I scared LA Port Police “WHAT’S THAT IN YOUR HAND?”

I scared LA Port Police “WHAT’S THAT IN YOUR HAND?”
I scared LA Port Police “WHAT’S THAT IN YOUR HAND?”

If you watch to the end- You’ll know what I’m talking about when I say this isn’t the first time something sketchy like that has happened….I’m a strong minded woman, I can be fearless in situations where most are afraid (EXAMPLE: I record the police:) I’m not sure why I showed you all this time and not the countless other times, I’ve had these uncomfortable situations, but there it is. I want to amp up my videos anyway, and I think I want to team up with some new people, maybe people who want to start cop watching and need mentoring?? Please let me know if you’re down to RTP 😉 .Please thumbs up, share and subscribe

Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxwr76XajtWE7WZarFawaUA), the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


28 thoughts on “I scared LA Port Police “WHAT’S THAT IN YOUR HAND?”

  1. I would say to get a ccw but after seeing what Katman went through that's not gonna happen LOL!!! maybe get some mace or a tazer at least! I'm glad your OK, I know that feeling where your stomach sinks and your hearts racing, I do find it very strange how it happened right after that cop told you to be safe out here. If I ever make it out there I'll gladly go RTP with you.

  2. The end of the video, with the whole going out alone ..I know I gave you a little shit ,but might I suggest pepper spray ,knife ..or a firearm ??

  3. LaurasharkCW – Oh I have another idea. Have a T-Shirt printed that says, "Because I Can"

  4. It would be interesting to hear your story why you cop watch ! If you ever do an interview please notify me ! Please be safe ! Thanks for the video !

  5. "Copwatching Solo" only a few can manage this and pull this off. I started out solo because I didn't have a partner to tag along with. After awhile you get use to it and your sense of awareness heightens. Be careful out there, woman copwatchers are rare.

  6. It takes umpteen hundred cops to teach the newbie the correct thug tactics!!! And yeah, you really shouldn't be out there alone. I've never done it before, but If I was anywhere near you I would gladly tag along. You should, at the very least, carry some form of protection; whether it be mace or what ever. Here's a little trick that a lot of people never think of: Mace requires a permit that you have to get after you take a class, but guess what; WASP spray, which works just as good and sprays a good ten feet, doesn't require anything and is cheap and readily available at any Walmart, Walgreens, ect……. I see, from the comments below, that you have pepper spray but trust me; WASP spray is "MUCH" worse than pepper spray. It's a little bulky but a homemade holster would cure that. Stay safe girl!!!

  7. Personally, I'd suggest (besides NOT going out, alone), that you contact some of your "handy" friends. Ask them to develop a hat/headband that incorporates a pepper-spray device. It could be operated by either a hand-carried control, or, some sort of body-worn "emergency" button (Example: On machinery, some have a BIG, RED button, 3-4 inches in diameter, that is used to immediately stop the machine – something that is readily available and hard to miss). Stay safe!

  8. no one said it was going to be a walk in the park? that job comes with a high risk factors. you could of call me I would had protected you 😘

  9. Stay safe Laura. As soon as he crossed the street you should have called 911 Have you ever thought about live streaming? At the very least, your viewers can keep an eye on you. If I was in the area I would be your shadow.

  10. the camera is seen by the "crew" as a weapon that would deter the crew from doing business as usual. to post videos taken by an unseen camera man would help the crew realize that all that they say and do could and would be used to rectify their future behavior.

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