Orwellian Surveillance of Tohono O’odham Nation – A Test Case for Entire US Border?

Orwellian Surveillance of Tohono O’odham Nation – A Test Case for Entire US Border?

Will Parrish tells the story of how Israeli surveillance techniques originally developed to control Palestinians are now being used on Indigenous land near the border to control migrants, and could be expanded to the entire nation.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


45 thoughts on “Orwellian Surveillance of Tohono O’odham Nation – A Test Case for Entire US Border?

  1. Will Parrish was a regular here in northern California for a number of years. He was snagged by some bigger outfit. He is a superior journalist.

  2. Sadly, every country around the world faces this same challenge, but obviously no where is border patrol effective otherwise illegal immigration would not be an issue. However, in a few short years when all the social programs collapse globally from supporting those who never paid in but benefit as the majority, there will be no need for borders as there will be no social programs in countries which once had them. That seems to be the only solution to the problem. So, not to worry as the problem will solve itself sooner rather than later as almost all developed nations are now bankrupt except Israel which all countries pay aide to.

  3. Have you forgotten the main use for this technology is to stop people from invading America! We have and are being surveilled everywhere so what's NEW?

  4. In your face Zionism with surveillance for the world. They don't even keep it a secret anymore. Outright control of everyone. Maybe all tax dollars need to be sent to Israel and they can throw back the small change to the USA? Damn Zionist-Communism!

  5. The only people that should be under surveillance are politicians! I say put cameras in every government office so we can ensure there is no corruption!

  6. The US Constitution is null & void for 100 miles on the borders. Wrap your head about that one–it is most of the population of the US.

  7. This whole concept with indigenous has been continuous, to one degree or another since the 18th Century, and didn't happen overnight. British been doing it even longer, and since we're still part of their empire (technically) ithis is part of the overall hegemonical behavior.

  8. Easy problem to solve. End the reservation at the border. Build the wall.. No mre problem. Or melt into the country like everyone else. Again. Problem solved

  9. Facial recognition , pretty soon they'll have asshole recognition with the cameras pointing back at them! Oh, don't forget who was dancing when the twin towers came down!

  10. Welcome to the Fascist state US OF A…
    Americans believe they are “free” and living in a “free country” but it is all an illusion created to keep the citizens in control.
    Real American Patriots, would never allow this to happen. Please remember the President in the past, who warned the American people against the military industrial complex, and what could happen if “they” gained to much power inside the State itself 🤔.

  11. 🤓Noice reporting 👍
    Would you Share w the Peeps what and where Project Sentient is ?
    Prometheus AI?
    This Isreali system will be Used All Across America unless we get a President and Congress that Respects Our USA Constitution again .
    UN agenda 30 Sustainable development Planning Committee's have already been Deemed Unconstitutional by Some Courts .
    Writ of Amparo is for when Denied
    "Life, Liberty & Security
    Esp in cases of Genocidal Acts .

  12. Nothing like homeland terrorism, bringing the war home to America against its inhabitants.
    We live in very questionable times.
    Logans Run and Mad Max have become more than Hollywood movies.

  13. 👎we either have a country or we dont. My finding is that those who oppose the boarder are in the back pocket of cartels, fk this "news" vid for trying to paint Palestinians as saintly. Bullshit on this!

  14. Danger Danger keep away. I don’t trust anyone especially if you want money, power or prestige. Wake up American people and take our country back from the greedy fat crooks

  15. Hey Mark They live on the Border of our nation and yes you will feel watched DA!!! Stop the race baiting fear mongering tactics its so 2016,2017, 2018,2019 and on and on the demonrats go! Can you imagine a world where that murdering witch became president we would all be suicided!

  16. It’s really a perpetuation of the fear culture brought on by certain presidential admins and then enhanced by the media. Give us your freedoms and we will keep you safe. The Bush admin is a prime example with the patriot act and the mass surveillance after 9/11. Mass surveillance is pervasive now as we further slip away from a constitutional republic into central government tyrannies.

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