How the media misled us about Russiagate w/Jeff Gerth | The Chris Hedges Report

How the media misled us about Russiagate w/Jeff Gerth | The Chris Hedges Report

Veteran New York Times reporter Jeff Gerth dissects the role of the media in concocting a false narrative portraying Trump as a ‘Russian asset’ rather than a homegrown horror.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


20 thoughts on “How the media misled us about Russiagate w/Jeff Gerth | The Chris Hedges Report

  1. Thanks 👍
    If the use of the false information by the Democrats didn't constitute election interference what is the difference between what the Democrats did and election interference?

  2. You don't need media to notice that con Don has been fawning like a little chihuahua before psycho Vlad. Bombastic bafoon puts his tail between his legs when Vlad enters the room.

  3. What a “balanced “ piece by a person who got paid by Russia for years without criticism of Russia for years

  4. How corrupt is a so called "democracy" when it becomes necessary to defend the fate of the likes of Donald Trump? The US is apparently in the advanced stages of democratic disintegration.

  5. It's sad the dems have to lie about Trump. I think if they just let him fail, they would have won honesty. Now they are proven to be so corrupt with the paid off media as Chris states (as they keep calling Trump a liar and corrupt (not that it probably true, but making stuff up just makes the Clinton look more corrupt

  6. yeah i notice for all the people who put down trump and call his voters stupid they sure dont say anything about how bad the country did for those 4 years, because they cant! pretty hard to argue with 2 dollar a gallon gas, no inflation, no wars, vets taken care of much better and everybody rich and poor payed less taxes- then you moron democrats seized power and my lower middle class ass went from having the best 4 years ever to having the worst 4 years ever- democrats SUCK!

  7. of those 46 nations I'd bet at least 45 have media is mostly run by the cia just like in the US too. the cia funds most media in the world thru NED and other such organs. this stuff actually works. like this is what causes changes in governments and large protests in places like Armenia in 2018 for instance. There is a whole industry unto itself of CIA media just to target "tough nut" nations like Iran.

  8. Lets just call it what it. Propaganda. This administration since the clinton era has been using mass media to sway public opinion. The unfortunate fact is that those people who took these packs of lies as truth would rather continue to belive the lies rather than admit they were duped

  9. 😆😅🤣😂 H Clinton mala obrovský záujem o funkciu prezidenta USA
    Prvýkrát po dohode sa vzdala v prospech OBAMU druhýkrát vyhral TRUMP. A tak milá dáma sa spojila s tajnými službami a vytvorili plán ktorý normálny človek nemohol pochopiť najmä nie my.Ale američania sú zvláštna sekta tí uveria hocičomu😂😂😂 bez preverenia😅😅😅

  10. I can't give this discussian an A+ but rather an A because it presents as fact the DNC "hack." whereas It is a mere allegation, challenged by Consortium News, Sy Hersh, VIPS and implicitly by Julain Assange. Hersh, in a surreptitiously recorded phonecall by RWer Ed Butowsky, stated that his highly placed federal source had looked at an FBI report stating that the FBI had looked at Seth Rich's laptop and obtained contacts between Rich and Wikileaks, indicating the theft a leak more likely than a hack. Hersh dismissed the phonecall as "gossip," but to borrow the vernacular of WaterGate, it constituted a "non-deial denial." VIPS, led by the technical expertise of Bill Binney, produced a forensic meta data analysis claiming that ahack by Guccifer 2.0 was physically impossible, but the speed of transmission for a leak (eg a thumb drive) fit the meta data neatly. Julian Assange, while coyly claiming he would never give up a source, heavily implied that the theft was a leak, as opposed to a hack, and that the source was Seth Rich. On the other side, we have an indictment alleging certain GRU cyber personnel were Guccifer 2.0. As far as I know, the indictment is based on American intelligence sources without hard evidence. I claim such sources are incredible without corroborating physical evidence. If such a hack occurred it would be presumably easy for the NSA to provide hard evidence, since they capture and store all global cyber communications involving Americans. Coupled with the fact that the FBI inexplicably did not independently obtain and check the physical evidence "analyzed" by CrowdsStrike and that no American investigator ever, (eg Mueller} go to London to question about Wikileaks' source on the DNC emails leads me to believe it was indeed a leak and not a hack. It's part of the prevailing narrative that it was a hack, but where are supporting facts other than uncorroborated claims by Western intel sources?

  11. holy hell guys. this isn't complicated. The steel dossier was so stupid on its face. You had to be a high school dropout to ever take it seriously. the pro war money laundering uniparty had to get rid of someone they couldn't control. imagine what they'll do to RFK or Cornell West.

  12. Multiple people WENT TO PRISON covering for trumps ties to Russia! No matter how hard trump cult members try to to lie themselves there were 100% connections and collusion with Russians. Trump worshipers can lie to themselves all they want but the rest of the world knows what happened.

  13. It is so surprising that the Democrats haven't conducted a hate campaign against Chris Hedges. I guess they realize that nobody would believe he became a rightwing extremist MAGA loving Trump supporter. It seems they are just silent about him hoping nobody will notice his criticisms.

  14. Convictions of members in trumps inner circle, convictions of russian agents and citizens engaged in criminal activity, Muellers report outlining methods of more crimes that the DOJ did not want to follow up on. Even after all this were still listening to people try and debunk trumps various ties to the Kremiln. Irresponsible, and amateurish.

  15. I was torn as to whether I should continue my monthly donation, but after hearing this Chris Hedges Report on Russiagate, w/Jeff Gerth, I will continue. Good report.

  16. This is really great, especially from a left leaning journalist. I have noticed a lot of guests Chris has on here still have the Trump is a fascist, racist nonsense going on……. Without providing any evidence – people on the left seem to worship everything Chomsky says without question……for the last 25 years I've noticed he subtly takes the side of the establishment – he'll be against certain, approved things. Ive noticed a lot of my liberal friends are like that and they always defer to 'academics' even if it doesn't make logical sense……and say either, 'why do you care ' or that because i haven't done a university degree in said topic my opinion/facts are not valid (even if it is obviously true)

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