50 thoughts on “Firearms instructors in 2022

  1. Not to nitpick or anything, but you forgot to mention the fact that guns kill 93 million people every day, soooooo………..just some helpful criticism. I’ll see you in the afterlife when we’re all dead by next week.

  2. Fair fight, never heard of it. can someone tell me. if that exist in any army regulation or instruction? If it is I must have missed that one. // former PFC

  3. Thanks Mike, literal lol. On the other hand it's sad that I wouldn't be surprised at all to see some politician say this seriously.

  4. Dear Mike,

    Somewhere, someone in the government is watching this video, stroking themselves and saying “one of these days.”

  5. As a Canadian registered legal gun owner I sleep much better at night knowing I have firearms. People are sick creatures out there.

  6. Nahh, not convinced. This instructor forgot to explain the heat seaking child killing bullets while having the finger in the trigger

  7. Whatever you do, don't use hollowpoint shells. Those are proven to explode when they hit the target, causing much more damage and flying right through the person your gun assaulted.

  8. "Fully-automatic racist semi ghost gun" made me burst out laughing! Great content as always Mike, wishing you and Tranzi best of luck in 2022!

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