Racial Inequality Is Rooted in Denial of Home and Land Ownership

Racial Inequality Is Rooted in Denial of Home and Land Ownership

The racial wealth gap in the US is directly linked to the ways in which Blacks were prevented from home and property ownership, while the government gave whites many opportunities for such ownership. We discuss the issue with Mehrsa Baradaran, author of “The Color of Money”

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Author: phillynews215


21 thoughts on “Racial Inequality Is Rooted in Denial of Home and Land Ownership

  1. The issue is typically the area you're trying to buy property in. One thing I found out. If you have a big salary…90k+ banks will finance you with a 520 credit score in a heartbeat 😅. But the banks know which areas are appreciating in value ect so they go base on that just like when you finance a car they wont finance one older than like 10 years or something.

  2. The people that have wanted and carried out these shenanigans are licensed professionals that regulate themselves and set policy within each State government. We didn't have real estate appraisers until 1932. There purpose has been to keep real estate property values rising in some areas and suppress others that banks want suppressed. Who is ensuring that bankers loan equally? Nobody. We have to change our fake regulatory system in order to have racial equity.

  3. It won't happen.. the central problem is blacks have never shared the ideology of whites…Our ancestors like the Indians never conceived the idea of (owning land).. we merely lived where we lived and that was that… That's why so many emancipated slaves made zero effort to aquire land… They simply never thought too… On top of already being barred on several levels from aquiring it… The Fundemental question we should all ask our selves is… (Is it a right or morally correct to treat land like personal property?) Maybe the answer is to release land from slavery and give it the respect it's been long due… Global warming is only the first major consequence on this dangerous mindset… The Indians and other ancient civilizations had it right the whole time… Man's relationship as well as our responsibility in this earth is to live in harmony with nature… And seek to respect it as we would each other

  4. This is why communism is not a solution. Ownership as a right in the most basic form is the solution.

    You can always build up from a base, but with nothing, not even magic powers can make it.

  5. 2:49 You can say it. TARGETED black people. Mine is the student loan taken out 20 years ago. What's my remaining balance again? More than the original value? So-called housing program isn't helpful unless you have children…….without a father figure in the household…..for how long? Reparations is not about money, it's about doing for ALL. Shut the system down and restart. :/

  6. Didnt the federal government recently say they were going to push the RACE war narrative harder?

    EVERYTHING that makes you angry about our nation, is the government's fault for allowing it. Not the RED hats or the BLUE hats of "voters", jus government.

  7. Well it should cut a check for black people #ADOS because all of the people that were harm through slavery in America, Jim Crow etc are black people in AMERICA. How come Jacquelyn won't get that? If black immigrants have a problem with that, they should talk to the countries like the Jamaicans with the British, the Haitians and the French etc.
    And stop using the phrase people of color. All of these policies only affected black people in America. Not Hispanics not Asians not Palestinians not Arabs.

  8. I don't know why we're shocked when denied recompense from the antecedents of criminal enslavers. The only way to get what we are owed is to TAKE IT.

  9. It's not a racial wealth gap. It's a LINEAGE wealth gap based on a caste system that places USA slavery descendants at the bottom. The left are cowards. #ADOS

  10. Duality practices at it's finest, which preys on people heart strings of Goodwill towards man when a sinister plot of greed or degradation is championed and cloaked in the background. Just endless profiteering of terminology and word magic since the inception of Maritime Law and before, that the people fall prey to under evolution in the journey of being a better version of ourselves. This has been a jobs program for brokers in all fields and professions for maximum profits, that distracts and lead us astray from wisdom, which is "Keep the Commandments and live, for this is the whole duty of man". No matter how much we change words and wait for society to catch up, we can't deny that technicological advancement should have never been the measuring stick for man's moral compass or evolution for those that suscribe to that. So we can conclude that technology has evolved beyond measure, while humanity has had the opposite reaction which is devolution for those on the physics side of the game.

  11. Where is the black politician that black folks elect to represent then in the legislator at the state leve and in DC.y are they not fightin against this racial Injustice

  12. Blacks would be pushed out of your proposed program unless it is specifically for blacks and not so blacks that moved to America after a designated period in the 60:s.

  13. "We have a race based class system in the US". Correct. However what she fails to mention is that the African American class is the proletariat. Read: Settlers, Mythology of the white proletariat by AJ Sakai

  14. Yes I agree "The Color of Money" book is absolutely what is the missing piece we are NOT talking about discussing Reparations and 21 century Homestead Act would definitely help and assist. Thank you Mehrsa Baradaran.

  15. Oh! And this is barely getting any type of notice to all the racial differences that has been happening throughout all the last two centuries here in America…as if it never has happened in the first place!
    Truth is there are those that don't ever want this stuff, to come out in the first place, much less even talked about it.
    Then that would mean that we would have to take a good look into the mirror; And the truth is, many don't want to have to do that, either or even admit they are wrong!
    They don't want to seem wrong.

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