Entitled Police Chief Loses it with Cops at Traffic Stop

Entitled Police Chief Loses it with Cops at Traffic Stop
Entitled Police Chief Loses it with Cops at Traffic Stop

@CopsConsTV obtained body worn camera footage of an incident with Zebulon Police Chief Jonathan Hemphill being pulled over at a traffic stop by officers in the neighboring City of Molena, Georgia, on Aug. 25. 

Officers explain they pulled him over for dark window tint and having a “ghost tag,” which means it’s not registered. Hemphill was not having it and tried to use his position to get out of the citation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vgAOzWafMU ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


43 thoughts on “Entitled Police Chief Loses it with Cops at Traffic Stop

  1. I wonder why he didn't get 9 minutes, and 29 seconds worth of knee in his neck???🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

  2. His name is Jonathan Hemphill…still the police chief of Zebulon, Georgia. There supposedly was an 'independent' investigation that found his behavior was fine,I imagine…lol

  3. According to Molena police chief Matt Polk, Hemphill was not issued a citation during the stop and the city of Molena’s police department was removed from the city of Zebulon’s emergency radio repeater five days after the Sept. 25 incident. 

    “The Molena Police Department swapped from the Zebulon repeater to Pike County after I was advised on September 30, 2022 that I needed to find another radio channel by chief Hemphill after he was told no disciplinary action would be taken against my officers regarding the traffic stop because after reviewing the video, it was determined they did nothing wrong,” said Polk. 

    A digital radio agreement between chiefs Hemphill and Polk was created on May 8, 2022 to allow the city of Molena to share Zebulon’s digital radio band. The agreement said that Hemphill agreed to share the Zebulon police band as long as Polk remained chief in Molena.

  4. What a shit bag! If he is a Chief!.WOW He need to go to take some NEW classes hon how to behave. Chief like HIM make people hate the police!

  5. Dude’s just pissed that two rookies had the audacity to pull over the Chief of Police.
    They’re supposed to know who he is damn it!! 😂😂😂😂

  6. …not even sure why this video is here since they did nothing about it. We already know that there are entitled "public servants" like this a-hole, and don't need, yet, another reminder of how they get away with s**t.

  7. So after being pulled over for an “unofficial tag,” the driver (that the cop said he’d never met ‘a day in his life’) gets out of his car and comes back to the cop car while reaching around his waistband.
    Thank goodness this “Police Chief” was a white man.

  8. Look how fucking triggered this guy is. Can't control his emotions and he's shaking just like a little baby. How embarrassing.

  9. Just being honest, I totally understand why this police chief is pissed off….I mean 9/10 cops would’ve let them go without a second thought. It’s just their bad luck they got stopped by a cop who is (ostensibly) dignified. Of course, it might just be retaliatory, and for all we know this cop usually lets other cops go when he stops them drunk.

  10. Why wasn't he treated like any other citizens. He needs to keep his hands out of his pocket, and remain back in his car until you are done with your traffic stop. I arrested and almost tased an entitled police chief from another county back in 2014. I don't give a damn who you are. You aren't above the law.

  11. Sheesh. What the hell is up with this guy?? They are doing their job and he's too set on himself to understand and appreciate that. Like they said, too many people out there try to impersonate law enforcement and good for these guys that they pulled him over and checked him out. How many women have been abducted/raped/killed by an impersonator they trusted to be an official law enforcement officer? So sad that he acts like such a clown. Thanks guys for your service and for trying to keep your community safe!

  12. shoes on the other foot…haha…you cops are so high and mighty…that female cop had an attitude from the beginning so she did nothing to descalate the tense situation.

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