pay for medical costs. Some pregnancies with a cesarean
    section in California result in medical charges of upwards of

    OUR POLITICIANS THROUGH BRIBES (e.g, political contributions to enable
    them to get cushy jobs)! It would frequently be cheaper to transport
    some sick person to Canada or Paris, house them in a luxury hotel the
    whole time, and have them treated there than it is to treat persons
    poorly through HMOs in the USA.

    The AMA has kept down the number of doctors and to a lesser extent, the number of nurses, emigrating to the USA. The test to become a licensed medical doctor here requires a
    level of English proficiency that is not truly necessary for most

    Skilled surgeons in particular could perform their
    surgeries and have translators help them speak to patients. The same
    applies to skilled radiologists. We have only to open the doors by
    relaxing immigration laws (and what immigrants would be more beneficial
    to the USA than more medical doctors) and there would be a flood of
    foreign doctors and nurses immigrating here and driving down medical

    If we desire, we can enable them to become nurse
    practitioners and only later become MDs, when their English is fluent.
    Similarly, as an attorney experienced in tax matters, I can certify that
    the richest 5% of Americans, and many of their corporations pay ZERO
    taxes. Merely requiring them to pay taxes and imposing a windfall
    profits tax (to recoup the taxes that they have evaded paying since the
    early 1980's when they benefited from Reagan's trickle down economic
    baloney, which his own expert, David Stockman saw as nonsense) or a
    property tax, would pay for Medicare for All.

    The AMA has ensured that laws are kept stringent, so that the number of doctors immigrating
    to the US and becoming accredited is artificially low. The HMOs have
    imposed ludicrous administrative costs, wasteful procedures, experts in
    denying coverage by harassment of patients or doctors (to avoid paying
    them or discourage expensive treatment) and invented fees.

    Just by getting rid of the parasites running the HMOs and insurers, whose
    profits are IMMENSE, which is clear from their stock prices and earnings
    report, we can pay for Medicare for All. Furthermore, the drug
    companies often take research funded by the USA and commercialize it to
    sell drugs at outrageous prices to gullible Americans: if all government
    funding to universities came with strings and those included low prices
    to sell drugs created with US government funding to the Medicare For
    All Plan, those savings would be ASTRONOMICAL.

    The next time that the cronies of the HMOs or insurers or AMA or corrupt, bought
    Republican/Republicrat politicians desperately invent lies to allow US
    healthcare costs to keep increasing each year, tell them where to put
    their baloney and lies! See https://www.pgpf.org/blog/2019/03/why-are-americans-paying-more-for-healthcare. See https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/. See

  9. Wealthcare-versus-Healthcare
    Let us look towards the root and the prevention of !! The number of cancer cases has astronomically increased in the past 25 years. With that being the case what has changed in our environment ? Could the air we breathe laden with chemicals sprayed from planes be a contributing factor?? Most days I watch planes painting our sky sometime the chem trails are so dense the sun can barely be seen.
    Could it be Fluoridation of our Potable Water? Fluorine or the chemical equivalent in most processed foods and drinks could that be harmful??
    Monsanto now trading under a different name altered the genetic makeup of some of our most prominent grains, vegetables and fruits.
    These altered crops can survive being sprayed with herbicide's ((poison)) that in turn feed people, cattle, pigs, chicken and even fish from the runoff . Could this be the Cause??
    Then we have the amount of sugars ingested average of 63pounds every year . This has skyrocketed since 1963!!
    I believe it most important to find Cause and Correct!!!!
    I have little confidence in Big Pharma or the F.D.A. in finding a cure!!

  10. Lobbyist Buy Democrats and Republicans !!! Two Sides of the same old coin!!!¡
    Most of us have Two Hands ! Makes it easier to lift a brother a sister or your mother!! Now with one!! What would you do?? How would U even tie a shoe?? A true leader knows these things! Takes Two Hands (Together) to Tie the Strings!! Will take both (all) sides and meet in the middle!! Now to learn to play the fiddle le do dah day!!
    First how are the elected selected?? It appears the nominee must be very wealthy or a willing  puppet for the corporations!!
    A qualified  candidate  selected for and by the people? Please teach us how anyone could compete without billions or even trillions??  Elections-are-Bought
    Could a candidate campaign on (reining) in these multinational corporations?  Complete restructuring our backwards system? Insuring the people's rights of remedy over Corporations!
    Add a comment../or/ Just don't care?

  11. When I was growing up in Canada, we were taught that Communism was Negative, Socialism was Positive and Liberals are a Political Party……..I Emigrated to The States and quickly learned that AMERICAN CHILDREN are taught that Socialism and Liberalism are forms of COMMUNISM.

  12. Are all Americans brainwashed and stupid? Socialism is the enemy of the super rich and is a friend of the poor and middle classes.

  13. Modern health care and all people using it is not fundable period. Boomer vampires built an unfundable debthole society in general and their solution is to eat, booze and drug themselves on the whole world's dime. Fuck yourselves you spoiled brats. Everyone I know works themselves to death serving you and their reward is the debt you leave behind.

