39 thoughts on “Volusia county school board is popping right now

  1. BYOR people 👍😁 people can't get it though their thick 💀 they lost their country a long time ago with the end of the Clinton administration , your almost worth a million dollars a piece in debt , you know what corporations do with their debt , get pokemon or not a someone that just came here that don't have to get pokemon is getting your job and everything else anyway . 🇺🇲👈🤤


  3. For a long as I can remember, public schools have made a consistent effort to undermine the authority of parents. It's no surprise that they would institute another power grab with a mask mandate. The various lockdown methods and mandates are nothing more than a way to exercise control over the public.

  4. …you're going to have to get a lot worse than this.
    They've scared you away from doing anything violent with Antifa and the Jan6 scam.
    You'll never lift a finger now…
    They don't care if you "peacefully protest" because it accomplishes nothing.

  5. To bad the people won't come together like this in Gainesville with the city manager mandating shots for employment or be fired. Last year they were front line, essential, first responders, heros, this year zero's

  6. The 'Don't tread on me signs' are so dumb. These people have no clue what freedom actually is, half the world's population dare not even speak out like that against 'a school'. What's next a protest on wearing socks. 'Don't tread on me if you are wearing socks, we're non-socks people'.

  7. 25% of COVID hospitalizations are now children, and people are still this stupid. I love the idiots who think that pumping out a kid makes them know more about what's best for their child than all the worlds scientists. Abject failure as parents. They should all have their kids taken away form them for child abuse.

  8. If you are affraid, wear the mask and take the jab/poke/needle.
    IT will protect you, right?
    I'm not affraid.

  9. The state should remove the kids of any parents who put politics over the health and safety of their children. Obviously they're not fit to be parents, and I would prosecute for child abuse any parent who didn't get their child vaccinated, and that kid ended up sick or dead. Same way someone would be guilty if they didn't put a seatbelt on their child, and got into a wreck.

  10. Time public union employees are classified as, "non-essential citizens", all reduced to part-time, benefits cut. DO MORE WITH LESS….
    Seems reasonable. Have issues with it, find employment elsewhere. Our local public school gym teachers for example with schools closed
    received full pay and benefits while democrat Governor targeted private sector jobs who could or couldn't earn a living.

  11. Apparently the governor, along with his flawed and failed court case, has now forced parents into action. Let's hope more parents get involved, like in this gathering.

  12. Thanks James have not read other comments yet thought would help with unbiased response. My feeling is if masks are required should be n95 minimum otherwise why bother problem is n95 are hard to breathe thru. Is there a better alternative?

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