The Chris Hedges Report: Eurydice Eve on America’s Sexual Crisis

The Chris Hedges Report: Eurydice Eve on America’s Sexual Crisis

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


20 thoughts on “The Chris Hedges Report: Eurydice Eve on America’s Sexual Crisis

  1. it all seems to be just another dimension of our cultural narcissism…a way of investing in and worship of a false/artificial sense of self that is somehow outside of nature. Very interesting conversation!

  2. Why is she posing for a sexualized photo with her shoulders exposed? Cmon Chrissy, you wanna go on this deranged anti-empircal, anti-logical, crusade against human sexuality, like some Christian right wing nut you love to criticize. Sex and sexuality isn't the issue. The issue is our rotting "culture" (consumerism) which destroys everything it touches, turns everything into a commodity including human interaction, affection, all the rest of it.

    I find Chris's sex negative crusade to be tedious and off putting. I really don't understand it. Interview someone like Dr. Martin Klein about the US's war on sex and sexuality.

    On one hand Chris rightfully claims the Christian right are the biggest malevolent force inside the US on the other hand he feeds right into one of their most core narratives, the moral panic and mass hysteria around sex. Which is a known and documented hallmark of ALL fascist movements. It's well documented. It's like fascism calling card. Preoccupation and obsession with the supposedly secret sex lives of others.

  3. TURNS OUT THE ROLE Of Wife, Mother, Homemaker..( So MANY PAID Jobs Actually) Essential for the FUTURE & Fostering of the Young & of the NATION.

  4. EVER Wonder WHY The Pill was CREATED ?
    WHY Feminism Was CREATED resulting IN Women's Loyalty was Transfered from TO the FAMILY TO the Corporation..Resulting in the BREAKDOWN of the INSTITUTION of the FAMILY..& NOW SOCIETY.

  5. What woman wants to date sober broke moral men the police will get right in my way anyway and what love got to do with it everyone forgot what love was and nobody cares about love so why date at all

  6. I'm not good enough to date I don't do drugs and I don't go out or even have money to spend because of the government anyway no money no honey luckily I have a home atleast I don't live on the side walk with the sidewalk victims 😂

  7. Who wants a disrespect disease factory that doesn't help on drugs no cooperation and blaming the other person who works every day and comes home to this shit 12 years celibate now because it is hopeless unless a miracle happens

  8. Not worth the trouble no help no cooperation no loyalty no respect no trust plenty of diseases for anyone stupid enough to go there trick ass chick's 😂666

  9. Good luck finding a real gentleman now that is willing to date I gave up until I find something fit to reside with a unpolluted 20 year old 😂

  10. Ladies don't fail from the sky like raindrops neither do real gentleman good luck finding a get now willing to get sexual I'm not dating anyone now unless a miracle happens after death mabe I will get what I'm looking for its not on the planet earth is it was someone would ruin it like the police 😂😂😂😂

  11. Sexual crisis I think it's a natural disaster area of stds and im discussed with the thought of having Sexual relations with anyone now celibate 12 years now after the murder of my lady

  12. If EE does not understand the spiritual nature of others' practices – and she does not – her pontification is worthless. If Freud's ridiculous theories appeal to you, this charlatan will have you mesmerized. Very disappointing from someone I respect and admire as much as Hedges.

    EE gives us a photo of herself in profile, heavily made up with a low neckline revealing alluring cleavage so she can tell us that beauty is a gift from nature. Well, congratulations, lady. Go procreate.

    Folk wisdom: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    After listening to her critiques and psychobabble, I've found yet more ugliness in the world.

    Maybe I should listen to it again to figure out what I don't understand, but it's likely to just piss me off.

  13. If the Christian Nationalist right were to have their way they would have us all get heterosexually married, the males plant their seed in their wives, and the women pop babies out like Chiclets. Sexual and gender nonconformists would be judicially murdered under a charge of "gender treachery" (Handmaid's Tale).

    Eve Eurydice's hypotheses and manifesto could be used by them to cause a great deal of psychological and emotional harm.

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