  14. The Democratic Party doesn’t like true progressives and will cheat to make sure a progressive doesn’t win the nomination. Of all the progressives Bernie has the best chance of winning. Tulsi, Warren and Yang might have good Issue, but they will never win the nomination. Please work and vote for the one candidate with the best chance to win. Bernie needs 51% of the vote to clinch the nomination before the convention. Please vote Bernie in the Primary.

  15. This is why we need Bernie
    No matter what smears the mainsteam blows up you need to keep your friends informed, dont let the mainstream brainwashing fix another election

  16. Generally speaking, the only people opposed to a single payer, are people who have never had to deal with a chronic illness, or have never had a friend/family member fall chronically ill; and shills and idiots. Nobody should go bankrupt simply because they became ill. Nobody should have to choose between eating, paying bills, and getting health care. Nobody.

    Moreover, for profit pharmaceutical companies should not be able to gouge customers, nor should they be able to manipulate the patent system, like AbbVie does with Humira (as one example) in order to reap massive profits at the expense of others' health and well being. We, as Humans deserve better.

  17. thats just not true and the liberals no it .they should have never lied to the people and done deals behind closed doors .and tell that lie if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor one big lie to the people .trump plan is way better for the people than this awfull obama plan was.it was riddle with lies from day one it was dreamed up.

  18. American corporations want to control healthcare access because it guarantees slavery. It is easily worth the cost they are paying to get total control of labor.

  19. It's so pathetic how many Americans defend the private healthcare system. I really hope it changes to a medicare for all system soon.

  20. We have to tell everyone we know to get their info online from non corporate sources like the Real News network and Democracy Now and others instead of corporate tv and radio. We have to get people to stop voting against their own interests.
    Bernie/Tulsi 2020

  21. Healthcare is a basic human right! It has nothing to do with being socialist or any other name tag one wishes to attach to it in order to argue against this fact! I am lucky. I come from a democratic country that has had medicare for many years. It works well and one can voluntarily opt for private cover if they want to. Health insurers are still in business as many do opt for private cover. The good thing is, everyone get treated if in need of healthcare. It's a basic human right. To argue against it is to willingly allow the sufferance of others ….

  22. REALITY check this. The doctors and pharmaceutical companies give you medicine to cause your health to fail. Plus they give YOU meds to keep you in a delusion Money is the CAUSE Money is the ROOT. You have an herb that is a cure for every disease. But they banned it made it ILLEGAL they want you sick .

  23. We are screwed when it comes to healthcare until we get most corporate Dems and most of the GOP out of office and replace them with progressives that aren't captured. It's a Herculean feat but if we all work hard we can do it.

  24. My favorite was one Republican during the Public Option Debate prior to ACA said, "We oppose the Public Option because American's cherish having their choices. If they have a public option, everyone will choose the public option and Americans will loose their cherished choices. More is none , when it comes to the choice of HC.

  25. Canada's health care : doctor's drop out …long waiting lines… doctor's take money under the table or if people have money Canadian's come to Florida to see a doctor

  26. I am sorry to have to inform every one, but even with Medicare for all, the entire health care (and I shudder to call it "care") industry will still fail. The corruption is breath taking at all levels.

    Initiating a single payer system will help a little. But it won't change big pharma. It won't change the behavior of the physicians. It won't change the practices of hospitals who care only about profits and not care or outcomes. It will not change the corrupt outlook of the FDA. It won't change the nature of agriculture and the system that promotes incredibly unhealthy life styles. It won't change the nature of medical school education that promotes maintenance of the present corrupt system. It won't help with getting control of the system of medical informatics which is a total mess but extremely profitable for Information Technology.

    The entire system needs a complete overhaul. Including the physicians themselves.

    There will be far too much opposition to ever see it happen. There's too much money involved and Congress will never go against their corporate masters.

    It makes little difference. Ebola is on its way. The disease will completely change the nature of healthcare when it finally shows up.

    Corporate executives will succumb to the virus and wonder why the system that they set up failed they themselves.

    There are only a limited supply of vaccines and even that will be impacted by the disease itself.

    All it would take is a little compassion and resources for the affected people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Too much to ask of the corporate world whose focus is entirely on profits. But where are the physicians who should be calling for meaningful action. Who should be taking action themselves out of humanitarian needs. The physicians don't care anymore than the corporations do. And when people who should care, who don't care but only try to deceive and give an illusion that do, well, the system is in dire shape.

    Providing Medicare for all won't change the nature of the providers. It won't change the nature of the care being delivered. And it's the real reason the system will fail.

    Physicians simply don't care.

  27. You just answered your own question Wall Street loves Trump anyway. So it won't make any difference whether the insurance industry doesn't like Medicare for all and Bernie Sanders is the nominee.. the interviewers attitude is laced with cynicism and he doesn't seem to have a clue about what's actually happening on the ground.. #BernieTulsi2020

  28. Obama care is a big joke! The only one's to who made out was the insurance companies and big pharmaceutical. Taking advantage of sick people is immoral!

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