25 thoughts on “Another politician vs bodycam

  1. I mean…it’s 2022 and these Bodycam aren’t hidden 😂😂 how are they still gonna pretend that a cop had done something they didn’t!?

  2. They were both actually kind of irritating. I was voting for the alderman until he started lying. Then the constant, ‘you never get out of your car’ was kind of tempered in the balance.

  3. Sooooo instead of a speeding ticket he gave him a no insurance ticket which would be thrown out of court?
    Sounds like he was doin him a favor…

  4. So you get killed if you exit a vehicle on a traffic stop without a cop's permission? Interesting. I always thought that you had to be an immediate threat to the officer. Then the officer could only meet that individual with a level of force above what the individual is giving.

    Guess times have changed.

  5. A freakin Alderman trying to claim rank. A minor functionary of a likely small municipality. He wasn't dressed like he was going to a meeting. If it was an important meeting then be punctual. Speed get a ticket, don't make stuff up. Hopefully the officer will make the City Council aware of the situation so they can flush this turd.

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