Israel’s West Bank checkpoints, from the eyes of Palestinian workers

Israel’s West Bank checkpoints, from the eyes of Palestinian workers

In the West Bank of occupied Palestine, workers queue up at Israeli military checkpoints on their commutes to work. These workers are made to walk in single file through humiliating metal structures that are set up to restrict and monitor their movement. Many Palestinians crossing here are forced to work for their occupiers in territory governed by the state of Israel. The Real News Network was on the ground to speak these workers as they went through two check points in the early hours of the morning.

Israel’s West Bank checkpoints, from the eyes of Palestinian workers

This story, with the support of the Bertha Foundation, is part of The Real News Network’s ‘Workers of the World’ series, telling the stories of workers around the globe building collective power and redefining the future of work on their own terms:

Produced and edited by: Ross Domoney
Videography: Ahmad Al-Bazz
Interviews: Sarah Abu Alrob
Writing and narration: Nadia Péridot

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


50 thoughts on “Israel’s West Bank checkpoints, from the eyes of Palestinian workers

  1. Palestinians have to accept and live in Peace and recognized and accept the adopted Resolution 181 In 1947 by the United Nations. If they will respect the Jewish people and learn to coexist we would not have any conflicts. #STOPJEWISHHATE

  2. This is something one would expect to see in the Hollywood movies from the Nazi OCCUPATION of Europe. I guess the world has not lived up to the "Never Again" promise.

  3. What a shame on us all. We only watch and talk. No action taken by any country. Why ? Cause of greed ,money ,to flex power and evil 1 side politics. Where's the AID like present counties are subject ed to war..Billions up Billions of $ ..O for Palestine

  4. My heart breaks for the people of Palestine. Free Palestine! Also please look up the movie called 5 broken cameras by a Palestinian man and it’s about what his family is going through living in an occupied country. It’s very eye opening. The same people have occupied our government here in the United States and they are destroying our country on purpose and they make war in the American peoples names while our media lies to the people but people are waking up.

  5. Grossly one-sided story. Sentiments,emotions and lies won't give the Palestinians a state. The land bongs to the Jews period. Nothing anyone can do about this fact.

  6. It shows that the corrupt Palestinian Authority despite receiving billions from the Muslim world USA and Europe cannot provide jobs for its people..

  7. This is a one sided report. The pals have not recognized Israel since its inception. Wanting to destroy the only Jewish state in 2,000 years. Terrorist incursions since 1948. Not abiding by the Oslo accords by sending in suicide bombers (which created the security wall). Refusing any deal to create a Palestinian state. The 1991 proposal included East Jerusalem as the capital. Almost destroying Jordan. Destroying Lebanon in the 1970s. And that is only the beginning.

    That is why Israel created stringent security procedures.

  8. why no choice for them ? Certainly not obliged to earn triple the wages at home. The problem is that they are inclined to have too many children. Its difficult now in this economic clilmate to feed them and her in doors. They know too well that there are "waiting in the wings" Chinese & South Asian reliable no troublesome worders most eager to work for the pesky Jews. No sign they zre developing their own parts of WB under OSLO accord. Even after these years it looks like the middle ages

  9. A horribly biased misrepresentation of a nuanced situation. These checkpoints are the same as there would be between any other two countries in the world. You can't simply walk across a border because you feel entitled to, especially when your leaders and countrymen have displayed a historical tendency to try and murder the citizens of the country to which you want access.

    Israelis travel freely within Israel, because we are citizens here. The arabs could have been citizens here, but they've refused every proposed deal that would suggest sharing the land with Jews, who, it's worth mentioning, are also historical residents of this land.

    The palestinians present themselves as these eternally victimized people, but one of the gentlemen in this very video shows exactly why they have to navigate the blockades. "In my opinion, the whole land is Palestine" – the problem with that is that it never was. It was Israel thousands of years before the word Palestine ever left someone's lips. And people wonder why we don't just roll over and give them full run of the country? They outspokenly seek our eradication, and still we're here offering them work permits, because their own hack leaders can't for the life of them learn how to focus on bettering the lives of their own citizens. Most likely because their higher priority is lining their own pockets, casting blame on Israel, and using their own citizens as political pawns to appeal to the well intentioned, but sadly ignorant bleeding hearts of the world.

    If the narrative espoused in this video wasn't so tired and predictable, it would be a shocking piece of baseless propaganda. Instead, it's same as it ever was.

    If you don't know the history of this land, don't have a horse in the race, and are ignorant of virtually all the facts that have precipitated the current situation, kindly mind your own fucking business and deal with matters where you live, rather than judging and trying to influence where I live.

  10. Who force them to go and work in Israel, dummies? What a BS. Sodastream had its factory in Maale Adumim and had lots of Palestinians employees with good salary. Sodastream even offered them food every evening during Ramadan. No discrimination as Jews and Arabs worked together and Palestinians could be managers. But BDS did an "amazing" job so the Company left and relocated in the Negev. Why thousands of Palestinians go to Israel each day to work? They have a government, companies. Oh, their president Abbas has been in place for almost 20 years with zero election. I see. Checkpoints is to prevent killings as it happens still today. Most checkpoints are automated with electronic cards and much faster than what they show here. These people speaking here keep saying, they stole our land. Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem were not Palestinian territories. As long as they whine and moan, instead of complaining on the corruption in the West Bank, it won't change a thing.

  11. Thanks to media and the internet for showing these atrocities. If we had this internet and media 1500 years ago, we can see how the Jews experienced the same thing in Medina during prophet Muhammad .

  12. If only the Palestinian people recognized that its the leaders and elites of "Arab and Western countries" that "know and are complicit." It's not the people.

  13. This checkpoint is between the West Bank and Israel. As for the Wall, there was none until they started planting bombs in Israel. None of this is presented here. There are also checkpoints between the US and Mexico and Canada

  14. What more can you expect from a country founded by terrorists, that steals & occupies land without any consequences?

  15. Sad you're not showing the whole picture:

    1. These checkpoints are between the West Bank and Israel similar to those between Mexico and the US.

    2. Until the Second Intifada (2003) it wasn't existed. There were no boundaries between two countries but the Islamic Palestinian militants murdered thousands of Israelis in Israel so the Israelis had to build wall and checkpoints…

  16. The US should end aid to Israel.

    1, Military Aid to Israel is unnecessary. Israel is a very prosperous country and more than capable of paying for its own military.

    2.Military aid to Israel is a security risk to the United States. Israel has been selling American developed military technology to China for more than two decades. These sales have been instrumental in the modernization of China's military.

    3.Military aid to Izrael is a diplomatic liability,

    4, Military aid to Israel is illegal under American law. Israel's human rights violations disqualifies Israel from receiving military aid under the Leahy law and Israel's refusal to allow inspections of its nuclear sites or sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty make any aid to Israel illegal under the Symington Amendment.

  17. I just see too many echos of 1930's Germany in this film. It is depressing and infuriating. The world is watching Israel. We see your crimes since the late 1940's. The images are burned in our memories. We too, shall never forget.

  18. Never again is a slogan that no Jew should ever spout, viz. A viz. Of what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

  19. I'm not free, till we're all free! Free Palenstine! Down with Imperialism! Down with Neo Colonialism! ALL OF THE POWER TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE!

  20. The reason for checkpoints is tied to Gaza is because of Hamas terrorist group .. without Hamas Gaza would be free as it was before

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